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与 be against 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Next, that all translations of prelates, and depositions of the same, or of any other beneficed persons, revocations of commendams and gifts, admonitions, ecclesiastical censures, processes, sentences, acts and whatever has been or will be done or accomplished by our aforesaid lord and his officials or commissaries, from the time of his departure, to the injury of the council or its adherents, against the supporters or participants of this sacred council, or to the prejudice of them or any one of them, in whatever way they may have been or shall be made or done, against the will of the persons concerned, are in virtue of the law itself null, quashed, invalid and void, and of no effect or moment, and the council by its authority quashes, invalidates and annuls them.

接下来,所有的翻译主教,并证言的同时,或任何其他beneficed者,撤销的commendams和礼物,训诫,教会责难,流程,句子,行为和一切已经或将会做了或完成了我们的上述勋爵和他的官员或commissaries ,从时间他离境时,向受伤的立法会或其党羽,对支持者或参与者这一神圣的,或者以不妨碍他们或其中一人,不论以何种方式可能已经或应当作出做过的事,对人的意志,是借助法律本身无效,撤销,无效的和无效的,不具法律效力或时刻,而该理事会是由它的权威翻案,无效和annuls他们。

Next, that all translations of prelates, or depositions of the same, or of any other beneficed persons, officials and administrators, revocations of commendams and gifts, admonitions, ecclesiastical censures, processes, sentences and whatever has been or will be done or accomplished by the aforesaid lord pope John or his officials or commissaries, since the beginning of this council, to the injury of the said council or its adherents, against the supporters or participants of this sacred council, or to the prejudice of them or of any one of them, in whatever way they may have been or shall be made or done, against the will of the persons concerned, are by this very fact, on the authority of this sacred council, null, quashed, invalid and void, and of no effect or moment, and the council by its authority quashes, invalidates and annuls them.

接下来,所有的翻译主教,或证言的同时,或任何其他beneficed人士,政府官员和行政管理人员,撤销的commendams和礼物,训诫,教会指责,程序,刑罚,以及不管已经或将要做或完成上述主教宗若望或其官员或commissaries ,年初以来,这个局,向受伤的说,安理会或其拥护者,对支持者或参与者这一神圣的,或者以不妨碍他们,或者任何一个他们,不论什么方式,他们可能已经或应当作出做过的事,对人的意志,是由这个非常事实上,就监督这一神圣的理事会,无效,撤销,无效的和无效的,不具法律效力或时刻,而该理事会是由它的权威翻案,否定和annuls他们。

In the experience since plenary meeting applies Marxism science method to sum up war of resistance against aggression, criticize Wang Ming doctrinairism, establish from set out actually, integration of theory with practice, the plenary meeting of thought course; of be practical and realistic holds to Luochuanhui to view the line of comprehensive war of resistance against aggression that make, insist to fight day people united front to paddle his own canoe mediumly principle, criticized Wang Ming " all course united front " Right opportunism; put forward to must hold to my army on the military affairs " basic it is bushfighting, but the athletic battle that does not abandon advantage falling " the constituent line that strategic principle; made a Marxism in textural, corrected be opposite before the person that hold different opinion undertakes " ruthless struggle, merciless blow " wrong way, wrong to making Right deviation Wang Ming undertook proper criticism, to going by " left " the comrade that fault of bend faction creed approves a fault to rectify gives rehabilitate.


Provider agrees that: it shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify Recipient, its successors and customers against any claims of infringement (including patent, trademark, copyright, industrial design right, or other proprietary right, or misuse or misappropriation of trade secret) and resulting damages and expenses including attorney's and other professional fees arising in any way in relation to Services or Deliverables contracted and expressly waives any claim against Recipient that relates to infringement arising out of compliance with Recipient's specifications;(b Recipient or Recipient's subcontractor has the right to repair, rework, or rebuild the specific Deliverables delivered under this contract without payment of any royalty to Provider; unless otherwise expressly authorized by Recipient in writing, Services and Deliverables based on Recipient's drawings and/or specifications may not be used for any purpose other than for this contract or provided to any third party; and any intellectual property rights arising from this contract, including but not limited to, manuscripts, discoveries, designs, inventions or innovation written, conceived, discovered or made by Provider, its subcontractor, or employees, whether they can be copyrightable or patentable, shall belong to Recipient.

