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与 assess 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To assess the diagnostic value of chronotropic index in identifying coronary artery disease.

目的 评价心脏变时指数对冠心病的诊断价值。

RAPD analysis was applied to assess the genetic relationships among 32 accessions of watermelon Citrullus lanatus Thunb.

利用 RAPD 技术对国内外32份西瓜主栽品种与其骨干亲本及野生类型的遗传亲缘关系进行了研究。

Objective To assess causes of nonunion after internal fixation of clavicular fractures.

目的 探讨锁骨骨折内固定术后骨不连的原因。

Objective To assess clinicopathological features and therapy of obstructive jaundice caused by clonorchiasis, and raise early diagnostic and curative rate.

目的 探讨华支睾吸虫病所致梗阻性黄疸的临床病理特点及治疗方法,提高诊治水平。

Concluˉsion The early diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis should be emphasized,combined use of different means of diagnostic technique would help to assess the diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis especially in atypical cases.Chemiotherapy and abˉlation used combinedly would make satisfactory outcome.


Concluˉsion The early diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis should be emphasized,combined use of different means of diagnostic technique would help to assess the diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis especially in atypical cases.Chemiotherapy and abˉlation used combinedly would make satisfactory outcome.


Of course, another problem we are confronted with is how to assess the "conceptual" expressions in Xiang Guohua's works accurately; in other words, it concerns whether this "conceptuality" has any contemporary value and what is its "legitimacy".


AIM: To assess the effect of cordyceps on human mesangial cells that cultured in vitro, and discuss the underlying mechanism.


Usable response rate and build differentiation low-key exact extent comes assess is coriaceous functionary restores a situation.


Neurophysiologic monitoring of transcranial electric motor-eoked potentials has been performed during spine surgery to assess the function of the spinal cord and identify corticospinal tract cord injury.


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Jump Through The Hoops
Assess The Mess
Promised Land
The Rooster
Slight Figure Of Speech
Let It Burn
Convex, Concave
Rain Water

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
