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associative algebra相关的网络例句

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与 associative algebra 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the famous Gabriel's theorem ,a basic connected finite dimensional associative algebra A over an algebraically closed field can be looked as a quotient of a path algebra decided by a connected finite quiver Q.

由Gabriel 定理,代数闭域上基的,连通的有限维结合代数A 同构于一个由连通有限箭图Q 确定的路代数的商代数。

The representations of the associative algebra A play an important role in the study of the representations of the vertex algebra.


Finally, We prove that every generalized a associative BCI algebra determine a commutative pomonoid .


Weak quasi-bialgebra (quasi-Ilopf algebra) is an associative algebra with unit 1 a non-unital algebra map i.


Fabric weave CAD ; [0; 1]matrix of fabric weaves ; mapping set ; non associative algebra ; Kronecker product.

织物组织CAD ;[0; 1]组织阵;映射集合;非结合代数; Kronecker积

However, despite such categorical pronouncements as "…the above shows that the ring is not the fundamental system for associative algebra of double composition "found in [Vandiver,1939], semirings never became popular and the interest in them among algebraists gradually petered out, although it never died completely.

这些年来,半环被各类研究者所探究或者是在他们的本身及尝试从半群理论和环论中拓展研究方法,或者联系于各种应用。然而,尽管这种范畴的看法"…上面表明环不是最基本的系统对于双复合结合代数"(这句话出自[Vandiver ,1939])。半环没有受到他们的欢迎和引起他们的兴趣进而逐渐淡化,尽管没有彻底的消亡。

As a branch of modern algebra , finite fields is an abstract system in algebra which satisfies operational laws such as associative law, commutative law, distributive law etc.


It is proved that every Lie derivation of nest algebra is the sum of an associative derivation and a general trace. Every Lie isomorphism between nest subalgebras of a factor von Neumann algebra is the sum of an isomorphism and a general trace or the sum of a negative anti-isomorphism and a general trace. Lie invariant subspace of linear mappings on Banach algebras is introduced, and linear maps from nest subalgebra of a factor von Neumann algebra into itself which satisfy the property that the space of derivations is their Lie invariant subspaces are characterized. Simultaneously, it is shown that such maps are Lie derivations modulo the set of scalar multiple of the identity.

得到Lie导子的特征表示,即套代数上的任何一个Lie导子都是内导子与广义迹之和;给出了Lie同构和同构及反同构之间的关系,即因子von Neumann代数中套子代数之间的任何一个Lie同构要么是同构与广义迹之和要么是负反同构与广义迹之和;引入了Banach代数上线性映射的Lie不变子空间,并给出von Neumann代数中套子代数上以导子空间为Lie不变子空间的线性映射的一个刻画,同时也表明在模去数乘恒等映射的意义下,以导子空间为Lie不变子空间的线性映射就是Lie导子。

Over a field of arbitrary characteristic, we construct a class of associative superalgebras of Weyl type and a class of Lie superalgebras of Weyl type from ∧(2, 2) and the polynomial algebra of the special deravation subalgebra of it. In addition, we prove that the sufficient and necessary conditions of the simplicity of the associative and the Lie superalgebras.


C.R.Miers has shown that the Lie triple derivation on a vN algebra M with no central abelian summands has the form D +λ, where D is an associative derivation and A is a linear map of M into its center which annihilates brackets of operators.



When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
