英语人>网络例句>be sure of 相关的网络例句
be sure of相关的网络例句

查询词典 be sure of

与 be sure of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To be " sure of oneself " just means the same thing as to be confident, to be sure of what you are doing.


Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this: that you is dreadfully like other people.


Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this: that you are dreadfully like other people.


Sometime I contriv'd to dig a Hole under the Place where they made their Fire, and put in five or six Pound of Gun-powder, which when they kindled their Fire, would consequently take Fire, and blow up all that was near it; but as in the first Place I should be very loth to wast so much Powder upon them, my Store being now within the Quantity of one Barrel; so neither could I be sure of its going off' at any certain Time, when it might surprise them, and at best, that it would do little more than just blow the Fire about their Ears and fright them, but not sufficient to make them forsake the Place; so I laid it aside, and then propos'd, that I would place my self in Ambush, in some convenient Place, with my three Guns, all double loaded; and in the middle of their bloody Ceremony, let fly at them, when I should be sure to kill or wound perhaps two or three at every shoot; and then falling in upon them with my three Pistols, and my Sword, I made no doubt, but that if there was twenty I should kill them all: This Fancy pleas'd my Thoughts for some Weeks, and I was so full of it, that I often dream'd of it; and sometimes that I was just going to let fly at them in my Sleep.


This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man's support.


This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man's support.


This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man's support.


This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man's support.


This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that mans support.


This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man's support.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


Only from a superior source of goats can an exceptional chevon product be made.

羊源 有优良的羊源才能生产出好品质的羊肉。

The company has international topping manufacturing technique and equipment, advanced business administration and quality control.
