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与 assistance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The protonolysis of carbon-palladium bond with the assistance of bidentate nitrogen-containing ligands is the key step in this tandem reaction.


"You'd best find your way home, girl," he said, patting Boga's scaled neck."One way or another, I doubt I'll have fur ther need of your assistance."


An unscientific poll of soup-kitchen clients in Glen Burnie suggests that the able-bodied jobless are getting by on a mixture of public assistance and private charity, but still have plenty of incentive to find work.

Glen Burnie市一份对救济所受助者的不科学调查显示,体格健全的失业者虽靠着公共和私人援助勉强度日,但仍不失努力找工作的动力。

An unscientific poll of soup-kitchen clients in Glen Burnie suggests that the able-bodied jobless are getting by on a mixture of public assistance and private charity, but still have plenty of incentive to find work.


Castanea mollissima species shao shiba was the main research material in this experiment, other ten species were assistance research material.


For cheir kind assistance I gradually collected materials and finisfed my work wnder their precions saggestions .Without them ,I would never have reached so far ; without them, the paper would never have been what it is;without them , the ending would not have been so satisfactory.

对于cheir实物援助我逐渐收集材料和finisfed我的工作wnder他们precions saggestions没有他们。,我永远也不会达到迄今为止,没有他们,文件将永远不会被啥它是在没有他们;,截至不会这么理想。

The experiments showed that polypeptides were formed by self-assembly of N, O- bis amino acids with the assistance of o-phenylene phosphoro- chloridate. Three steps were involved in the self organization reactions, i.


The thesis focused on the color display and the transformation of color space of the digital map publishing, the method of color gamut compression, the reason and solve scheme of color distortion. According to the need of the map publishing production of the military, we developed a Mapcolor Design Assistance Decision System, which include the special map color design, classific effect evaluation of map color design and color management functions.


We do not admit that our tribunals legislate; we imply that they have never legislated; and yet we maintain that the rules of the English common law, with some assistance from the Court of Chancery and from Parliament, are coextensive with the complicated interests of modern society.


ODA assistance to the government, which includes not only aid but also need to be repaid by the recipient of concessional loans.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
