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与 assistance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gra cio us assistance.


Under the scheme, maximum ex gratia assistance of up to $180,000 may be granted in a single incident in the case of death.


If this time has passed, seek the assistance of your OB/GYN.


This list was published in the month of March, 1838, with an introduction containing a summary of the history of the Bollandist movement, the announcement of the resumption of the work, and an earnest appeal to all friends of religious learning, imploring their assistance in securing what was felt by the new workers as the most necessary thing for their success, namely, a hagiographical library.

这份名单刊登在3月份的, 1838年,随著介绍含有总结了历史的bollandist运动,宣布恢复工作,并语重心长地呼吁所有的朋友的宗教学习,恳求他们协助争取什麼有人认为,由新工人,作为最必要的事,他们的成功,即一个hagiographical图书馆。

On good terms from 1875, with the French social reformer Leone Harmel, he supported and gave assistance to the many groups of French workers who on a number of occasions demonstrated in Italy and also in the presence of Pope Leo XIII, the writer of "Rerum Novarum", about their condition as Christian workers.

从一八七五年起,他与法国社会改革者 Leone Harmel 合作,以优惠条件,支援很多法国工人团体,在意大利发动多场示威,并在「新事物」通谕作者─教宗良十三世前,表达基督徒工人阶层的状况。

Buel, Effective Assistance of Counsel for Battered Women Defendants: A Normative Construct, 26 Harv.


Primarily a jurist, an expert in Greek, a first-rate authority on Roman authors, an historian, and a poet, he nevertheless attained his chief renown through his philosophical and Hebrew works -- especially through his "Rudimenta Hebraica"-- in the composition of which he secured the assistance of Jewish scholars.

主要是法学家,一位专家在希腊,一流的权威的罗马作家,历史学家和诗人,但他实现他的首席通过他的著名哲学和希伯来文的作品-尤其是通过他的& R udimentaH ebraica&-组成的,他担保的协助下,犹太学者。

Homocyclic peptide libraries were constructed by self-assembly of amino acids with the assistance of inorganic phosphorus reagents.


With the assistance of these manuscripts a whole iconographical cycle may be formed, encyclopedic in character, in which side by side with religious history occur figures from the profane sciences liberal arts, calendars, zodiacs, virtues and vices, etc.

借助这些手稿整体影像周期可能形成后,百科全书性质,其中并排与宗教历史人物出现,从亵渎科学(文科,日历, zodiacs ,美德和虎钳等)。

LONDON, Apr 28, 2009 -- A visiting Tibetologist urged overseas Tibetans on Tuesday to offer practical assistance to Tibetans in China and not to ideologize the Tibetan issue.

伦敦,2009年四月28日(新华社通过 COMTEX 报道)------一位正大访问的藏学专家在星期二力促海外的西藏人为在中国的西藏人提供帮助,不要以意识形态看待西藏的问题。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
