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与 be through 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through this exhibition, the art in the name of a close dialogue and also through the spirit of the arts from the genitals, because there can be aesthetic distance.


Agricola denied even this function of the law, believing that repentance should be induced only through the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ.


A C++ program is developed for composing the stiffness matrix of the temperature field, saving it in changing bandwidth method and calculating the linear algebraic function group through using the Gauss eliminating method. A module for drawing the color fringe of tire temperature field is created, which makes the result more visual. Taking the 9.00-20 cross-ply tire on CA1092 as an example, the finite element numerical simulation analysis of automobile tire 2-D steady temperature field is completed. Through comparing the result with the analysis data by ANSYS, this software is proved to be capable of the modeling, calculating and post-processing of FEA of automobile tire 2-D steady temperature field.


When the system is at work, IF output power is achieved through adjusting inverter trigger angular frequency, which can always make the power out put be in the biggest state . Through the effect of the voltage and current closed-loop ,IF power achieve constant power output.


He/she must be able to generate grammatically correct academic English naturally and not through the process of manual application of grammatical rules and not through the process of mechanical memorisation.


In addition we order and command, under pain of our displeasure and of other penalties which can be inflicted at our will, each and all of our people who bear arms, both infantry and cavalry, their commanders and captains, the castellans of our fortresses, the legates, governors, rulers, lieutenants, authorities, officials and vassals of the cities and territories that are subject to the said Roman church, and any others of whatever rank, status, condition or distinction they may be, to give permission, and to be responsible for the giving of permission, to those coming to the Lateran council, to pass through in freedom, safety and security, to stay, and to return, so that such a holy, praiseworthy and very necessary council may not be frustrated for any reason or pretext, and that those coming to it may be able to live in peace and calm and without restraint and to say and develop under the same conditions the things which concern the honour of almighty God and the standing of the whole church.

此外,我们为了和指挥下,我们的不满,痛苦的和其他的处罚,可对我们的意志,每一个和我们所有的人谁携带武器,这两个步兵和骑兵,他们的指挥官和队长,我们的castellans堡垒,在legates ,省长,统治者,助手,当局,官员和奴仆的城市和地区,受上述罗马教会,以及任何其他的什麼级别,地位,条件或区别,他们可能会,准许,并负责给予许可,对那些即将拉特兰理事会,通过在自由和安全的,留下来,并返回,所以,这样一个神圣的,值得赞扬的和非常必要的安理会不得为任何沮丧理由或藉口,而这些未来它可以生活在和平与平静和克制,并没有说和发展同样的条件下,关注的事情,有幸全能的上帝和常设的整个教会。

If they have been scattered and can nowhere be found, it is our will, supported by the penalty of excommunication or ecclesiastical interdict to be automatically incurred by the lands and domain of the ruler, that, after a just estimate has been made about them, the said prelates receive satisfaction through those who carried out the said sequestrations, applications or dispersals or who gave orders for them to be carried out; and further, that their goods and the goods of those subject to them, wherever these may be found, may be seized and held if, after being warned, they refuse to obey.

如果它们已经被分散,可没有找到,这是我们的意愿,得到了惩罚绝罚或教会阻截自动招致的土地和域的统治者,在一个公正的估计已取得了他们,上述主教得到满意通过这些谁进行了说sequestrations ,应用程序或分散或谁给了订单,他们将要进行;并进一步,他们的商品和货物的这些问题给他们,这些地方可能会发现,可能被没收并举行后,如果被警告,他们拒绝服从。

A water which the real love is the spouse is thirsty when hands over, the real love is goes out when an urge, the real love is when the spousal sob opens the bosom, the real love is the road which goes home hurriedly goes to the head flashes through ", if I do not go home, he will not be able to sleep" the thought that the real love will be when the spousal indisposition will wish one could to go to the pain for her one mood, the real love will be ", so long as she happy, I am willing to make all" the tenacity, the real love will be regards as her the human who will be in the world is frailest, most needs to protect.


Recently, just be in naughty the set up shop on treasure is not full of a month fill a young lady very be anxious, because before be, she received an inside the station letter that cleans out treasure, content is in the main " through the system the platoon checks the partial goods that in discovering your shop, sells at present, have encroach the suspicion with other patent perhaps copyright, ask you to undertake actively inside 24 hours examining self check oneself, cooperate in time to will be suspected of violating the commodity of compasses to fall to wear or be deleted without fail, if exceed the time limit is not carried out, the net that clean out treasure will pass a system to undertake to the tort commodity that releases in your shop automatic Qing Dynasty is handled for nothing..."


It indicates that the steel enterprise should be reformed and developed through product modification and product structure adjustment in order to upgrade products and increase competitive power in markets and therefore to rise to the challenge from WTO and steel markets globalized;the super large? sized steel trust should be constructed though stock ownership reorganization linked by capital so as to resist incursion of the steel magnate at abroad and rejuvenat.e national steel indutry; the mind should be emancipated, the concept should be changed , the power for the enterprise reforms should be enhanced, especially to reform management and administration systems to create sufficint and essential conditions for the enterprise rejuvenation and development.


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I Will Never Be Through With You

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
