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与 be against 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in the lavatory.


The typical situation appears one of the paintings: the blood is bleeding between the legs of the man who is moving the stone, against him the molten magmatic fluid flows from inside the piled-up rocks, man and stones seem be over the boiling point, their battle can be described as 'perfervid' .


Political or moral utilitarianism and aesthetic utilitarianism are the two main traditions in modern Chinese aesthetics. The former considers aesthetics and art to be tools for political struggles or moral preachment, and requires them to "serve"directly for political or moral purposes, while the latter, taking aesthetics for the sake of life, or thus a life concept of aesthetics, is against the consideration of aesthetics and art to be tools for politics or morality, and requires them to affect intrinsically the improvement of life state. Liang Qichao is the direct ideological source in the end of the 19〓 century for the former, while Wang Guowei the founder for the latter.


But now, when, as I have said, I began to beweary of the fruitless excursion which I had made so long and sofar every morning in vain, so my opinion of the action itself beganto alter; and I began, with cooler and calmer thoughts, to considerwhat I was going to engage in; what authority or call I had topretend to be judge and executioner upon these men as criminals,whom Heaven had thought fit for so many ages to suffer unpunishedto go on, and to be as it were the executioners of His judgmentsone upon another; how far these people were offenders against me,and what right I had to engage in the quarrel of that blood whichthey shed promiscuously upon one another.


Under Ford's astute direction, The Quiet Man plays off the conventional quaintness of the village against the beautiful natural scenery, resulting in a film that is serious enough to be affecting, but enough of a fantasy to be uproariously funny.


Even if it turns out to be better to be poor south of the 49th parallel, he warns:"the bottom quintile measures their success against other people in their own society, not poor people in other societies."


The way she talks about this is up to her, anyway, I should be lucky enough not to be sued against as a raper.


By the 12321 Am321 that inform against center and ray sky company to offer freeware or public domain software has " mode of short message of green screen rubbish " it is teenage user to measure a body namely custom-built, all short messages will be accepted below green mode more strict filter, make undesirable be far from teenage friend with rubbish information.


At 2 o'clock, compare actually simple, a she is the first measure outspread, I put forward her to tell alone so, because a lot of authors are composed,be when, or holiday big sky, flicker person, flat perhaps photograph of a MM is pasted in forum, next accessary a link, more beauty pursues, enter please, the course of action of this kind of treat sb with the way he has devised against others, not only rebarbative, more let a netizen generate suspicion to your website skill, it is deadly; to the development of the website having a kind of case again is, flexible language is written first-rately, good after be being read to the reader, meet only together of thoughts or recollections flashing across one's mind, to accessary link, to the key word of the article, dull insipidity.


Theequivalence percolation resistance law is accurate enough to be used in productivitycalculation of horizontal well pattern.(3) Productivity of mixed well pattern of horizontalwell or multilateral horizontal well and vertical well is constructed and formulae are simpleenough to be used in the oilfield. The patterns include 5-spot pattern,7-spot pattern and9-spot pattern.(4) Productivity formula of united rectangular well pattern of horizontaland vertical wells is constructed. By this formula, the calculation results show that fora horizontal well length, there is a shape factor at which the productivity of the patternis biggest. So optimum method of the well pattern is proposed.(5) A new concept ofdimensionless length of horizontal well is advanced and the relationship of optimum shapefactor of the rectangular well pattern against dimensionless length of horizontal well ispresented. The influences of length of the horizontal well, area of the well pattern unitand the thickness of reservior are concerned.

利用该公式计算表明:当水平井长度一定时,存在一个最优井网形状,使得水平井的产能最大,在此基础上提出了水平井井网的优化方法;(5)提出了水平井无因次长度的概念,给出了联合井网最优井网形状因子与水平井无因次长度的关系式,并对水平井长度、油层厚度及井网面积对产能的影响进行了分析;(6)推导出了一无限水平井井排在XY 平面内势的解析解,为不同水平井整体开发井网或水平井和直井井网整体开发渗流理论的研究奠定了理论基础;(7)建立了交错式水平井与直井整体开发渗流理论,给出了拟三维条件下井网产能的精确解析解及该井网最优井网形状因子与水平井无因次长度的关系,并对产能的影响因素进行了分析;(8)建立了水平井与水平井正排列井网、交错排列井网条件下渗流理论及井网产能在拟三维条件下的精确解析解,给出了交错井网条件下最优井网形状因子与水平井无因次长度的关系,通过与正方形井网对比,说明优化井网可大幅度提高开采效果;(9)建立了分支水平井和直井面积井网水油两相非活塞驱替条件下渗流问题的解析解,给出了见水前后无因次产量与无因次时间的关系式以及见水时间等。

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So Damn Pretty (Should Be Against The Law)

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
