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assume office相关的网络例句

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与 assume office 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As to the control mechanism, the movement of electronic government controlling is involved in all layers of electronic government system. The entire missionary, from the skeleton personnel to the top managers, must assume the office of control.


Leitourgeo {li-toorg-eh'-o} from 3011; TDNT - 4:215,526; v AV - minister 3; 3 1 to serve the state at one's own cost 1a to assume an office which must be administered at one's own expense 1b to discharge a public office at one's own cost 1c to render public service to the state 2 to do a service, perform a work 2a of priests and Levites who were busied with the sacred rites in the tabernacle or the temple 2b of Christians serving Christ, whether by prayer, or by instructing others concerning the way of salvation, or in some other way 2c of those who aid others with their resources, and relieve their poverty

相关经文回前一页 3008 leitourgeo {li-toorg-eh'-o}源於 3011; TDNT - 4:215,526;动词 AV - minister 3; 3 1 自行支付来从事公职 1a 担付必须要自行支付所需的职务 1b 从事要自己花费的公职 1c 处理公众的事 2 进行服事,完成工作 2a 指祭司和利未人,他们在圣幕或圣殿中负责关於神的仪礼 2b 指基督徒对基督的服事,不论是祷告,教导别人有关救恩的道理,或是其它的方法 2c 指那些运用自己的资源来帮助别人,减轻别人的匮乏的人

I should be destitute of feeling if I was not deeply affected by the strong proof which my fellow citizens have given me of their confidence in calling me to the high office whose functions I am about to assume.


I should be destitute of feeling if I was not deeply affected by the strong proof which my fellow_citizens have given me of the their confidence in calling me to the high office whose functions I am about to assume.


I should be destitute of feeling if I was not deeply affected by the strong proof which my fellow-citizens have given me of their confidence in calling me to the high office whose functions I am about to assume.


Would it be an unlicensed trespass of the imagination to conceive that on the night preceding the day of which you now commemorate the fiftieth anniversary--on the night preceding that thirtieth of April, 1789, when from the balcony of your city hall the chancellor of the State of New York administered to George Washington the solemn oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States, and to the best of his ability to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States--that in the visions of the night the guardian angel of the Father of our Country had appeared before him, in the venerated form of his mother, and, to cheer and encourage him in the performance of the momentous and solemn duties that he was about to assume, had delivered to him a suit of celestial armor--a helmet, consisting of the principles of piety, of justice, of honor, of benevolence, with which from his earliest infancy he had hitherto walked through life, in the presence of all his brethren; a spear, studded with the self- evident truths of the Declaration of Independence; a sword, the same with which he had led the armies of his country through the war of freedom to the summit of the triumphal arch of independence; a corselet and cuishes of long experience and habitual intercourse in peace and war with the world of mankind, his contemporaries of the human race, in all their stages of civilization; and, last of all, the Constitution of the United States, a shield, embossed by heavenly hands with the future history of his country?

是否会想象的无牌侵入的设想,在当晚的前一天你现在纪念成立五十周年-在当晚前的4月,1789年,第三十届时从您的市政厅阳台的校长纽约州管理的乔治华盛顿的庄严宣誓忠实地执行了美国总统的办公室,和他有能力保持最好,保护和捍卫美国宪法-,在愿景对我们国家的父亲晚上的守护天使出现在他面前了,在他母亲的尊敬形式,并以欢呼和鼓励的重大和庄严的职责,他对他承担的表现,已交付他西装天体装甲-头盔,虔诚的原则,正义,荣誉,仁爱,这从他与最早的婴儿,他至今走过的生命,他的所有兄弟的存在,组成; 1矛与自我独立宣言的真理镶嵌,剑,与他所带领的自由战争的独立凯旋门首脑会议的国家的军队一样,一个是胸衣和cuishes长期经验和在和平与人类世界的战争习惯性交,人类他同时代的,所有的文明阶段,以及最后的是,在美国,一个盾牌由天手饰的,宪法他的国家未来的历史?

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.


Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President .


Two harbor are amalgamative intense advance " harbor of hill of Ning Bo boat " group of unifinication construction leadership sets the office from assume leadership; by governor Lv Zu Shanqin, office of province traffic hall grows an office director, responsible and specific fulfil the job.


Current, the reporter is being taken a series of the problem interviewed Tang Shanyu to imprint presswork mechanical limited company is new standing vise general manager Mr Mu Wenhe that assume office.


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I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday.


We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.


He built the "airport for no one"—a boondoggle that made his commute to Washington, DC, a lot easier but was otherwise a huge waste of money.
