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与 base 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Divine Hymn mana costs has been increased from 35% of base mana to 63% of base mana.


"After approaching the mountain and acclimatizing with a DAV Summit Club Expedition, on August 2, 2006 we left base camp (5030 m) to climb the heavily crevassed Gasherbrum Glacier and proceeded through the icefall to Advanced Base Camp, 5900 m, at the foot of the Southwest Ridge of the mountain."


According to the changjiang River cotton district orientation 50s~60s yarn manufacture base, the research situation and foregroud of high quality cotton was analyzed in Hunan, Moreover, the suggestion was proposed on base of restrict element, the reconstruct of spinning and weaving technological is most pressing matter of the moment, The creating and introducing new and excellent idioplasm and material, The heredity quality improving project, The outstanding fibre quality gene project are the fundamental me...

根据国家将长江中下游棉区定位为50 ̄60支纱生产基地的区划要求,分析国内外及湖南棉区高品质棉的研究现状及发展前景,并针对限制湖南高品质棉发展的"瓶颈"因素提出了加强纺织技术改造,是当务之急,创造与引进优异新种质新材料、遗传品质改良工程,优异纤维品质的基因工程是根本途径,加速新品种选育是重中之重。

Rely on the strong technology industrial advantages, the Group in 2004 to invest in the construction of ecological production base in Asia - Inge Medical Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., the country identified as Chinese medicine in medical research will study the production base, Chinese herbal medicines as a natural category of health product development has created favorable conditions.


2 The particularity and insurability of agriculture risks are the base of establishing and implementing the agriculture insurance system. Agriculture risk is the base of agriculture insurance, and particularity of agriculture risk causes speciality of agriculture insurance.


The results showed:intercomparison sequence from Exonl to part Intronl fragment amplification by primers 1 of two individual selection from each swinery with pig L-FABP gene sequence published in GenBank,found that base site of 237、258、315 of all individuals were A、T and A respectively,different with DQ182323 base sequence of G、C and C,and existence G403A mutation between individual.


The contribution to the interruptive coordinator is that if the knowledge discovery can not go on solely in the knowledge base, the process is interrupted and turns to the database; and that if the data mining in the database discovers some redundant attributes, the process is interrupted and turns to the knowledge base to delete the redundant attributes.


Leaves opposite; petiole 4-7 mm; leaf blade elliptic to obovate, 3-8 × 1-4 cm, leathery, pubescent when young but glabrescent and shiny with age, abaxially gray tomentose, secondary veins 1 on each side of midvein, originating near leaf blade base, and meeting at apex, tertiary veins 4-6 on each side of midvein and connecting midvein to secondary veins, reticulate veins obvious, intramarginal veins 3-4 mm from margin, base broadly cuneate, apex rounded to obtuse and often slightly emarginate or sometimes slightly apiculate.

叶对生 叶柄4-7毫米;叶片椭圆形到倒卵形, 3-8 * 1-4 厘米,革质,幼时具短柔毛但老时脱落无毛和发亮的,背面灰色被绒毛,次脉在中脉两边各1,近叶片基部发出,在先端会集,第三脉在中脉两边各4-6和连结中脉和次脉,网脉明显,近边缘内脉距边缘3-4毫米,基部宽楔形,先端圆形到钝和通常稍微凹或有时稍具细尖。

The design, the conformation and the construction of a 5-story base-isolated frame structure in Xinyi City are introduced. The mechanical behavior of a base-isolated frame structure using lead rubber bearings and using non-full-lead rubber bearings is compared and analyzed. This isolated building has been set up.


The key technologies used to support self-organizing of IP based base stations involve several aspects, including self-organizing of base stations on demand, joint radio resource scheduling mechanism, routing, security and network management.


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Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me (To Base My Life Upon)
Yonkers Freestyle Base
Base For Your Face
À La Base
Fuera De Base

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
