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On the other hand, through the discussion on coronal density of flares, we found that the column mass density at the top of chromospheric flare model can not be represented the total mass above the chromosphere and the coronal density can be estimated from presure balance based on semiempirical model. Through estimations, the results show that the total mass above the chromosphere is about the same as the mass between the top of chromosphere and electron source, which so give an evidence that the source of electrons is situated at the top of flare loop.


Because I just wrap the arteries and veins that hire a person enlightenedly, inside friend of basic that's all right, before having only, add group advocate Laoqiu, I want to be able to seek a person only through him, through Laoqiu I can find one part person, carry person of this one part, I can find another part person again, such, my good friend is met rise quickly more, I can come true to be stolen more.


The case study found: the boy's play therapy went through 3 phrases, including "knowing the therapeutic conditions well","establishing of therapeutic relationship","developing play therapy evolutionally"; the clues from which to judge relationship included "verbal and nonverbal interaction between therapist and the boy","the boy's dealing with his parents ","his 'first' behavior", the aim of establishing was to form "mother-child unity"; the relationship between therapist and the boy's parents passed through "admitting the facts","opening their feelings" and "detailed guidance"; the development of the boy's play consisted in the larger degree of digging and moving sand(showing that the therapy went deep into the boy's mind and his sense of strength was improving), the increasing of imaginative plays(showing that the boy began to pay attention to others and knew how to play), from playing by himself to cooperating with therapist(showing that he felt the happiness in cooperating and interacting with others and was gaining self-confidence which was favorable to be transferred to his lives and be used to communicating with others), sand and water were very important therapeutic factors for the boy(sand could mobilize his sense of feeling and touching , awakening his energy and regulating it. water could provide relaxed feeling, sense of being contained and satisfied and enlighten his imagination).


The case study found: the boy"s play therapy went through 3 phrases, including "knowing the therapeutic conditions well","establishing of therapeutic relationship","developing play therapy evolutionally"; the clues from which to judge relationship included "verbal and nonverbal interaction between therapist and the boy","the boy"s dealing with his parents ","his "first" behavior", the aim of establishing was to form "mother-child unity"; the relationship between therapist and the boy"s parents passed through "admitting the facts","opening their feelings" and "detailed guidance"; the development of the boy"s play consisted in the larger degree of digging and moving sand(showing that the therapy went deep into the boys mind and his sense of strength was improving), the increasing of imaginative plays(showing that the boy began to pay attention to others and knew how to play), from playing by himself to cooperating with therapist(showing that he felt the happiness in cooperating and interacting with others and was gaining self-confidence which was favorable to be transferred to his lives and be used to communicating with others), sand and water were very important therapeutic factors for the boy(sand could mobilize his sense of feeling and touching , awakening his energy and regulating it. water could provide relaxed feeling, sense of being contained and satisfied andenlighten his imagination).


Beijing environmental problems hold severe, and atmospheric and water pollute, soil and water loss, hot island and yawp are leading problems,and take on territorial characteristic. Based on research on relativity between urban forest and these environmental problems, urban forest can effective improve environmental quality in Beijing. And for the aim of improve environmental quality, Beijing forest overlay should attain 35% at least in citywide range, and local-areas being severe environmental problem should be provided with higher forest overlay.5. Through the study on urban forest needed capacity, Beijing's forest coverage is up to par in citywide range, but montanic forest coverage, plain covered with trees and average forest area are lacking, and CO2 and O2 balance is incapable;form the point of heat and balance CO2 and O2 balance,urban forest the city zone and suburb is lack. There is urban forest developmental potential space,but the city zone and suburb area need be compensated form urban forest in circumjacent region.6. On the based of the above results and ecological network system, the author drived whole region into city area, plain and mountain area are needed at the point of planning thoughts of running-through forests and water .


For TRO there are a little surfacatants whose effect are not good.In this paper,content of sulfonates and composition of alkyl are decided through right design ;under control reaction conditions different alkylbenzene sulfonates are synthesized;Polyreaction catalyst is developed .non-straight high carbon olefine are made through C9-C12 Polyreaction technolgy;clear composition alkylkenzene is sulfanated in falling-film reactor by SO,product can be adjusted,recipe of the surfacate can be used for super-low interfacialtension with Daqing oil -10-3-10-4mN/m,and stablity is good too.According to method issued by Daqing Develop and Explore Research institute,EOR is over 20% in natural core .


Physical nature can be assuaged through exercise and care, emotional nature through indulgence of instinct and urges, and mental through human reason and developed potential.


Through the design of a half-through suspender arch bridge overpassing the expressway, the article discusses the structure and the design calculation method of the half-through arch bridge to be .


Like Mormonism and other cults, Catholicism denies to the individual assurance of salvation through a personal relationship with Christ and insists that salvation is not "by grace through faith" but must be earned through Church membership and obedience to her many rules and regulations including alms, good deeds, Rosaries, and suffering here and in purgatory, etc.


The ray from the plasma lamp will go through into the light pipe with little incident angle after reflection by the reflector, and then the total reflection of the ray will occur among the prismatic reflecting films. Some ray may come to the end mirror and will be reflected back, and only a little of rays pass through the prismatic reflecting films, most of the rays will go forward by the action of the bottom light extracting surface and go out to be lighting.


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I Will Never Be Through With You

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