知识产权 Intellectual Property 提供方同意:就任何源于本合同的服务或交付成果而产生的侵权索赔(包括专利、商标、版权、工业设计权或其它所有权,或滥用、盗用商业秘密)和由此产生的损害赔偿和费用(包括律师费和其他专业费用),提供方应为接受方及其继承者和客户辩护,保护其免受损害并进行赔偿;提供方明示放弃任何针对接受方的源于执行接受方规格的侵权索赔;接受方或接受方的分包商有权修补、重组、重造、或使用根据本合同所交付的服务或交付成果,而无须向提供方支付任何特许权使用费;除非得到接受方明确书面许可,根据接受方要求提供的交付成果不可用作非本合同项下的其他用途,或提供给任何第三方;因履行本合同所产生的知识产权,包括但不限于提供方、其分包商,及其雇员所书写、构思、发现或制作的所有文稿、发现成果、设计方案、发明或革新,无论其是否能取得版权或专利权,都应归接受方所有。

The pigment of Berberis heteropoda Schrenk is a type of anchocyanin and it is strong in resistance against light and to some extent, good in enduring heat and low consistence oxide. But it is poor in resistance against reductant and preservative. It can be applied to the condition of PH. It is also found that sucrose and most of metal ions do not exert negative effects on the stability of the pigment, except Fe3+, Fe2+and low consistence Pb2+, which have some extent effects. Adding stability matter can improve its stability. The harm trace elements contains are within requirement of the National Standard on food safety, As the lexicological study indicates that the pigment does not have any toxicity and mutagenesis, it can be used as edible pigment.


They couldn't be detected by the human sera against cysticercosis, and the reaction between GST-B? and the sera from pigs against oncosphere suggests that 62 be of immunogenicity.


Against my love shall be, as I am now, With Time's injurious hand crush'd and o'er-worn; When hours have drain'd his blood and fill'd his brow With lines and wrinkles; when his youthful morn Hath travell'd on to age's steepy night, And all those beauties whereof now he's king Are vanishing or vanish'd out of sight, Stealing away the treasure of his spring; For such a time do I now fortify Against confounding age's cruel knife, That he shall never cut from memory My sweet love's beauty, though my lover's life: His beauty shall in these black lines be seen, And they shall live, and he in them still green.

六三 像我现在一样,我爱人将不免被时光的毒手所粉碎和消耗,当时辰吮干他的血,使他的脸布满了皱纹;当他韶年的清朝已经爬到暮年的巉岩的黑夜,使他所占领的一切风流逸韵都渐渐消灭或已经全部消灭,偷走了他的春天所有的至珍;为那时候我现在就厉兵秣马去抵抗凶暴时光的残酷利刃,使他无法把我爱的芳菲抹煞,虽则他能够砍断我爱的生命。他的丰韵将在这些诗里现形,墨迹长在,而他也将万古长青。

The EC_(50) of QKL against the formation of syncytia of MT-2 induced by HIV-1_ was 1/198.02 with a SI of 5.36. By detecting the survival rate of co-culturing H9/HIV-1_ cells and MT-2 cells or MT-2 cell direct infected by HIV-1_ QKL was found to be protective to cells. The EC_(50) was 1/166.67 and 1/144.93 with SI of 4.51 and 3.92 respectively. The EC_(50) of QKL against P24 antigen production was 1/175.44 with SI of 4.75. The drug serum of QKL was also found to be effective to inhibit the cell fusion and protect cells infected by HIV-1_.


And everyone who will say a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

路 12:10 和合本凡说话干犯人子的,还可得赦免;惟独亵渎圣灵的,总不得赦免。

And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.


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So Damn Pretty (Should Be Against The Law)

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
