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The conducting polymer Poly 3,4-Ethylene Dioxy Thiophene thin films was prepared by chemical polymerization. Fourier transform infrared and Scanning Electron Microscope were used to characterize its optical property and morphology. A gas sensor using PEDT thin film was fabricated with the assistance of interdigitated electrodes. The sensitivities of the prepared sensor to toxic NO2 and NH3 and its temperature property were studied.


With the imaginative assistance of Dooley, Peanuts discovers the healing power of hope and love.


Ninety-seven (82.9%) patients went back to their normal life and work, 9 (7.7%) could take care of themselves in life with minor neurological or endocrinological deficits, 5 (4.3%) needed assistance for daily life.


We can arrange assistance in re erecting the machine at your factory.


If therefore the executive, who has the power of convoking the legislative, observing rather the true proportion, than fashion of representation, regulates, not by old custom, but true reason, the number of members, in all places that have a right to be distinctly represented, which no part of the people however incorporated can pretend to, but in proportion to the assistance which it affords to the public, it cannot be judged to have set up a new legislative, but to have restored the old and true one, and to have rectified the disorders which succession of time had insensibly, as well as inevitably introduced: For it being the interest as well as intention of the people, to have a fair and equal representative; whoever brings it nearest to that, is an undoubted friend to, and establisher of the government, and cannot miss the consent and approbation of the community; prerogative being nothing but a power, in the hands of the prince, to provide for the public good, in such cases, which depending upon unforeseen and uncertain occurrences, certain and unalterable laws could not safely direct; whatsoever shall be done manifestly for the good of the people, and the establishing the government upon its true foundations, is, and always will be, just prerogative.


The text is being divided in four chapter to introduce the research of CAI courseware oncostume physical design.First chapter Exordia:The purpose, meaning and research content of this topic.The second chapter Multimedia PC assistance teaching:The correlation knowledge of Multimedia PC system, CAI and Multimedia packages.The third chapter The introduce of multimedia instruction software flash five:The flash fives notion and interfacial function.

本文分四个章节来介绍服装结构设计CAI课件的研究,第一章绪论:讲述了本课题提出的目的、意义及课题的研究内容;第二章多媒体计算机辅助教学:讲述了多媒体计算机系统、计算机辅助教学和多媒体课件的相关知识;第三章多媒体教学软件Flash 5的介绍:讲述了Flash 5的概念及界面功能;第四章服装结构设计CAI课件的创作过程:这是本文重点部分,详细地介绍了服装结构设计CAI课件的创作过程。

Extemporaneous, extemporary, and extempore most often apply to discourse, as a public speech, that is delivered without the assistance of a written text, though it may have been planned in advance

Extemporaneous,extemporary 和 extempore 常适用于演讲,如公共演说,虽然这可能经过提前筹划但演讲时却不需书面材料的帮助

He says by helping low-income families gain finically independence, tax-payers save millions of dollars on food stamps and cash assistance and entire community benefits.


Following the accident, Prince Frederik and his partner climbed onto a nearby boat and appeared to receive medical assistance.


As a concentration of seed plants diversity, NBG can produce a large quantity of various kinds of seeds, and the seeds may arrive at diversified habitats with the assistance of dispersal by frugivorous birds, Avian seed dispersal have spread the distribution of seed plants cultivated in NBG and have promoted their natural regeneration, furthermore, it has exerted a positive influence on development and succession of plant communities around the botanical garden.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
