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与 base 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A computer calculation that takes into consideration the varying location of the decimal point ( if base 10 is being used ) or the binary point ( if base 2 is used ).


Its brand should be set up on perfect ecological economy, scientific -tech renovation, production standard for blackland green-food raw-material base and quality criterion as well as service. It establishes the safe-code product system, the Rule of Cold Zone Black Glebe Trademark Management and the Measure of Cold Zone Black Glebe Trademark Management, etc, editing the Name List of Cold Zone Black Glebe Specialties in brief introduction, nutritious index and edible instruction in Chinese -English version. It controls production in all aspects of base, farmer and enterprise to ensure the quality of named brand products.


Some methods that are usually used now and their characteristics of bore-hole trajectory are introduced; Analysis the main factors which affect bore-hole trajectory; A model of rock-bit interaction is developed by accounting for the anisotropic drilling characteristics of both the formation and the bit; Base on the model of static behavior of a bottomhole assembly design a bore-hole trajectory; produce a demo of bore-hole trajectory base on 3DS Max.

本论文对井眼轨迹反演理论及方法作了简要的分类,介绍了几种目前常用的井眼轨迹反演方法及其特点;分析了影响井眼轨迹的主要因素;综合考虑地层和钻头的各向异性钻井特性,建立钻头与地层相互作用模型,基于钻柱底部组合力学模型设计出一条井眼轨迹;制作了基于3DS Max的井眼轨迹演示动画。

Jacksonville, Florida: The United States's third-largest naval base, including: Jacksonville Naval Air Station and Mei Bote naval base.


Flowers solitary; bract and bracteole borne on or at base of pedicel; perianth lobes connate at base; stamens 6, all fertile.

花单生 苞片和小苞片生于花梗上或在花梗基部;花被裂片在基部合生;雄蕊6,全部能育。

This can even be useful in special circumstances, such as in the debugger, and that's one reason why this loophole is not closed. Buglet: derivation of a class with the same name as the base class makes use of private variables of the base class possible.


Study on the rapid Propagation Technique of Lycoris. Herb and get follow results: In the period found of axenic clone 0.1%HgCl2 is the best disinfector to deal with the Lycoris" bulb ,as to neat part, such as root, leave, and bulbil, is fit to use 0.1%HgCl2 antisepsis 7min. And found the best effect is the bulb scale with base. Root, leaf and bulb scale without base all were not inducement adventitious buds. Different position of bulb had different culture effect. 3-15 of middle part of bulb can be induced most adventitious buds but inner and outer of least it. Incised the bulb with three types (pieces of eight, pieces of six, piece of four), and found the type of pieces of six is best to Lycoris mass production. L.sprengeri is fit MS+BA5mg/l+NAA0.1mg/l and L.squamigera is fit MS+BA5mg/l+NAA0.5mg/l, but the medium fit to culture L.longituba haven"t be found.In the period of Subculture-Found of mass production, the most multiplication of adventitious buds in MS+BA5mg/l+NAA0.5mg/l during subculture of L.sprengeri, L.squamigera.


Leaves scattered; petiole 3–5 mm, densely spreading rust-colored setose; leaf blade elliptic-ovate, ovate, or oblong-lanceolate, 8–16 × 4–9 cm, papery-leathery, abaxially very densely rust-colored setulose, especially on veins, adaxially bullate, densely shortly setulose, immediately glabrescent, secondary veins 2 pairs arising from base, fine veins distinctly raised abaxially, impressed adaxially, base shallowly cordate to rounded, margin slightly revolute, sparsely dentate,± setiform-ciliate, apex acuminate, caudate, or acute. Inflorescences axillary, racemose or corymbose, 1–4 cm, ca. 10-flowered, densely tomentulose; bracts rhombic-triangular, 5–8 × 4–5 mm, leathery, densely tomentulose.

叶星散 叶柄3-5毫米,密被平展锈色具刚毛;叶片椭圆状卵形,卵形,或者长圆状披针形, 8-16 * 4-9 厘米,纸质革质,背面非常浓密锈色具小刚毛,在脉上的特别是,正面具泡状隆起,具小刚毛的密被短的,立即后脱落,次脉2 对生于基部,清楚的细脉背面突起,正面凹陷,基部浅心形到圆形,花序腋生,总状或伞房状,1-4厘米,约10花,密被被微绒毛;苞片菱形三角形, 5-8 * 4-5 毫米,革质,密被被微绒毛。

As the famous production base of fishery, bulrush base and tourist attraction in Jilin province, Chagan Lake was inscribed into provincial nature reserve which is meant to protect the wetland ecosystem around the lake.


In view of existing problem of research on rocker arms, we propose the keytechnique in our research that the techniques of connecting the base stock ofrocker arms with cabochon gluts, the techniques of gluts preparation andmachining and the techniques of machining the aluminum base stock.


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Unsubstantiated Rumors Are Good Enough For Me (To Base My Life Upon)
Yonkers Freestyle Base
Base For Your Face
À La Base
Fuera De Base

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
