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与 attendant 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An attendant was sluicing out the changing rooms.


In soliciting new industry behind the economic outlook, can not be ignored is the attendant social problems.


Their advantages are the avoidance of a surgical procedure with its attendant rare complications of recurrent nerve paralysis or hypopara thyroidism, and reduced cost.


Their adantages are the aoidance of a surgical procedure with its attendant rare complications of recurrent nere paralysis or hypopara thyroidism, and reduced cost.


To that end Tiffy has a professional walker to take her to Central Park daily, is shampooed and groomed once every few weeks at Karen's, a pet emporium on Lexington Avenue, and belongs to a indoor Manhattan dog club and day-care facility, Biscuits and Bath, where she can go for a few hours to exercise with peers under an attendant's eye.


By this time Ambika had become the attendant specific to the twenty-second tirthankara , Neminatha.


Long after I had printed Attendant un pied dans la tombe'', I was surprised to find that this print was similar to a print of Narreschiff de Brandt which I saw in the shop of the Disciples of Emmaüs in Scherwiller.

而当我完成「就木」之后,我惊讶地发现它和我在谢尔维勒所看到的 Narreschiff de Brandt 的作品极为相似。

Try trading one of these unforgeable plates and a reflector to a Pit attendant.


Our Customer Service Staff at the airport will arrange for this assistance and an attendant with a wheelchair will assist them while boarding and alighting the flight.


Petted by Diana, who wanted to make a final attack upon his feelings before delivering him up to Vulcan, wheedled by Venus, whom the presence of her rival excited, he gave himself up to these tender delights with the beatified expression of a man in clover. Finally a grand trio brought the scene to a close, and it was then that an attendant appeared in Lucy Stewart's box and threw on the stage two immense bouquets of white lilacs.


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En Attendant Ses Pas

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
