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The American business magazine Fortune named it as Korea's top leisure weekend resort. In 2002, The Shilla Jeju was granted the "ISO 14001 Certification", from the Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance, a first for the Korean hospitality industry, officially recognizing its efforts to be environmentally friendly, improving and promoting conservation of natural resources.

美国商业期刊《财富》则称其为&韩国最好的度假酒店&。2002年,济州新罗大酒店获授&ISO14001 认证&,这是自济州新罗大酒店获得劳氏质量认证公司颁发给韩国酒店的第一个认证以来,济州新罗大酒店首次因其在环保和自然资源保护宣传所做出的大量努力获得官方认可。

The current disc sold slitting paper machine from Japan BF production, there is a good quality assurance.


George Soleas, the board's vice-president of quality assurance, said Tuesday there is no risk to the public.

酒管局董事会副总裁George Soleas在周二称,此事还好对公众未造成任何损害。

We understand the statement that 'we are justified by grace through faith because of Christ,' in terms of the substitutionary atonement and imputed righteousness of Christ, leading to full assurance of eternal salvation; we seek to testify in all circumstances and contexts to this, the historic Protestant understanding of salvation by faith alone.


Unfortunately, summative evaluations are often used as part of the quality assurance process near the end of the development process.


Mr Sumption's letter to the court suggests that Lord Neuberger's original opinion said MI5 operated under a "culture of suppression" in its dealings with the government, such that the court should distrust any official assurance based on its advice.


One of our era's dominant features had been a swaggering self-assurance, a sometimes smug pride in our modernity.


"Josua is often strange in his action," said Towser with calm assurance.


By means of analysis above, the author said with perfect assurance that technology pessimism is of significance. It not only adjusts automatically between purpose and action of human being, but also its criticism even to its traitorism embody the deepening of cognition and insight into human being's tuture.


That she had already permitted him to make love to her he read as an additional assurance, not fully trowing that in the fields and pastures to 'sigh gratis' is by no means deemed waste; love-making being here more often accepted inconsiderately and for its own sweet sake than in the carking anxious homes of the ambitious, where a girl's craving for an establishment paralyzes her healthy thought of a passion as an end.


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Blessed Assurance
Assurance Closure
Blessed Assurance
Blessed Assurance
Blessed Assurance
Blessed Assurance

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
