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basic education相关的网络例句

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与 basic education 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is basic guidance of legislation and policy of Chinese Infant Education.


Later stage of the huge institutional revolution, I firstly resumed student union in our school and strengthened the education of basic courses and searched after the way of students' independent study.


The present thesis adopts Iseult Honohan's six basic elements of republicanism as a theoretical framework for the study of Jefferson's conception of republicanism, which is the theoretical basis of his conception of the ward system:(1) Jefferson's conception of virtue, characterized by his optimism about the universality of the moral sense and the people's capacity of self-government;(2) Jefferson's conception of freedom, characterized by his synthesis of both negative liberty and positive liberty;(3) Jefferson's criterion of the republican government and the scope of the republic, characterized by his synthesis of both participation and representation;(4) Jefferson's conception of the shaping of republican citizens, characterized by the synthesis of school education and active participation in public affairs;(5) Jefferson's conception of the material preconditions of the republic, characterized by his primary concern for the economic independence and political freedom of both the individual and the nation.

杰斐逊的共和主义思想是他的分区制度构想的理论基础。论文首先采用Iseult Honohan 的"共和主义基本要素"作为理论框架,从以下五个方面对杰斐逊的共和主义思想进行研究:(1)道德观,主要特点体现为对道德意识的普遍性和人民的自治能力持乐观态度;(2)自由观,主要特点体现为消极自由与积极自由相结合;(3)共和政府的标准以及共和国的范围,主要特点体现为人民直接参政与代议制相结合;(4)塑造共和公民,主要特点体现为学校教育与积极参与公共事务相结合;(5)共和国的经济基础,主要特点体现为对个人与国家的经济独立与政治自由的关注。

Each division, group never is the same as industry, different post to single out a certain number of outstanding communists respectively, composition maintains a communist report of advanced sex education is round, make a speech in mechanism and basic unit itinerate.


But subjective desire often is violated with objective and real phase, it is before in practice education link, we are basic it is the kind that continue to use allows a student to walk out of classroom to jackaroo to construction site forefront.


This article aims to study Confucius s educational thoughts of kindheartedness ,the golden mean and the cautions in speech so as to reveal the basic content of his all-round educational viewpoints,for the reference of improving our quality education.


The last part sums up the basic characteristics and the modern values of the aim of ideological and political education, Sageliness Within and Kingliness Without of the book of Rites.


In the process of rationalization and legitimization, constructing the middle-range theory can be the third way of doing researches into the basic theory of education.


There maybe a looming gap in the education you receive in art class and I believe it is about basic business.


The curriculum program of physical education in colleges is the macro guidance document for organizing, designing and implementing professional instruction. It gives a concentrated expression of the basic requirements of professionals trained by the times and society by in the knowledge structure and the adaptability, and plays an important role in training qualified personnel for the sports.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
