英语人>网络例句>base 相关的网络例句
与 base 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, as fig.1 of red part, the base station common built nearby wire pole of roadside, office block, department store , and house ,etc., the signal cover with small-scale and limited area, through the exquisite phone terminal machine that can communicate any time in the coverage areas of base station.

由於 PHS 最适用於都会区,因此,如图一之红色部分所示,常见其基地台布建於路旁电线杆、办公大楼、及百货公司、住宅等地方,进行小规模、有限区域的讯号覆盖,透过精巧的电话终端机,就可在这些基地台覆盖范围内随时通话。

Leaves 1--3, linear to orbicular-ovate, base usually narrowed into a petiole; ovary base often constricted into a short stipe; ovules 1 per locule.

叶1 --3,卵形线形的到圆形,基部通常缩小成为叶柄;子房基部通常缢缩的成为一短柄;胚珠1每室。

Leaves tufted; stipes 15-30 cm long, densely scaly at base, glabrous above; sterile lamina about 60 cm long and 20 cm wide, simply pinnate; pinnae numerous, alternate or subopposite, linear-lanceolate, the largest about 12 cm long and 1 cm wide, base cordate, apex acuminate, margin finely toothed; veins close, forking once or twice and forming areoles near the midrib; fertile lamina similar to sterile ones, but somewhat reduced, about 8 cm long and 0.4 cm wide, lower surface almost entirely covered with sporangia.


This thesis study from the legislative evolution of our countries" death penalty application and the criminal punishment of bribery and corruption that our country"s Taiwan, think that the application of death penalty of our country"s bribery and corruption crime violate the principle of suiting punishment to crime, principle of equity have a deterrent effect to corruption, it is difficult to achieve the aim of criminal punishment totally not accord with the voice of the people of our country and legislative trend of death penalty development of international community. It is a request based on China"s current death policy to abolish death penalty application, the ear of protecting human rights the base of allow capital punishment "equitably" and on the base of ensuring international criminal judicial cooperation, and put forward the method of abolish the capital punishment suability, which should be break though


The result shows that for full-depth pavement, the interface between base and subbase keeping continuous is more important than between surface and base.


The semi-rigid base course has also been widely used as the pavement base and subbase in the high grade pavement construction because of the more powerful strength ,better stability and high rigity.


Effectively, the most derived object contains a subobject for each of its immediate-base and indirect-base classes.


Treating a derived object as if it were a base is safe, because every derived object has a base subobject.


Under multiple inheritance, objects of a derived class contain a base-class subobject ( Section 15.2.3, p. 565) for each of its base classes.

在多重继承下,派生类的对象包含每个基类的基类子对象(第 15.2.3 节)。

If the specifier is not a reference, then the catch object is a copy of the exception object. If the catch object in an object of the base type and the exception object has derived type, then the exception object is sliced down ( Section 15.3.1, p. 577) to its base-class subobject.

如果异常说明符不是引用,则 catch 对象是异常对象的副本,如果 catch 对象是基类类型对象而异常对象是派生类型的,就将异常对象分割(第 15.3.1 节)为它的基类子对象。

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Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me (To Base My Life Upon)
Yonkers Freestyle Base
Base For Your Face
À La Base
Fuera De Base

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
