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与 be against 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chief captain commanded him to be brought into the castle, and bade that he should be examined by scourging; that he might know wherefore they cried so against him.


The commander ordered him to be brought into the barracks, saying that he should be examined by scourging in order that he might ascertain for what cause they were shouting against him so.

22:24 千夫长就吩咐人将保罗带进营楼,叫人用鞭子拷问他,要确知他们向他这样喊叫,是为什么缘故。

The chief captain commanded him to be brought into the castle, and bade that he should be examined by scourging; that he might know wherefore they cried so against him.

徒22:24 千夫长就吩咐将保罗带进营楼去、叫人用鞭子拷问他、要知道他们向他这样喧嚷、是为甚麽缘故。

The chief captain commanded him to be brought into the castle, and bade that he should be examined by scourging; that he might know wherefore they cried so against him.

徒22:24 千夫长就吩咐将保罗带进营楼去、叫人用鞭子拷问他、要知道他们向他这样喧嚷、是为甚麼缘故。

The chief captain commanded him to be braught into the castle, and bade that he should be examined by scourging; that he might know wherefore they cried so against him.

恢复本 千夫长就吩咐人将保罗带进营楼,叫人用鞭子拷问他,要确知他们向他这样喊叫,是为甚麼缘故。

According to this, Abgar V, Toparch or King of Edessa, suffering from an incurable disease, and having heard the fame of Christ's miracles sends a courier to Jerusalem, bearing a letter to Jesus, in which he declared Him to be a god, or the son of a god, and invites Him to Edessa, justifying the request partly by his desire to be cured, partly by his wish to offer to Jesus an asylum against the malignant Jews.

根据这一点, Abgar五, Toparch或国王埃德萨,患有不治之症,并听取了名利基督的奇迹发出了一个快递到耶路撒冷,同时信耶稣,他在其中宣布他是一个神,或者神的儿子,并请他在埃德萨,理由要求部分由他渴望治愈,部分由他希望提供耶稣的对恶性庇护犹太人。

Sign-writers and printers will be glad of the new business , politicians will claim a blow against British cultural enslavement and a victory for authenticity though that story about the old woman and the king may be tosh , but many others will give a weary sigh .


Of the century hand in, this kind of trend already was become cosmopolitan cannot go against the tide that turn, any any countries, nations cannot be encircled uglily outside, will be without exceptional brim to change otherwise.


Should the Court hold that the Act unconstitutionally deprives detainees of the right to habeas corpus, one could well imagine the Republican nominee holding the ruling up as an example of why he should be elected--namely, to ensure that a tough-minded President names Justices to the Court who won't stand in the way of the tough measures that need to be taken against suspected terrorists.


You do NOT have permission to use this mod, or any pieces of it, that are of my creation. This means the actual scripting/AI engine. This new AI engine for Valeria and Illi is going to remain unique and not be competing against Revived , Redone, or Re-heated versions of themselves, nor will it be made into some generic partner mod.

你不需要经过我的同意来使用这个MOD或关於这个MOD的任何部分,因为这些都是我个人的原创,关於GGC Valeria和Illi的AI引擎都是独立的,而不是用来和Revived、Redone、或者任何其他自行修改版本相比或竞争,而这套系统也不会被用来制作为一些「普通」的同伴MOD。

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So Damn Pretty (Should Be Against The Law)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
