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与 authorities 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thesis firstly put foreword that the theory of balance should be the basis of the action. Then it analyzes that the actionable benefit is the qualificatory basis of administrative agency in the action. Moreover, it elaborates the value of establishment of action of public authorities in our country.


You will understand what I mean by COMPLEXITYby noting these three aspects. Firstly, it refers tothe complexity in form. When CAD becameinvolved in the design process Architect's wereenabled with a higher level of control over evermore complex geometry. Consequently it canand will generate infinite possibilities in the futurefor form finding, which has shifted in emphasis asa more logical design process based onsystematic theories away from intuitive designtechniques. Secondly, it illustrates our growingsocial complexity. As technologies allow peopleto send and receive more information than before,in ever shorter time frames, the function ofarchitecture and urban space will increasinglybecoming ambiguous. Emergent, adaptive andtransformable spaces are replacing limitedfunction spaces gradually. Even a single spacewould afford more potential functions. Lastly, Iam referring to the complexity of collective design team organizations working on different projects.The fact is that our social work division is moreintricate and variegated today; Architects mustby necessity negotiate with governmentalauthorities, material suppliers, engineeringconsultants, quantity surveyor, contractors,planning authorities, landscape architects, interiordesigners, acoustical engineers, et cetera besidesjust our clients. Meanwhile, projects and designteams tend now to be a globally dispersednetwork. All of these things are challenging theconventional architectural practice, it'sorganization, and administration significantly.

Complex可以从3个层面上理解:首先是指设计形式上的复杂性,即引入计算机数字化技术后,建筑师可以设计和控制更高级、更复杂的几何形体,而不是简单地发挥计算机复制、粘贴的画图优势,让计算机真正参与到设计过程中,带来更多设计形式上的可能性(需要指出的是,这种形式上的演进已经从开始的直觉行为转成由系统理论指导的理性应用);第二,是指与社会学相关的复杂性,科技让人们更多更快地接受和传递信息,建筑和城市空间的功能性变得越来越模糊,无法预知,随时间调整自身、不断变化的空间正在不自觉地逐步取代原有功能确定的传统空间,或者说一个空间要承受比以前晰释复杂性ARTICULATING COMPLEXITY多得多的功能要求;最后,是指在一个建筑方案内团队组织的复杂性,社会分工越来越详尽,建筑师要面对的除了甲方和使用者,还有政府权力部门、材料供应商、工程技术部门、合同签约顾问、城市规划部门、景观设计师、室内设计师、音响设计师等等相关的合作单位,同时,在项目和设计职员的地域分布上更趋向全球化,这些都带给建筑事务所内部管理和组织上前所未有的复杂性。

"The conduct of the authorities in relation to Peru's Quechua mountain communities is similar to the one they take to indigenous communities throughout the country, which is to ignore their problems because they don't believe that they are a priority," says Dr Enrique Moya, the former dean of Huamanga's university , who now works with local NGOs that are running support programmes in the region.


The Book of Acts describes the typical pattern of Paul's ministry: he began by preaching in a synagogue but was soon expelled as a rabble-rouser; then, with a small number of Jewish adherents, Paul turned to the Gentiles, converting large numbers and occasionally encountering trouble with civil authorities.

这本书的行为,描述了典型模式,保罗的部委:他一开始讲道犹太教堂,但很快就被驱逐出境作为乌合之众- rouser ,紧接着,与少数犹太遗民,保罗转向外邦人,转化大批偶尔遇到麻烦与民间机关。

Fix decided that he must warn the English authorities, and Signal the 'Rangoon' before her arrival.


But, he adds:"I personally hope that the regulatory authorities will come up with a more permanent solution to the fragmentation and rationalise the market structure."


In regard to counterfeit trademark goods, the authorities shall not allow the re-exportation of the infringing goods in an unaltered state or subject them to a different customs procedure, other than in exceptional circumstances


If the laboratory's document control system allows for the amendment of documents by hand pending the re-issue of the documents, the procedures and authorities for such amendments shall be defined. 如果实验室的文件控制度允许在文件再版之前对文件进行手写修改,则应确定修改的程序和权限。

With questions like this looming, China's propaganda authorities have moved to reassert their control over the nation's media.


He rebelled when he was told that the authorities permitted him no choice.


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The split between the two groups can hardly be papered over.


This approach not only encourages a greater number of responses, but minimizes the likelihood of stale groupthink.


The new PS20 solar power tower collected sunlight through mirrors known as "heliostats" to produce steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine in Sanlucar la Mayor, Spain, Wednesday.
