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Western blot analysis shows that the protein could be identified only by the antiserum to M. bovis but not the sera against.M, paratuberculosis, brucellosis, babesia and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus.

Western blot分析显示:该融合蛋白能与抗牛分枝杆菌阳性血清发生特异性反应,而与牛副结核病、牛布氏杆菌病、牛巴贝斯病和牛传染性鼻气管炎病阳性血清不反应。

Back sb sth up back sth upIThese political developments should be seen against a background of increasing East-West tension .


Against this backdrop, the objectives of the stock market there will be a natural place to move.


Against this backdrop the modern history of both tort and contract can be divided into three stages.


But the US is pushing for a single resolution that would allow force to be used against Bagdad.


And that his foundations were good one may see: Romagna waited for him for more than a month; in Rome, though he was half-alive, he remained secure; and although the Baglioni, Vitelli, and Orsini came to Rome, none followed them against him; if he could not make pope whomever he wanted, at least it would not be someone he did not want.

公爵狠 劲十足,势大力强;对于怎样做会赢得人心或者怎样做会失去人心,他深谙其理;在很短的时间里,他便奠定了牢固的基业。

With the exception of "catch-and-kill," which is ineffective against the Taiwan bandicoot rat and thus not appropriate for sugar cane farms, all of these baits can be used on all kinds of farms.


But amid the disorderly, disbanded troops of girls to be found on each of the four stories, he was only distinctly aware of a cat, a great tortoise-shell cat, which went gliding upstairs through the ovenlike place where the air was poisoned with musk, rubbing its back against the banisters and keeping its tail exceedingly erect.


And if you know enough about the elegant flnerie of the pre-war French Riviera to lay your story in that locale, you don't know that a couple of capsules of barbital small enough to be swallowed will not only not kill a man—they will not even put him to sleep, if he fights against them.


It was indicated that the strain AAEC05-3 could be used as potential mycoherbicide against barnyard grass.


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So Damn Pretty (Should Be Against The Law)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
