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与 base 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Frostbolt mana cost has been reduced from 13% of base mana to 11% of base mana.


But it has a lot of advantage likes better base of management, higher position of society, and it is the base of refinery catalyst of China.


The invention concerns a vibration damping device comprising an element converting mechanical energy into electrical power mounted on a base designed to be fixed on a structure to be damped. Said converting element comprises an electrodynamic motor including a coil (20) mechanically connected to the base (1) and a magnetic circuit suspended by at least a spring (22), and the coil (20) is coupled with an electric charge having a resistive component and it includes a control device for varying the value of said resistive component based on at least two values.


Stamens inserted at base of corolla; filaments free, broad at base; anthers oblong-ovate, pilose on back, long pilose at apex, exserted; pollen carriers spatulate, pollen tetrads in masses, translator oblong, retinaculum ovoid.


Stamens inserted at corolla base; filaments distinct, threadlike, alternate with minute teeth; anthers connivent, adnate to stigma head, appendages membranous; pollen tetrads in solitary masses in each anther cell, pollen carriers erect; retinaculum minute, dilated at base.

在花冠基部着生的雄蕊;离生的花丝,线状,互生的具小牙齿;靠合的花药,贴生于柱头头状花序,附属物膜质;在每间花药小屋,花粉搬运工直立里的在单生群众里的四合花粉; retinaculum小,膨大的在基部。

The retortion influence of base isolating building and base fixed building under horizontal earthquake effect is discussed, and the difference between them under the same condition is compared.


The base of the tongue is too long, first of all, will affect the child's pronunciation, resulting in some confusion between the words made with retroflex; followed, particularly infants, the base of the tongue is too long, the next sticky palate, parents do not know the sound of children gland development, and small children time to practice speaking postponed, is not conducive to child growth and development of political parties.


My professional and technical personnel base camp guard home delivery, road casualties, the loss borne entirely by my base.


Using the properties of base solution vectors of the linear restriction equations, a condition to maintain the same discriminant result between the sampled observations of changed and unchanged was obtained: the disturbed row vector of sampled observations was satisfied all linear equations whose coefficients were the base solution vectors of linear restriction equations.


A prediction model has been proposed to deal with threshold voltage shift as a function of 1MeV neutron flux and gate oxide thickness, and to deal with room-temperature annealing of threshold voltage shift induced-by 〓Coγ as a function of electric field and gate oxide thickness. The commonness and individuality of MOS device degradation between hot-carrier effect and ionizing radiation were investigated. The dependence of substrate current, gate current and threshold voltage shift due to hot-carrier on gate oxide thickness were simulated with MEDICI-2D simulator. The photocurrents of PN junction and bipolar transistor were studied. Their transient responses on varied bias voltages, pulse durations and absorbed doses were simulated. The influences of NPN base width on base and collector photocurrents were investigated. We also studied 1MeV neutron displacement damage in PN junction, and calculated reverse current leakage under the neutron flux of 2. 67×10〓 per square centimeter. 3 The study of nondestructive screening method for MOS radiation tolerance A theoretical and experimental study of nondestructive screening methods for radiation tolerance of nMOS and pMOS were firstly fulfilled. We determined the informative parameters pertinent to the method and proposed how to deal with experimental data and verify obtained results statistically, as well as make the required steps for nondestructive screening. Based on the experimental data of 180 samples of discrete pMOS devices, the relation between sample quantity and correlation coefficient, screening equation, and other significant results were obtained from the threshold voltage shifts of pre-and post-irradiation samples.


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Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me (To Base My Life Upon)
Yonkers Freestyle Base
Base For Your Face
À La Base
Fuera De Base

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
