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associative law相关的网络例句

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与 associative law 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We then can verify the associative law and the commutative law for multiplication, and the uniqueness of the result of addition indicates the uniqueness and the cancellation law for multiplication.


Because of the associative law for addition, we can define multiplication based on addition, a b means a+a+…+a,adding a with b times.

正是由于加法的结合律使得我们可以在加法的基础上定义乘法,就是重复加法的简便运算:a b=a+a+…+a,对a重复相加b次。

The combination rule of the method satisfies commutative law and associative law, fully uses information of conflict evidences, and solves three kinds of problems appeared in conflict evidences combination process.


So 2/4=1/2. Here we have used the associative law or the cancellation law for multiplication, which are satisfied for natural numbers, now we assume they are satisfied with fraction numbers.


In the 2nd one we have already a+(b+1)= a+b'='=+1,this is the first step of associative law for addition,further more we can verify the associative law and commutative law for addition.

而在第二条中已经有a+(b+1)= a+b'='=+1,就是加法结合律的第一步,进而可以验证加法交换律和结合律。

Similarly, the addition of any three natural numbers must satisfy associative law:+c=a+, and then we can verify that for any n natural numbers, the results of adding is the same in any associative way which keep the order of numbers.


As a branch of modern algebra , finite fields is an abstract system in algebra which satisfies operational laws such as associative law, commutative law, distributive law etc.


We cannot always have associative law for operations, for instance, we did not have this law for mixed addition and multiplication,neither for subtraction, 2+3 2+1≠(2+3)(2+1)=5 3,(2-3)- 2≠2-(3-2),this is why we have to set the rule in operations that "doing inside bracket at first and out side afterwards, doing multiplication and dividing first and addition and subtraction afterwards".

注意运算的结合律并不是永远对的,比如加法和乘法的混合运算就没有结合律,减法也没有,2+3 2+1≠5 3,(2-3)- 2≠2-(3-2),因此我们运算中总是规定先括号内再括号外,先加减后乘除。

The operation laws including:commutative law, associative law, cancellation law, unity of operation, inverse element, and distributive law between two operations,here we just omit them.


The commutative theorem characterized by an associative ring, presented in document 1 noted by Guo Huaguang is extended to the formation of the left near ring with partition law.



This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


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Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
