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back away相关的网络例句

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与 back away 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The priest's attention was drawn back to the table; Simon, freed, dropped the ewer and stumbled away, looking for a place to throw up.


And so they were getting a long distance away, I have come back to find grams Páez.


They have thrown away the importance and worth of their fandom and the fans have attacked them back.


CHAPTER XI OFFERS OF SERVICE FROM MISERY TO WRETCHEDNESS Chinese Marius ascended the stairs of the hovel with slow steps; at the moment when he was about to re-enter his cell, he caught sight of the elder Jondrette girl following him through the corridor. The very sight of this girl was odious to him; it was she who had his five francs, it was too late to demand them back, the cab was no longer there,the fiacre was far away.

十一 穷苦请为痛苦效劳英文马吕斯一步一步慢慢地走上了老屋的楼梯,他正要回到他那冷清清的屋子里去时,忽然看见容德雷特大姑娘从过道里跟在他后面走来。

I put the pot on the fire and then i forget it ,when i come back ,the water boiled away and there is a hole under the top .


Well, we advocate that design return back to basic points, so that we can keeps innovating and always stay away from fogyism.


Only a little more, only a few more days sinless, foodless. I will slip back into him again as if I have never been away.


And because I've just tried it—six months of it—and know it's the best, here am I, footsore and hungry, tramping away from it, tramping southward, following the old call, back to the old life, THE life which is mine and which will not let me go.


It is a technique that moves mental activity away from the impulsive mid brain back to the forebrain.


Yet, the physiological restriction of the retina, that visual acuity decreases as the location moves away from the fovea, makes it necessary for the eyes to move back and forth in order to perceive information.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
