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与 avant-guard 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the Weimar Republic the city was a centre of the cultural and scientific avant-garde.


This sculpture by Alison Wilding is an example of a studio artist - Alison exhibits widely in Europe and the United States of America and is regarded as one of the leading contemporary sculptors of the avant-garde.

这件雕塑是Alison Wilding的创作,这是艺术家工作室作品的一个范例_爱莉森在欧洲和美国多次展出她的作品。她被看作是当代最重要的先锋派雕塑家之一。

She has worked with many avant-garde composers, including Iannis Xenakis, Vinko Globokar and John Zorn.


"The Russian avant-garde got attention much before the rest of the market and much of the pre-Soviet era hasn't been fully explored," says Antonina Bouis.


"The Russian avant-garde got attention much before the rest of the market and much of the pre-Soviet era hasn't been fully explored," says Antonina Bouis.


When now, marketplace competition anomaly fierily, unceasingly development high-tech product, enhancement quality of products sorely for important, wherefore, avant-garde will in high-tech precedence, base oneself upon in country, trend world, certainly with quality actor, price cheap e give product dedicate to wide new and old users, have excellent economic effect for Olympic Games appose brick add tile, with Olympic Games psyche caster company brilliancy!


When the avant-guards in the 1980s , with a big belly, are talking bombastically about a comfortable life in the future, when they have long surrendered themselves to the commercial arrangements, when they start to tell younger people, in an educator's tone, that "I used to be a revolt like you now, but after all, a materialist life is the foundation of all ideals", and when their inspiration of art creation is already dead but they still habitually duplicate the industrial products, who will remember those earnest and ambitious young people of the past?


When those days elapsed, adidas classic's theme is based on Playground. Adida Classic is known for its cloth's color and chidren's clothes. Its main color is infused with 1993 Old Millfun. When rotating Trojans, slides and clover ice cream inadvertently arouse childhood memories, playful avant-garde artists such as Delaware, Bob Foundatio, MEWE, Markus Hofko and Gaston Caba also attended the exhibition. Markus Hofko and Gaston Caba are taking photos and clipping video slips for the exhibition while artists expressed their creative ideas through the design of adidas Originals by Diesel. Adidas fully completely neglected the atmosphere of the current mainstream fashion enabling the guests to play to the core.

就在童年的一切在步履匆乱的时代似乎将要被掩埋,adidas三叶草经典系列以『游乐场』为主题,凭借五彩斑斓的色泽及童趣十足的线条为1933 老场坊原本冷色调的空间注入了一派生机盎然而又童趣十足的玩乐意味――当旋转木马、滑梯与三叶草冰淇淋不经意间唤起童年的记忆,更有童心未泯的前卫艺术家Delaware、Bob Foundation、MEWE设计联盟、Markus Hofko和Gaston Caba等为今次派对所特别拍摄的视频短片及摄影作品点缀其间,而艺术家们亦在adidas Originals by Diesel牛仔裤的设计中表现出了个性张扬的创意思考……adidas完全抛却了时下主流时尚派对过于凝重的气氛,令嘉宾们忘情而轻盈地玩耍其间。

Products manufactured by the company brand as "avant-garde Crom QW // KROM".

公司所生产的产品品牌为&前卫克罗姆 QW//KROM&。

Chongqing Qianwei Kromschroder Meters Co., Ltd. Company Profile Chongqing Qianwei Kromschroder Meters limited liability company by the State of large enterprises directly under the China Shipbuilding Heavy Industries Group in Chongqing with the German avant-garde Factory ELSTER-Instromet Holdings Crom German Chancellor company in 2001, a joint venture invested.

重庆前卫克罗姆表业有限责任公司是由国家大型企业中国船舶重工集团直属重庆前卫仪表厂与德国ELSTER-Instromet 控股的德国克罗姆施罗德公司于2001年共同投资组建的合资企业。

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Avant Garden
Stickwitu (Avant Remix)
Avant De Partir
Comme On Disait Avant
Avant Que L'ombre...
Stickwitu (Avant Remix)
Avant Qu'elle Parte
En Avant Ma Musique (Remix)

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
