英语人>网络例句>assistance 相关的网络例句

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与 assistance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper is an effective application in criminal interrogation assistance decision support system.


It is clear what is needed: more intrusive monitoring and institutionalarrangements for conditional assistance.


Perhaps you can work out the details for me, Prince Toshihito? And Miss Sackville-West, I'll need your horticultural assistance, to help me plan a gradient of colors and textures from the lower to the upper end. Jessamine clings to the walls…. T+ I$ O2 3 c* I7 V5 s

对了,智仁亲王(日本名园桂离宫的建造者),你可以帮忙弄些细部;萨维斯特小姐(英国名园希辛赫斯特的植栽设计者),你可帮忙配植栽,帮忙计画色彩与质感;也许,墙面上爬些茉莉……' z6 Z, o* _, R L7 p* D9 b4 x

I said I was for free and fair trade and we needed to do three things: make sure our trading partners markets were as open as ours; change the tax code to favor modernizing plants at home rather than moving them abroad; and stop giving low-interest loans and job-training funds to companies that move to other countries when we didn't provide the same assistance to needy companies at home.


In the U.S., for example,'the demand for cash assistance is squeezing funds for job-training programs targeted both at the unemployed with little work experience and unemployed professionals with extensive work experience,' the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.


While we continue to provide assistance to some countries,China has carried out mutual-benefit economic cooperation through joint adventure,technical service and compensatory trade,learning from each other and providing supplies to each other.


While continuing the assistance to some countries , China carried out mutual beneficial cooperation through joint adventure ,offering technique and compensation trade to reach the goal of mutual learning.


While providing some countries with assistance, China developed mutually-benefitial economic cooperation by means of joint adventure, technology service and compensational trade pattern, drawing the strong points of others to offset its own and proceeding mutual products.


To solve these problems effectively needs each family's jointed efforts, the assistance of the school and the society, the support of state policies and law.


Provide suggestion and assistance on joss report development.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
