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be a mass of相关的网络例句

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与 be a mass of 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is beginning to be a critical mass of green roofs around the world, each one an experiment in itself.


However, US strategists are concerned that the Black Sea could be a conduit for weapons of mass destruction, terrorists or drugs.


Sometimes radiation therapy may be used to treat a large mass of leukemia cells in the spine or brain.


In one patient with borderline mass size, a rim of tissue 1-2mm distal to the focal ablation zone could not be ablated.


Throughout the day there were subdued awes and nods of respect from the assembled media and distinguished guests as we witnessed a mass display, which could only be described as awe-inspiring.


The more rigid means of predicting the performance of ED should be building a mass transfer model for treating brines, which is based on the Maxwell-Stefan equations.


"If governments don't have ways of making sure that people in the areas that are fluoridated who are susceptible, like bottled fed babies, are actually stopped from being exposed in that way, then they have no right, really, to be using a mass medication like this," he added.


The molecular mass of NAGS was 40kDa by sds-page,and appeared to be a oligomer.


But,the natural pollen is what the person's stomach can't absorb and the natural nucleic acid also can't be absorbed as apoenzyme constituting the cell nucleus or mass.Therefore swallowing "natural pollen" is a kind of waste.


But things have changed. He has shed some of the muscle mass that had previously added to his menace. And on Tuesday he was happiest when hungriest, ready to be a troublemaker again.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
