英语人>网络例句>base 相关的网络例句
与 base 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The question's semantic comprehension model combines many natural language processing techniques, including Segmentation and Part-Of-Speech Tagging, the confirmation of the question type, the extarction of keywords and extending, the confirmation of the knowledge unit, Through these works, the intention of the user is holded, which greatly helped the last work of this system. The FAQ-based question similarity match model is implemented by sematic sentence similarity computation, which is improved by our system, this model can answer frequently-asked question fastly and concisely.The document warehouse-base automatic answer fetching model fistly deal with the document warehouse beforehand and construct inversed index, then use high efficient information retrieval model to search in the base and return some relevant documents, lastly, we use answer extraction technique to get the answer from these relevant documents and present it to users.

问句理解分析模块采用分词和词性标注、关键词提取及扩展、问句类型类别确定等自然语言理解技术,实现对用户提问意图的准确理解;FAQ 库问句匹配模块主要采用本系统改进的句子相似度计算方法来实现用户问句的解答,该模块主要用于实现用户常问问题的快速、准确解答;学科文档库答案自动获取模块在对学科文档库建立倒排索引的基础上,采用高效的信息检索模型对索引库进行检索,返回与用户查询表达式相似度较高的文档作为候选文档,针对从文档中直接获取答案难度较大这一问题,本系统采用答案抽取技术来实现问题的最终回答。

Leaves needlelike, slender or stout, straight or twisted, triangular, flabellate-triangular, or semiorbicular in cross section, stomatal lines several, on 1, 2, or all surfaces, vascular bundles 1 or 2, resin canals 2-10 or more, marginal or median, rarely internal, base enclosed by persistent or deciduous, membranous sheath. Pollen cones usually borne in spikelike clusters at base of 1st-year branchlets, sessile, cylindric or ovoid; pollen 2-saccate.

叶针状,纤细的或粗壮,直的或扭曲,三角形,扇形三角形,或半圆形在横断面上,气孔线数个,在1,2上,或全部表面,在第1 年的小枝,无梗,圆筒状的或卵球形的穗状的簇生在基部里的雄球花通常着生;花粉2囊。

Jiangxi Shanna Fruit Industry Company Limited is one of the leading enterprises in the Province in agricultural sector, being recognized as producing base of green food manufacture base and elite enterprise.


To reduce the board damaging effects of oxidation of the base from UV radiation/ other influences from the environment why not wax the base for transport and long snowless summers.


It is very conducive to understanding the basic principles of data base data manipulation to fully comprehend the data base sorage method in memory and the access mechanism of the swing of pointer.


Leaves glossy deep green adaxially, narrowly linear-lanceolate, straight or slightly falcate, 0.8-6.5(-7) cm × 1.5-5 mm, midvein green abaxially, 0.3-1.2 mm wide, flat with median longitudinal keel throughout, stomatal bands present on both surfaces, bands on adaxial surface 0.5-1.5 mm wide, of 7-28 rows of stomatal, white powdery or not, bands on abaxial surface 1.2-2.8 mm apart, 0.3-0.8(-1) mm from leaf margin, not or rarely white powdery, base decurrent, margin denticulate, sometimes indistinctly so, especially on old trees, with 18-55(-90) teeth per side, apex usually symmetric and spinescent, spine 0.3-2 mm. Pollen cone fascicles terminal, 1-3(-5) together, broadly obovoid, each of 8-20 cones, occasionally a few also around base of seed cone; peduncle 2-4 mm; cones narrowly oblong-conical.

正面的叶有光泽的深绿色,披针形狭线形,直的或稍镰刀形, 0.8-6.5(-7)厘米×1.5-5毫米,中脉绿色背面,全部的0.3-1.2毫米宽,平的具中间的纵向的脊,气孔带宿存在两面,在正面0.5-1.5毫米宽上条纹状,7-28排stomatal的,与否白色粉状,相隔1.2-2.8毫米的条纹状的在背面,从叶缘的0.3-0.8(-1)毫米,白色敷粉的或很少的不,基部下延,边缘具小齿,有时不清楚如此,特别是在古树上,具18-55(-90)齿每边,先端通常对称和具刺,刺0.3个-2毫米雄球花束簇终端,花序梗2-4毫米;圆锥形孢子叶球狭长圆形。

Trunk inflated; bark white-gray, nearly smooth toward base of trunk; median leaflets often less than 10 mm wide; petiole densely spinose from base upward; seeds 3.5-4.5 cm

树干膨大;树皮白色灰色,对于树干的基部的近平滑;中间的小叶通常不到10毫米宽;向上的浓密的叶柄具刺的自基部;种子3.5-4.5厘米 9 Cycas hainanensis 海南苏铁

Course builds the base that is course construction, professional construction, more sponsorial ability fosters the main base sex of quality and norms to work.


So, if the skin is dry, suit to use base of this kind of pink not quite, can feel the skin is drier otherwise, and if the skin takes off bits, the meeting after using base of this kind of pink shows the skin quickly on the face coarse, squamate.


It makes its own style statement, even though it shares the same 20-inch widescreen display and a similar Intel dual-core processor with the base-model iMac. Where the iMac is squarish and silver, the XPS One is all black and rectangular, with speakers attached to the sides and a wide glass base.

虽然它与iMac的基本机型都有20英寸的宽屏显示器和英特尔双核处理器,但它有自己的独特风格。iMac形状较为方正,颜色为银色,而XPS One则是通体黑色的长方形,两旁是音箱所在,还有个宽宽的玻璃底座。

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Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me (To Base My Life Upon)
Yonkers Freestyle Base
Base For Your Face
À La Base
Fuera De Base

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
