英语人>网络例句>bar 相关的网络例句
与 bar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most of them have a public bar, where drinks are slightly cheaper, and a saloon bar, which middle-class people usuallyprefer to go because it is more comfortable and less crowded.


The equipments include the horizontal bar, parallel bar, wall bars, scaling ladder and so on, totally is called the mass fitness route.


LA Waterfront Hotel offers you various restaurants and bars including Sea Flower restaurant, the Pigeon's King Seafood Restaurant, Outdoor Sea View Barbecue Bar and Lobby Bar.


In the first method, you step under the bar and cross your forearms into an "X" position while resting the bar on the dimple that is created by the shoulder muscle near the bone, keeping your elbows up high so that your upper arms are parallel to the ground.


Figure 2 Cranial nerve susceptibility in superficial siderosis of the central nervous system in relation to glial length. Relative length of the glial and peripheral segments of each cranial nerve. Open bar, peripheral nerve; closed bar, glial component. Adapted from Tarlov 1937

图2。 中枢神经系统表面含铁血黄素沉积症中颅神经的易感性与神经胶质长度有关,下图显示了每条颅神经中心部分神经胶质长度与外周组成部分的相对比例。

The product mainly serves the die making…The main product includes: The drift, floats rises the tree top/roof bar, the request needle, the flat thimble, the guide pillar, the guide sleeve, the auxiliary/ball bearing guidance, the independent guide pillar, the pould frame, the ball bearing wrap, the date chapter, the punch press safety/sheet iron separator, the counter, the mold spring, the filter, the contour sleeve, the feather piece, hit the screw, the roof bar, Si Tong, the runner wrap, silver steel, the screw rod, the nut, the engine bed appendix, the anaerobic glue water, the rust-preventing agent/release agent, the side lathe tool, a Yuan lathe tool, the flat lathe tool, the tipped tool, the grinder to approve the gentleman the milling cutter, to drill ju, the screw die, the thread chaser, the spanner, the polishing polish thing, the thread plug gage, the resin shutter, the suspension loop, wash the slate pencil, the cowhide wheelhead, the rubber wheelhead, the steel figure, the wool wheelhead, the sponge the wheelhead, the red lead, the emery paste, the province copper paste, the oilstone, the diamond attrition fat stone, to divide the stick, in six jiao spanners, the measuring instrument, to drill the cartridge, to frustrate the knife, the knife handle, the knife grain, to stop the cock, the molybdenum silk, the dresser, the cutting piece and so on nearly hundred kind of mold hardware fitting.


He may either split or bend his legs while lifting the bar, and the bar may slide along his thighs and lap as he moves it upward.


TIP- Start the first level on casual and turn off auto tequila time. When you are at the top of the stairs with the huge railing make sure you have a full tequila time bar. Slide down the bar and shoot the 2 signs then shoot the next two things. When you are almost at the end of the rail look over at the cart slightly to your left and jump from the rail onto the cart.

作者介绍了一个比较好完成的地点:第一关最后选择简单难度关闭自动tequila time(自由选择开启tequila time可以更好的积攒style combo,因为tequila time时杀敌积攒combo更多)当你在一个有巨长滑竿的楼梯顶保证自己的tequila time满,然后跳上滑竿打掉2个牌子和之后的2个东西

Steadily rising in popularity since that time Baxter soon became a major force in Britain's independent and live music scenes. Born in Suffolk to a pair of well-traveled folk musicians, Baxter was surrounded by songwriting from an early age. Under his parents' apprenticeship and the guidance of their musical friends, Baxter learned the building blocks of songcraft. During his teen years Baxter's parents bought an old hotel and opened up a club on the ground floor called Charlie's Bar. It was in that bar that Baxter and his brother learned the ins and outs of live performance, eventually assembling a house band.

Tom Baxter的双亲是当地知名民谣乐手,他自小便常常与父母四处巡回演出,兄弟俩在耳濡目染之下,也分别学了鼓、吉他等不同乐器,并以玩票心态自行组团练唱。19岁时Tom Baxter前往伦敦,在当地音乐学院求学,毕业后他放弃稳定的工作机会,选择四处驻唱表演,从中磨炼自己的台风与创作,虽然辛苦,他却乐在其中甘之如饴。2004年5月他发表个人首张同名EP,作品赢得一致好评,获得主流唱片公司青睐的他,进而在同年10月发表首张正式专辑《Feather and Stone》。

At first,there are three kinds of satellite recon information flow models are built,they are focus,narrow bar scan and wide bar scan.And the examples of them are given according the parameters of "Starlite" recon satellite constellation of USA.Secondly,the information capacity of the recon-sat storage without satellite transmission network is simulated and computed,which illustrates satellite transmission network is necessary.Lastly,the transmission of satellite recon information through a satellite transmission network is simulated and some primary simulation conclusions are given.


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Raise The Bar
Bar Room Country
I Know This Bar
Cita En El Bar
Bar Food
Raise The Bar
Some Bar By The Harbor
Liars' Bar
Bar For Bar

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
