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attend to相关的网络例句

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与 attend to 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now, the children take the jocose mental state to put on various dress and masks to attend the Halloween dancing party, the on all sides wall of these dancing parties usually hangs the sorceress, black cat, demon and skeletons of the useful paper 糊 up, the window front and doorways then mourn the 龇 tooth 裂 mouth or hateful face melon lantern of 番s.


Now, the children take the jocose mental state to put on various dre and masks to attend the Halloween dancing party, the on all sides wall of these dancing parties usually hangs the sorcere , black cat, demon and skeleto of the useful paper 糊 up, the window front and doorways then mourn the 龇 tooth 裂 mouth or hateful face melon lantern of 番s.


Without the rich guest implied meaning that confirm the report says Mozilla will sue Microsoft to perhaps attend an European Union one the joinder to Microsoft.


For you who are living on Kauai, it would be our joy to have you attend our weekly sessions during the winter-to-spring season.


For people who can't attend the 2009 CES Microsoft keynote address, but want to be among the first to watch and know the presentations by Microsoft, the live streaming of the event is provided.


NoA|knoxville: Well, happy new year!I''d always wanted to go to China. Hopefully we can acchieve proper sponsors so we can attend some kind of tournament down there.


I ' d love to , but l have to attend a conference .


At this time, we have sent personnel to attend international IEC/TC111 activities. Under coordination by the Standard Administration of China, a technical committee is formed in corresponding to the TC111 WG3 (China WG3 working group). The task of forming a working group for test procedures of national standards for the density of toxic substances of electronic and electrical products is completed. The formation of a working group for industry standards for the prevention of pollution caused by electronic information products had been completed in October, 2004. This working group starts on the formation of standards for limits, test standards, leadless soldering standards, and certification and labeling standards.

目前,我们已经派员积极参与了国际 IEC/TC111的活动,在国标委的统一协调下,牵头组织了中国对应 TC111的 WG3的一个技术委员会(目前暂称为中国 WG3工作组);组建电子电气产品有害物质浓度检测程序国家标准工作组的工作已经完毕;电子信息产品污染控制行业标准工作组已经在2004年10月组建完成,已经开始了制定电子信息产品有毒有害物质的限量标准、检测标准、无铅焊接标准、认证与标识标准的工作

6 To attend an annual appraisal with your line manager and to agree and take ownership of your training and development needs.


I had to make friends again but God did not just give me some friends He also provided a youth group to which I now regularly attend.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
