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Taking the Late Mesozoic basic-intermediate dike swarms from this area as the main object, we have studied their Petrology, Geochemistry and Isotopic Chronology, and discussed the property of their magmatic source, tectonic setting and origin as well. The significant conclusions acquired are as follows: 1, The Late Mesozoic dike from the coastland of Fujian Province appears as clusters, intruding into the Late Mesozoic granite or volcanic rocks, and the lithologies are diabase, hornblende diabase and quartz-diorite etc, mainly diabase. The mode of their occurrence is mainly precipitous and they tend towards NE, approximately EW or NNE. The dike swarms did not suffer metamorphose or distortion, holding the stress state as the dike formed.

本论文以该地区晚中生代中–基性岩墙群为主要对象,研究了它们的岩石学、地球化学及同位素年代学等,对岩浆源区的性质、构造环境、成因等进行了讨论,获得以下重要认识: 1、福建沿海地区晚中生代中–基性岩墙成群产出,侵入到晚中生代花岗岩及火山岩中,岩性有辉绿岩、角闪辉绿岩和石英闪长岩等,以辉绿岩类为主,产状较陡,北东、近东西及北北东走向,大多未发生变质或变形,保持了岩墙形成时的应力状态。

Colon anal disease:① congenital diseases, such as Hirschsprung's disease;② mesocaval narrow, such as inflammatory bowel disease, trauma and post-intestinal anastomosis narrow, and the transfer of tumor-induced intestinal stenosis;③ exports obstruction, such as the pelvic floor achalasia, rectal intussusception, perineal decline rectocele and so on;④ anal and perianal diseases, such as anal fissure, hemorrhoids, etc.;⑤ Others: such as irritable bowel syndrome.


Look on … as = regard ..as , consider ..as , think of …as , treat …as , think sb to be


The Non-profit organization namely take does not seek to make a profit as the goal each kind of organizations and agencies abbreviation, may divide into according to its rentability take the Medical establishment, the institutions of higher learning and so on as the typical representative's rentability Non-profit organization, as well as take each kind of welfare activity as representative's non-rentability Non-profit organization.


In those conditions as make for the studies of the entity, the seeking - as innate forces - for the influences held by those who concentrate in the silence and in the mental imaginative forces - these, guided by a stabilized ideal, may be made most helpful; these - run rampant, without consideration as to whether same becomes riotous in activity; not clothed, to be sure, in any form of censure, but as to whether same becomes a continuity of influences as of helpfulness or riotousness - without respect of persons, places or things - is different.


As I discovered, rosewater is by no means a new invention, it dates back as far as 1200BC in Persia, and has been used as a skin tonic, a medicine and also as a cooking ingredient.


In order to remove completely all excuse and leave no pretext of any impediment to anyone who is obliged to attend, in addition to the public guarantee which was clearly granted at the summoning of this council to all coming to it we give, concede and grant, acting on the advice and power mentioned above with the same council's approval, to each and all who have been accustomed to be present at the meetings of general councils and are coming to the present Lateran council, as well as to members of their personal staff, of whatever status rank, order and condition or nobility they may be, ecclesiastical and secular, a free, safe and secure safe-conduct and, by apostolic authority in the meaning of the present letter, full protection in all its aspects, for themselves and for all their possessions of any kind as they pass through cities, territories and places, by sea and land, which are subject to the said Roman church, for the journey to the Lateran council in Rome, for remaining in the city of freedom, for exchanging views according to their opinions, for departing therefrom as often as they may wish and also after four months from the conclusion and dispersal of the said council; and we promise to give readily other safe-conducts and guarantees to those desiring to have them.


The producers instruct to appreciate a owners of Storm Vogel for a make use of of their yacht as a Saracen as well as Keith Williams, a staff as well as government of Hamilton Island.


First, on the hand of litigation, the world is moving towards a more normative solution in the jurisdiction, adjudication and execution of lawsuits concerning shareholders rights. China should bring in litigations concerning right to address inquiries as a remedy to the imperfection of law. The scope and object of adjudication of court should be determined by the nature of case. Ways to perfect specific provisions in the area of jurisdiction, time limit, preservation measures as well as execution are also proposed in the paper. Second, on the hand of non-litigation, scrutinizer as a means of non-litigation is neutral and order of investigation is convenient. Non-litigation should be brought into Chinese company law as a supplement of litigation.


And now I began to think sedately; and, upon debate withmyself, I concluded that this island (which was so exceedinglypleasant, fruitful, and no farther from the mainland than as I hadseen) was not so entirely abandoned as I might imagine; thatalthough there were no stated inhabitants who lived on the spot,yet that there might sometimes come boats off from the shore, who,either with design, or perhaps never but when they were driven bycross winds, might come to this place; that I had lived therefifteen years now and had not met with the least shadow or figureof any people yet; and that, if at any time they should be drivenhere, it was probable they went away again as soon as ever theycould, seeing they had never thought fit to fix here upon anyoccasion; that the most I could suggest any danger from was fromany casual accidental landing of straggling people from the main,who, as it was likely, if they were driven hither, were hereagainst their wills, so they made no stay here, but went off againwith all possible speed; seldom staying one night on shore, lestthey should not have the help of the tides and daylight back again;and that, therefore, I had nothing to do but to consider of somesafe retreat, in case I should see any savages land upon the spot.


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As Good As New
As Long As We're Here
Forever's As Far As I'll Go
As Lovely As You
As Lovely As You
As Long As You're Looking Back
As Long As I Got You
As Long As The Raven Flies
As Long As It Takes
As Long As You Love Me

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
