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MRI is one of the most efficient methods in diagnosis of hepatolenticular degeneration.Its signal changes can assess progress of disease,curative efficacy and prognosis.


The method utilizes multi-source,heterogenic sensors to gather data of all kind equipment character and utilizes fuzzy neural network as ex-ecutive institution of diagnosis adjudging to diagnose cause of equipment fault and to assess the equipment running sit uation.


The objectives of this study were: 1 to assess the breeding potential of maize populations including 2 of tropical origin and 7 of temperate origin;2 to find a new heterotic pattern among the 9 populations.


With the IAP Prediction System of Short-term Climate Anomaly, two sets of seasonal and extra-seasonal ensemble hindcasts have been performed during the period of 1980~1994 in order to assess the prediction skill of the IAP PSSCA with two different schemes The difference of the two schemes is in the different version of AGCM used, with the IAP AGCM 1 1 in one scheme and the IAP AGCM 1 2 with an improved surface albedo parameterization in the other Comparisons of the hindcast results with the observations show that IAP PSSCA is capable of predicting the precipitation anomaly to some extent In the eastern China largely affected by Asian monsoon and SST anomalies, the prediction skill is relatively high, especially in the Southeastern China where the anomaly correlation coefficient can reach as high as 0 50 in the severe flood and drought years This may suggest that the possible mechanisms for these severe disasters have been well captured by the IAP PSSCA The prediction skill is higher for the modified model AGCM 1 2 as the model's climatological state is well simulated This indicates that models with reasonable land process will improve the prediction skill for short-term climate prediction

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所研制的短期气候距平数值预测系统,种版本的大气环流模式:AGCM 1.1和AGCM 1.2,分别以2月11~19日的9天大气观测值为初始场,以给定海温为边界场,对1980~1994年的15年的降水异常进行了两组集合后报试验。对试验结果进行定量评估表明:IAP PSSCA对降水异常具有一定的预测能力,特别是在中国东部受东亚季风及海温异常影响的地区,IAP PSSCA具有较高的预报技巧,其中以东南区域(包括江淮流域和华南地区)最高,尤其是对有洪涝灾害的降水异常年,距平相关系数在0.50左右,接近可供业务使用的要求,说明模式能够抓住在东亚季风区存在的某种物理机制,从而提高了这一地区的预报技巧;另外,两个大气环流模式相比,改进了地表反照率的AGCM 1.2的15年集合平均预测技巧略高于AGCM 1.1,特别是在华北地区,预测效果有明显提高,这表明改进地表反照率从而改进了模式的气候平均态的模拟,能提高气候模式的预测能力,说明较好的陆面过程引入模式对短期气候预测是有益的。

Business company dispatch home was mixed first sets with suitable anhydride on July 8 hydric produce for raw material 1, 4- Ding Erchun (4 hydrogen of BDO)/ furan introduce device to finish function to assess, the mark is worn this technology realized success application in our country.


Based on the limit equilibrium theory, the paper tries to establish an analytical model to assess shallow planar landslide of the forested soil side slope, taking into account of the positive effects of mechanically reinforcing soil and hydrologically improving matric suction on slope by woody roots, as well as the negative effects of additional weight of trees.


Objective To assess the diagnosis value of CT perfusion and CTA in hyperacute cerebral infarction.

目的 探讨螺旋CT灌注成像和CTA对脑梗塞的超急性期诊断、缺血半暗带的判断及判断缺血部位的应用。

Objective To investigate changes of vWF in vascular endothelial cells with acute hypoxia and assess its significance in the study of vascular injury and hypercoagulability.

目的 观察急性缺氧时内皮细胞中血管性血友病因子的变化及其与血液高凝状态之间的关系,确定其在反映血管内皮细胞损伤和血液高凝状态研究中的价值。

Objective To investigate changes of vWF in vascular endothelial cells with acute hypoxia and assess its significance in the study of vascular injury and hypercoagulability. Methods vWF in vascular endothelial cells and in blood were measured by immunohistochemical staining image analysis and ELISA technique.

目的 观察急性缺氧时内皮细胞中血管性血友病因子的变化及其与血液高凝状态之间的关系,确定其在反映血管内皮细胞损伤和血液高凝状态研究中的价值。

AIM:To investigate and analyze the central corneal thickness of hyperopic eyes and assess the safety of LASIK for hyperopia.


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Jump Through The Hoops
Assess The Mess
Promised Land
The Rooster
Slight Figure Of Speech
Let It Burn
Convex, Concave
Rain Water

The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!


LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.


It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.
