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与 attitude 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In conclusion ,according to what I claims above, I insist that we should make tradition and modernization coexist in a balanced way, although something antiquated in tradition meaningless even harmful to the improvement of contemporary society. The sensible attitude to tradition is that make use of its advantage while give up the draff.


For attain real can accept the cultural essence, adopt to criticize the attitude to the draff , negative factor, the cultural value the choice education within the art education is important.

为达到真正能够 SSBBww 接受文化精华,对糟粕、消极因素采取批判态度,艺术教育中的文化价值观选择教育是重要 www.8ttt8.com 的。

For attain real can accept the cultural essence, adopt to criticize the attitude to the draff , negative factor, the cultural value the choice education within the art education is import


He said that I would be totally occupied for the next two years in staying out of jail, and called me a draft dodger who was tainted by ethical lapses, corrupt campaign financing, and a lax attitude toward drug use.


As a short stories of the Tang and Song dynasties , Shen Cong Wen flicker in the literature long river , in the 40's's cutting edge in the 30's, is quiet, to such an extent even about 80 age "Shen Cong Wen are hot ", the dramaticism life is experience the feelings not affecting the attitude that the writer creates with mental consciousness, and to the hometown and sad.


Immensely prolific, a good businessman and an excellent draughtsman, of enormous energy and widely varied in his stylistic approach, he lived long enough to be a rumbustious critic of Modernism, and to be reviled by conservationists for his casual attitude to Georgian buildings.


Secondly, there are a lot of distillates and dregs in Chinese traditional culture. We should insist the essential standard which judge distillate or dreg of Chinese traditional culture is that the thought whether adapts the development of productivity and forces the progress of the society. We should adopt the attitude of animadverting on and inheriting to Chinese traditional culture.


The author think the real enemy against success is not failure as we usaually think but mediocrity-----an attitude to drift along.


He walked slowly, with drooping head, in an attitude of reflection and sadness.


When Walt was deep in thought he would lower one brow, squint his eyes, let his jaw drop, and stare fixedly at some point in space, often holding the attitude for several moments… No words could break the spell…

每当Walt Disney变成梦想家,他的同僚对他的动作有这样的描述:每当迪士尼在深思的时候,他会低下额头,眼睛斜斜的望着,放下自己的下巴,凝视着某一个定点,并持续这种态度好一段时间……也没有别的话语能打破这种静默。。。

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Attitude Adjustment
Don't Take That Attitude To Your Grave
Ganksta Attitude
Bad Attitude
Attitude Dancing
Bad Attitude Shuffle
General Attitude

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
