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back away相关的网络例句

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与 back away 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Still, it's close to the historic center, just above the Vatican and the Trastevere neighborhood — and the panorama from the top takes your breath away. At noon, the quiet is momentarily broken by the single shot of a cannon, to mark the exact time, a tradition that dates back to the 19th century.


Other Tungs begin to lay siege to Mo—Their weapons are mainly staffs, unedged swords and archeries. By Zen's training, they indeed possess good martial art and are familiar with attacking formation. Every time Mo hits back those approaching people, the archery teams beside will timely shoot. After a round of shooting, the staff team will approach again and make attacking chance for the sword team, who is good at striking the weakness—However, the martial art level of Mo is also very high and the magic on the weapons of Tungs is unavailable as well. Thus, even the weapons hit him, they will be bounced away or broken. Besides, Mo is very ruthless so many Tungs are killed in a short time.


The statue was placed as the prince ordered, and promptly forgotten by the world, but every morning, and every noon, and every evening the prince stole quietly away to where it stood and looked long upon it, noting the straight back and the unlifted head, and the noble brow.


Alternatively, you can also set the default address as :blackhole: to throw away all incoming unrouted mail, or :fail: bounce message (replace bounce message with your own text, such as no such user here , or left blank) to bounce the unroutable email back to the sender.

或者,您也可以设置默认地址为:黑洞:扔掉所有传入unrouted ,邮寄或:失败:跳出讯息(取代退回邮件,您自己的文字,如没有这样的用户在这里,或留空)反弹的unroutable电子邮件回给发件人。

I went away to stay in upcountry and just came back to Bangkok for this lakorn.


I went away to stay in upcountry and just came back to Bangkok for this lakorn.


Summer 2008 will be the twentieth anniversary since the release of CARCASS' first studio album. It will be fourteen years since we last played live. We've decided to exhume the old corpse next Summer at Wacken. The timing is purely coincidental - it's been a long journey to get to this point where myself, Bill Steer and Mike Amott have enough common desire again to make it possible. We're finally conceding to the demand that seems to be at an all time high and doesn't appear to be going away any time soon. Any past reasons we may have had for not wanting to do it, or thinking it was impossible, have simply dissipated in the face of overwhelming interest in us performing THOSE riffs for a generation of believers who never had the opportunity back in the day. We could say we're doing it for 'the kids'- but fuck that !

2008年的夏日将会是Carcass发行首张专辑的20周年纪念,距离我们上次的演出大约也有14年的光景了,於是我们决定在下一年的Wacken挖出那具老尸体,选择在这个时间点其实真的是个巧合,我跟Bill Steer以及Mike Amott都花了一段很长的时间来意识到我们都有相同的欲望与想法让这件事情成真,最后不得不承认这是个众人高度期待的需求而且也不会随时就会破局喊停的计画,过去那因为许多因素让我们不想去做,甚至看成是天方夜谭的事,现在单纯的被那些有极度兴趣、过去没有机会看见我们演奏那些乐句的信徒们给感动,我们可以说我们这麼做是为了那些&孩子们&,但管他妈的这麼多!!

Think:"I push the board away from me, and then I pull it back to me".

认为: 我把局离开我,然后我把它给我。

It can pull you back in a second, no matter how far away you are.


They prefer to live in the back of your brain which they will literally eat away.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
