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与 associatively 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These different levels are associatively linked together through the mapping of correlated data and constraints.


Rich information, including cooling hole drilling direction, orientation and connections among circuit members, is embedded associatively in CAD models.


The three provinces not only have the necessary, but also have firm foundation on resources, transportation and industry development to develop international tourist line associatively.


In this paper migration theory and techniques related to the high-energy TEGN gun propellant are presented, and some methods determining the migration of RDX are analyzed and compared. As a result, chemical and thermal analyses are employed associatively to test the content of RDX in different position of TEGN gun propellant stored different period. The antimigration capability of TEGN gun propellant making use of two different granularity of RDX is also been studied.


In theory, firstly, the numerical simulation methods, such as the boundary element method, the finite difference method and the finite element method, were utilized to calculate the distribution of electric field intensity and potential of the electron-gun system, the focusing system and the whole equipment, respectively. Then, the trajectories of the electron-beam were traced by using of the Runge-Kutta method and the Monte-Carlo method associatively. The point spread function was also calculated.


In this paper it proposes a non-niform dynamically reconfigurable low power cache structure,accompanied by a dynamic reconfiguration algorithm named Dynamic associatively Selection algorithm,the power consumption is lowered through the cache's dynamical reconfiguration.

提出一种非统一的动态可重构的低功耗cache结构,和一种动态重构算法DAS(Dynamic Associativity Selection),通过动态重构cache来降低功耗。

The fEPSP response evoked in one pathway was small, usually 20–30% of the maximu, whereas a large response, usually 80–90% of the maximum, was evoked in the strong pathway. After recording of the baseline fEPSP evoked at 0.033 Hz, LTP of the weak pathway could be associatively induced by paired stimulation of the weak and strong pathways 100 times at 6 sec intervals, with stimulation of the weak pathway preceded 3–10 msec.

在记录以0.033Hz所引发基础的兴奋性突触后电位之后,在弱的路径上可以因配合弱与强的刺激路径而引发出相关性长期增益(每六秒一次共100次,弱的刺激路径在强的刺激路径之前 3-10 ms),然而当在两个路径之间的配合时间差大於10 ms时即无法形成相关性长期增益,此类型长期增益的引发是需要依赖活化NMDA接受器的,因为给予50 mM的D,L-AP5可以阻断相关性长期增益的引发(兴奋性突触后电位为原来的105±6﹪;n=6)。

The inhibitory effect of CPE caused by influenza virus A\-3 in MDCK cell and the therapeutic effect on BALB/c mice pneumonia caused by influenza virus FM1 were examined and analyzed when amantadine, ribavirin and herby houttuynia were used alone or associatively.

金刚烷胺和病毒唑被公认为有效的抗流感病毒合成西药,鱼腥草是很好的具有抗感染和抗病毒中草药,但目前尚未见三者联用时的效果报道,本文报道三者联用时体内外抗流感病毒的协同作用。1 材料与方法1.1 药物金刚烷胺、病毒唑、鱼腥草注射液均由武汉市新药特药公司提供。。。。

The virtual assemblage of a rim (22.5×9.00) and a tubeless radial tire (12R22.5) were created by Autodesk Inventor, and the insertion model was designed based on the virtual assemblage of the rim and tire through inplace designing, the interference checkout, the presentation views, and the engineering drawings were associatively created and the consistent data were ensured among them during designanalysisredesign cycles.



When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
