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与 base 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Male flowers: perianth tube basally solid; stamens 20, connectives completely united to form a stalked cup; anthers inserted on outside at base of cup, surrounding column base; gynostemium rudimentary.

雄花: 基部的花被筒实心;雄蕊20,药隔完全形成一个柄杯的;花药着生于在杯状的基部外边的,围绕柱状的基部;合蕊柱不发育。

Radical leaves with sheath broadened at base; petiole 30--90 cm; leaf blade triangular or triangular-ovate, 5--15(--25)× 3--15 cm, base sagittate to hastate, apex acute to acuminate.

胚根叶具鞘扩大在基部;叶柄30-90厘米;叶片三角形的或三角状卵形, 5-15(-25)* 3-15 厘米,基部箭头形到戟形,先端锐尖或渐尖。

Petiole 0.8-1.2 cm, glabrous; leaf blade elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 7-12(-16)× 2.5-4.5(-5.5) cm, leathery, abaxially pale green, brown glandular punctate, hirtellous near base especially along midvein but glabrescent, and becoming yellowish brown when dry, adaxially dark green,± rugulose, and glabrous, midvein, secondary, and reticulate veins abaxially raised and adaxially impressed, secondary veins 8 or 9 on each side of midvein, base broadly cuneate to obtuse, margin bluntly denticulate, apex shortly acuminate to acuminate. Flowers subterminal, solitary, ca.

叶柄0.8-1.2厘米,无毛;叶片椭圆形到长圆形椭圆形, 7-12(-16)* 2.5-4.5(-5.5)厘米,革质,苍绿色,棕色腺体具点,具微糙硬毛的近基部特别是沿中脉但是后脱落,并且干燥时成为黄棕色,正面深绿色,多少微皱,并且无毛,中脉,次脉,和网脉背面突起和正面凹陷,次脉在中脉两边各8或9,花近顶生,单生,直径约4厘米,近无柄。

Culm sheaths orange, ca. 1/2 as long as internodes, leathery, densely dark brown strigose, base yellow-brown pubescent, outer margin dark brown ciliate, inner margin glabrous; auricles reflexed, suborbicular, large; oral setae in 1 row, radiate, to 2 cm; ligule obliquely arcuate or truncate, 2–3 mm, dark brown pubescent, margin lacerate and fimbriate with setae more than 1 cm; blade deciduous, reflexed, lanceolate, abaxially glabrous, adaxially densely yellow hirtellous toward base.

竿箨橙,叶耳反折,近圆形,大;在1 排的口头的刚毛,散发出,对2厘米;叶舌间接弧曲或截形,2-3毫米,深棕色短柔毛,和有刚毛1厘米的超出流苏状的边缘撕裂状;落叶,反折,披针形的叶片,背面无毛,向基部正面浓密黄具微糙硬毛。

Inner filaments with 1 irregularly denticulate tooth on each side at base; ovary with concave nectaries at base covered by hoodlike projections.


Inner filaments entire at base or, if toothed, teeth never denticulate; ovary with concave nectaries at base not covered by hoodlike projections.


These conditions included original material source, reagent ratio, base solutions, power of the microwave, reaction time and so on.2, Chitosan obtained from above was modified by Schiff base type macrocycles, which was prepared by the reaction of the reagents of salicylaldehyde, glacial acetic acid, hydrobromic acid, chloroepoxy propane and the others.

反应的最优化条件为:物料比1:25;反应时间20min;NaOH溶液浓度为50%;微波功率为450w。 2、利用原料水杨醛、氢溴酸、冰醋酸等采用四步法合成了含羟基的Schiff碱型大环化合物,然后以取代方法将此Schiff碱型大环化合物负载到壳聚糖上,得到具有特殊结构与性能的壳聚糖衍生物,并得到各中间产物的红外光谱图。

Species were found in Vegetables Base of Bali Town, belonging to 18 genera of 17 families from 7 orders in 3 classes; Hypotrichida, Colpodida and Prostomatida were dominant groups; Woodruffia rostrota, Euplotes affinis, Strongylidium muscoruns, Uroleptus piscis and Cyclidium simulans were dominant species in Vegetables Base of Bali Town.


For developing students'creative ability of chemical engineering and technology,provided a new practical teaching method that is made in practical teaching,imitational teaching,practice base in school connects with practice base out of schoolI.


In this paper, a three dimensional finite element analysis method is used to analyze the difference of the mechanics response under different vehicles and different loading with different interbedded touch types in asphalt pavement of simi-rigid base layer and flexible base layer.


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Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me (To Base My Life Upon)
Yonkers Freestyle Base
Base For Your Face
À La Base
Fuera De Base

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
