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与 be through 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a partly tiled, tidy bathroom we see a boy injust his underpants, sticking his arm through a hole in the floor into a dark, unsanitary underground cavity with outlet pipes running through it. Here, paradigmatically, Crewdson stages the first contact with the subconscious and repressed as an act that reveals the subject to be fallen and alienated from itself: the part of the arm that reaches down into the dark is deathly pale and unnaturally long.


This paper therefore examines the development of "the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city" through literature review depth-interview oral history and participant observation The concept frame is culture organism as the vertical axle and elements of a folklore activity as the transverse axle There are several significant findings about the general picture of this subject: During the late period of Japanese colonial era Tainan local people who played Peguan music learned Peking opera aria and tried to bring Peking opera aria into the folklore Pai-Chang which was one kind performance and traditional custom of Peguan music Some people who came from other places and played Peking opera aria had also known or learned "Pai-Chang" with touching Tainan local amateurs "Pai-Chang" used to be performed by amateurs for worship of god or goddess or for seasoning and wedding celebration without rewards Amateurs volunteered to perform "Pai-Chang" only for their duty temples and fraternity of Peking opera aria The majority of the audience is people who perform or like "Pai-Chang" or who live nearby There is a fixed pattern of the performance including the repertoire and the arrangement of the band The main meaning of this performace is to pray God's blessings therefore the procedure of "Ban-Hsian" is the most essential and ahead of Peking opera aria singing With time goes by the number of the amateurs has dropped; yet the demand for the worship ceremony remains; hence some of the amateurs have been trained to become professional performers Besides although the idea and the meaning of "Pai-Chang" remains the pattern of the performance has become simplified and rigid which is because of the performers' number decreasing and market adapting Nowadays the whole ecosystem of the folklore Pai-Chang of Peking opera aria in Tainan city keep changing which is mainly influenced by the transition of the society(such as the time and space of the industrial and commercial society being compressed and most people's pursuing of specialization and utilitarianism etc ) According to the findings in this paper the phenomenon can be regarded as the subject matter both of Peking opera and folklore studies For the studies of the Taiwanese culture however the subject not only enriches the subject matters of the Taiwanese culture(signifies the localization of Peking opera and a new pattern of Taiwanese folklore) but also reflects the characters of diversification integration adaptation and compromise of Taiwanese culture which used to be influenced by different regimes and the historical contexts Facing such a multicultural context this paper thus suggests researchers should show an open-minded attitude toward the complex of the Taiwanese culture studies and then important phenomenon would not be ignored or misunderstood


What we called the motif education is that according to the requirement of development of society and modern education,the pedagogue,through enlighening and channeling out the interior requirement for education to the educatee make harmonious ,loose and democratic enviroment of education,purposfuly,planfully organizing and making out various of educating movement ,so that cultivating them to be the main body of society through independently,motilely and creatively realizing and practicing activities.


Besides infection through wounds, many trees (Platanus, mango, eucalyptus, and others) may be infected through the roots.


There is plenty of polyphyly anastomosis of sural nerve's nutrient vessels and there will be better for offering the flood through the sural nerve's nutrient vessels design retrograde skin flap. We can get a better result through the way of repairing the lack of foot soft tissue.


A law of 52 B.C. proposed making a five-year period intervene between magistracy and promagistracy (presumably as a means of curbing electoral fraud through borrowing money to be recouped through provincial extortion).


In an informationized academic environment,through a shift from mere course teaching to innovative teaching integrating information technology and academic learning to put the incubation of information accomplishment dominantly or recessively through the course teaching will be a major approach to cultivate students′ information accomplishment.

在学校教育中,重视和加强信息素养教育,培养学生在多媒体和网络环境中高效学习的方法与能力,既是时代的要求,也是信息化社会教育改革的基本方向之一。1 信息素养的内涵和特征信息素养的概念是从图书检索技能演变发展而来的[1],1989年美国图书馆协会ALA

If possible, also, they should be branched or reticulated with other ways of a similar class, so that no part of the town should finally be many minutes' walk from some one of them; and they should be made interesting by a process of planting and decoration, so that in necessarily passing through them, whether in going to or from the park, or to and from business, some substantial recreative advantage may be incidentally gained.


From radiative protection side, my methods of malignant disease diagnosis and dangerous degree analysis are gave out through standards, regulations and laws which are carried out in the world and successful experiences from radiative material management in foreign countries and current situation of material application and management, which will help us have a scientific radiative material management evaluation system. Through cased study and comparison analysis, in organization reformation, I point out:1. Separate 'supervising right' with 'checking right', it will keep lawexecuting open and fair.2. Main body function reforger after reformation, all levels sanitarian organizations are judges, give judge a new right, all radiative application units are athletes, all activity should be under regulations.


The tutor program is coming from my Uni study, I found I can understand much better if I had discussion with my classmates that time,( as that time, no matter how many times I asked my lecture, I still cannot totally master his points),- This is why I offer previous students to be a tutor as I know there are too many information within the class, this is why I offer my previous students to review the topics with me together in the class - relisten all the topics again through reviewing all the topics with Nicole together in the class and also they can solve the ambiguous through re-listening and also apply what they learn from me to my student's study'.

Firstly, I am here to thank for my tutor's great work,谢谢你们的无私的分享和奉献。我很高兴看到我个人的精神带动了我团队的力量。因为我知道我课的容量大,广度和深度也大,所以我提供给曾花很多功夫的人重新免费来听一次课,这次是带着问题来听课了,把以前听课的疑问通过第二次听课,这时你自然而然就解决了,而且你理解度和你第一听课完全不一样。学生要真正吃透我的讲课精髓,学生不但通过在家一定要反复地咀嚼以求达到消化,同时通过与TUTOR 讨论来巩固,理清思路。

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I Will Never Be Through With You

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
