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与 axial 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meanwhile through result analysis, the axial symmetry flow hypothesis in some computations and design is denied, the design method of enlarging flow from another angle is also verified.


Put forward using axial symmetry model to calculate zero-sequence impedance of power transformer. The results comparing with the testing value are correct.


We show that the differences between the results of our approach and the previous for the axial vector and vector vacuum susceptibilities are large, while that for the tensor vacuum susceptibility is small.


Angular momentum is an axial vector quantity.


An axial vector may itself enter into a vector product.


Firstly, the effect of axial vector meson 〓(1282) upon the moment of inertia and the masssplittings of solitons are studied in the model, which comes from a U(2)〓×U(2)〓chiral meson theory.

首先,从一个U(2)〓× U(2)〓手征介子理论出发,通过模型,考察轴矢量介子〓(1282)对孤立子转动惯量和重子多重态质量劈裂的影响。

The paper is made up of two parts:Firstly, we studied systematically the radiative decays of light vector mesons:〓in the framework of a U(3)L×U(3)〓chiral theory of mesons. In this theory, low-lying pseudo scalar, vector, axial vectormesons are introduced as the bound states of the quark fields.


In studying the linear response of the dressed quark propagator in the presence of the variable external field, we derive a general expression for the vacuum susceptibility, based on the two-point external field formula in the Quantum Chromodynamical sum rule. The expressions we have derived for the calculation of vacuum susceptibility are model independent. Then we use the expressions to calculate the renormalised axial vector, vector and tensor vacuum susceptibilities.


The quark axial vector current operator includesnot only the Pauli spin operator, but also a relativistic reduction operator and a quark-antiquark pair creationoperator.


Only in this context, in order to use equation (13) of the axial force calculations.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
