英语人>网络例句>be cynical 相关的网络例句
be cynical相关的网络例句

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与 be cynical 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I hope it is no very cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the public should consider me as owing that to a patron, which providence has enabled me to do for myself.


This is not the cynical dismissal that description might at first appear to be, however: many worthy artists, from Feist to new Israeli chanteuse Yeal Naim, owe their careers to high-profile exposure like that, which is to the modern-day musical marketplace what freeform FM radio was in the late '60s and MTV was in the early '80s.

这不是那种愤世嫉俗者偏激的主观说法,事实上,那些非常了得的艺人,从Feist到来自以色列的新人,女歌手Yeal Naim,在事业方面都保持有很高的曝光率,这就是现今的音乐环境,这种随性与自由造就了60年代末的FM电台和80年代初的MTV频道。

Maybe I'm cynical, but I find most "stars" to be that way.


Will the adjective this time be grudging or admiring, cynical or affirmative, upwardly mythopoeic or downwardly Mammonite?


"I don't want to become cynical, or just go to seed, that would be too stupid; I only want to find a way to soften the ache of this uncertainty."


All of this may be hard to accept by today's sophisticated and increasingly cynical observers of organizations, most of whom are likely to stress the inadequacies of formalization-its rigidity, its ineptness, its tendency to elevate form over substance.

所有这一切都可能是难以接受的,由今天的成熟和越来越玩世不恭观察员的组织,其中大部分是可能应力不足,形式化-其刚性,其 ineptness ,及其发展趋势,以提升形式,超过实质。

These artists are not as obsessed with their own images as the cynical artists, very often they tend to be identified with their raffishness.


The knowledge gained through still photographs will always be some kind of sentimentalism, whether cynical or humanist.


It is true that Gen-Xers are often deemed to be shiftless drop outs who have a cynical attitude towards life.


In contrast, Diogenes, one of Antisthenes most famous followers carried the cynical philosophy to its farthest extreme. Diogenes was not known merely as one of "The Dog Philosophers," his personal nickname was "The Dog" and Plato referred to him as "Socrates gone mad." He denied all physical wealth and pleasure; he lived in a barrel and his only possessions were a robe to cover himself and a walking stick. There is an antecdote of questionable historical accuracy that demonstrates the character of Diogenes: One day Diogenes was sitting on a hill next to his barrel enjoying the warm rays of the sun when he was approached by Alexander the Great. Alexander asked Diogenes if he was the infamous Diogenes of whom the Athenians had spoken. Diogenes replied that he was. Alexander asked Diogenes if it was true that he had no desire for anything. Diogenes looked up at Alexander and said that he only wanted one thing, with that he asked Alexander to move a little to one side because he was blocking the sun. After the encounter, Alexander reportedly stated that if he could be anyone other than Alexander he would want to be Diogenes. Although Diogenes' behavior was sometimes amusing, he was not well liked in Athens primarily because of his writings encouraging incest and cannibalism.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
