查询词典 be gratified
- 与 be gratified 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
I felt I lived not for myself but for them, because they would be gratified at my high grades and feel their painstakings did not go to waste.
Please forward this document to the senior management of Travel China Guide who should be gratified at the help and concern their personnel provided to us.
I felt I lived not for myself but forthem, because they would be gratified at my high grades and feeltheir painstakings did not go to waste.
Indonesians who believe that the popular Megawati Sukarnoputri was robbed of the presidency in 1999, after effectively winning national elections, will be gratified that she has at last got the job.
She lost all concern for him in finding herself thus selected as the object of such idle and frivolous gallantry; and while she steadily repressed it, could not but feel the reproof contained in his believing that, however long, and for whatever cause, his attentions had been withdrawn, her vanity would be gratified and her preference secured at any time by their renewal.
She lost all concern for him in finding herself thus selected as the object of such idle frivolous gallantry; while she steadily repressed it, could not 8ttt8.com feel the reproof contained in his believing that, however long, for whatever cause, his attentions had been withdrawn, her vanity would be gratified her preference secured at any time by their renewal.
com 就不免对他心灰意冷;而他居然还自以为只要能够 SSBBww 重温旧好,便终究能够 SSBBww 满足她的虚荣,获得 s sbb ww 她的欢心,不管他已经有多久没有向她献过殷勤,其中又是为了 dd dtt。 com 什么原因,都不会对事情本身发生任何 dd dtt。 com 影响。她看到他那种神气,虽然表面上忍住了气不作声,可是心里却正在对他骂不绝口。
You have to be gratified with the things that you have at present, because as long as it's all the same of value and can suit your motives.
He was grow up among girls, which made him believe that he could noly be gratified with maiden's goodliness and immaculacy.
Life will not be smooth. Regardless of how wonderful your career is, or how tough the setback is, in the way to thank your own, you will find that the sense of self-esteem is greatly increased. You will be gratified with the effort you have made. You will enflower glorious with the expect of struggle and success.
Happiness is your soul to be rely on somewhere, but disconsolateness; Happiness is your heart to be gratified mostly, but restlessness; Happiness is your spirit to be pleased, but blues; Happiness is the true feeling from men's innermost heart but definitions and elements people giving.
- 推荐网络例句
Plunder melds and run with this jewel!
My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.
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