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Long long a ago in ancient of China, people had had the imagation of flighing as bird, as matter of fact, although we could enjoy the flight in air with E-bird, and as for this high-tech today, still looking forward to flighting as birds-freedom and unlimited as we stroll on the road.


Do you think ,because i am poor ,obscure ,plain ,and little ,i am soulless and heatless?you think wrong !i have as much as you ,and full as my heat!and if god had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth ,i should have made it as hard for you to leave me ,as it is now for me to leave you .


Six experimental stages were designed in our procedure, those are:(1) metabolite recovery and tested sample preparation: the metabolites were recovered by Amberlite XAD-2 absorption, followed by MeOH elution and solvent concentration;(2) antioxidant detection and strain selection: samples were quantitatively analyzed by the inhibition effects on formation of lipid peroxides and TBARS to screen the strains able to produce antioxidants. According to the established screening methods, we chose out a strain of actinomycetes, designed as AMBL-029C;(3) antioxidant purification: the fermentation broth was recovered by a series of separation techniques including centrifugation, Amberlite XAD-2 absorption, followed by MeOH elution and a successive TLC purification. The resulting primary purified compound [temperately designed as AMBL-029C-TS] was further analyzed by HPLC to monitor its purity;(4) physical-chemical characteristics: judging from the acid-base fractionation experiments, and the pH and temperature stability tests, the compound was deduced to be a acidic compound with the properties of low polarity and highly pH and temperature stable;(5) mechanism of the antioxidant: in comparison with some other known antioxidants, TS was subjected to investigate its antioxidant mechanism, together with BHT,-tocopherol, as well as two streptomyces metabolites, homogentisic acid and -phenylpyruvic acid, which were previously isolated as the natural antioxidants in our laboratory.

针对本实验目的,我们设计了以下的实验步骤﹔(1)二次代谢物回收及检测样本处理:我们将发酵所得的培养上清液,利用疏水吸附性树酯Amberlite XAD-2吸附回收,并以甲醇溶离及真空减压浓缩脱水等方式处理,以取得提供抗氧化活性筛选之检测样本;(2)抗氧化活性检测及菌种筛选:以「过氧化脂质」和「硫丙二醯尿」的生成量进行定性定量分析以作为抗氧化物质生产菌筛选之用;经此筛选程序,我们选获了具有抗氧化物质高生产力的菌株,命名为AMBL-029C;(3)抗氧化物质的分离纯化:针对生产菌株的发酵回收处理液,以矽胶薄层色层分离法经物质层析纯化后,并以高效能液相层析法(High performance liquid chromatography;HPLC)分析物质可得一初级纯化物质,命名为AMBL-029C-TS;(4)抗氧化物质的物理化学性质分析:由酸碱转溶(acid-base fractionation)实验得知,此抗氧化物质属於中低极性的强酸性物质,对温度(37℃-100℃)及酸碱度(pH3.0-13.0)均表现出高稳定性;(5)在抗氧化机制探讨方面,我们针对数种不同的抗氧化机制进行探讨,即: 1。

Based on the concept and the theory of forest park and forest tourism, development advantages of Hanzhong forest park were identified as follows: i through the past several years'development, forest tourism products were getting so abundant gradually that a fundamental scale was formed, with three national forest parks as well as three province parks founded; ii the idea of"tourism stimulation"was determined as the development strategy in the province since forest tourism played an increasingly significant part in the development of Hanzhong economy and society; iii geo-topographically, forest park in Hanzhong not only possess similar precipitous view of Qinling, but also equally splendid scenery of Bashan; iv hydrologically, the landscape had a lasting appeal as that in south China to some extend; v the forest located in the best site of the same latitude; vi with the opening of Xihan expressway, access to Hanzhong was upgraded prominently, which made the park a garden of Xi'an and a resort for many citizens.


Or, as an adolescent on the new Earth, he has his first shy love affairs with Ayl, Lll, and Mrs. Vhd Vhd; climbs up to the moon on a ladder as it looms hypnotically bright over him; watches the planet flood with its first color as an atmosphere forms; migrates as an adventurous young vertebrate from sea to land; or wanders the deserted plateaus as the last, lonely dinosaur, desperately wanting to belong.

后来,作为新诞生的地球上的一个青年,他有了同Ayl, Lll,和Vhd Vhd夫人的羞涩的初恋;当一架梯子出现在他梦里的时候,他顺着它爬到了月亮上;他观察地球上的洪水,以及由此形成的地球大气的第一道色彩;作为一个有冒险精神的年轻脊椎动物,他从海里移民到陆地上;作为一条最后的孤独的恐龙,他漫步在荒芜寂静的高原上,拼命的寻找自己的归属。

Results 47 out of 133 segments quantified as abnormal wall motion were visualized as abnormal. Of these, 30 segments were visualized as mild hypokinesia (decreased by 2cm), 16 segments as moderate to severe hypokinesia (decreased by 2~4cm), 1 segment as dyskinesia.

结果 室壁运动减弱的节段中,定量测量中发现133段,肉眼发现47段,其中轻度减弱30段(减弱幅度小于2cm),中~重度减弱16段(减弱幅度2~4cm),反向运动1段。

In order to explore the mechanisms of auxin action and metabolism, as well as the changing characteristics of its relative enzymes, IAA content in strawberry fruits with different treatments was determined by HPLC. Content of IAA and the activity of IAO and POD in fruits treated by NPA or TIBA, the inhibitor of auxin transport, were analyzed to investigate the changing characteristics and possible source of auxin, as well as the relation among IAA, POD and IAO. Results were showed as the followings: there had a certain count of IAA in receptacles and achenes, and IAA content in achenes was higher than that in receptacles.

摘要为了探索草莓果实中生长素的代谢变化及其发挥作用的机理,利用HPLC定量测定了草莓果实发育过程中瘦果和花托中的吲哚乙酸,结合生长素运输抑制剂NPA和TIBA处理考察了草莓果实中IAA含量以及不同存在状态的生长素氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性变化,综合分析了草莓果实中IAA 的变化特性、可能来源及其与生长素代谢相关酶的关系。

As a result of Funiu Mountains and the convergence of Tongbai Mountains here, throughout the formation of the size of peaks 172, although more than 500 meters peaks 54, such as palm Longwang, Wufengshan, Rohan Hill, Tongshan altitude are more than 600 meters; However, Baiyunshan (commonly known as Imperata blocking) the most tall, 983 meters above sea level than we are all familiar with the old Leshan百十meters higher, as the majestic mountain, Wanfeng Central humps, clouds covered the top and has always been regarded as bleeding,汝河II Jasson water.


This law obliges one to treat human ity – understood as rational agency, and represented through oneself as well as oth ers – as an end in itself rather than as means to other ends the individua l might hold.


In England, the Elizabethan era marked the beginning of the English Renaissance with the work of writers William Shakespeare , Christopher Marlowe , Edmund Spenser , Sir Thomas More , Francis Bacon , Sir Philip Sidney , John Milton (who is known as perhaps last of the renaissance artists), as well as great artists, architects (such as Inigo Jones who introduced Italianate architecture to England), and composers such as Thomas Tallis , John Taverner , and William Byrd .


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As Good As New
As Long As We're Here
Forever's As Far As I'll Go
As Lovely As You
As Lovely As You
As Long As You're Looking Back
As Long As I Got You
As Long As The Raven Flies
As Long As It Takes
As Long As You Love Me

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
