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与 as 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I would like to have a child as white as snow, as red as blood and as black as ebony.


The egg-shell porcelain is as thin as an egg-shell, as light as a feather and as white as snow .


The egg-shell porcelain , for example, is as thin as an egg-shell, as light as a feather and as white as snow.


While the files may be located elsewhere on the computer or hard drives, Bridge enables you to locate the media files, explorer style, and display the media as thumbnails, which provides the file name and date; as Filmstrip, which provides a larger preview of the media file as well as the file name and date information; as Details, which contain any metadata information attached to the file, and as a slide show that enables you to quickly cycle through a large number of images.

无论媒体文件存放于计算机或者硬盘的任何地方,Bridge 都可以帮你找到文件,确定它的类型,并显示出缩略图,还可以显示文件的名称和日期,比如视频文件,Bridge 除了显示日期和名字,还提供了大量各种类型的文件的预览功能,同时也关注文件附带的媒体数据等细节,Bridge 能使你很方便地浏览管理大量的图片。

While the files may be located elsewhere on the computer or hard drives, Bridge enables you to locate the media files, explorer style, and display the media as thumbnails, which provides the file name and date; as Filmstrip, which provides a larger preview of the media file as well as the file name and date information; as Details, which contain any metadata information attached to the file, and as a slide show that enables you to quickly cycle through a large number of images. 4 ~ C2 l3 e' q r

无论媒体文件存放于计算机或者硬盘的任何地方,Bridge 都可以帮你找到文件,确定它的类型,并显示出缩略图,还可以显示文件的名称和日期,比如视频文件,Bridge 除了显示日期和名字,还提供了大量各种类型的文件的预览功能,同时也关注文件附带的媒体数据等细节,Bridge 能使你很方便地浏览管理大量的图片。

The heating furnace has a high combustion intension, the volume of firebox is only dozens percents as much as general heating furnace, the thermal efficiency is as high as 90% and save energy as much as 30%, it has a wonderful application prospect.


Studied present measuring methods" advantages and disadvantages, and presented the necessity and importance of researching propellant transient heat transfer.2.according to 130 and aeronautic 90 rocket projectiles" structure, analysed and acquired physical and mathematical models for propellant transient heat transfer, also designed propellant temperature field simulation units for test.3.acquired discrete transient heat balance equation and temperature calculation program, and gave contrasting curves between experimental temperature values and program calculating temperature values as well as maximum errors and average square root errors between them.4.by programs based on the first class boundary condition, worked out temperature distribution in propellant temperature field simulation units at different time, analysed temperature field distribution law and main elements affecting heat transfer, acquired propellant mass weighted average temperature and one at the half position of propellant maximum thickness as well as maximum errors and average square root errors between them.5.established transient heat transfer mathematical model and temperature calculation program for the third class boundary condition, drew contrasting curves between temperature experimental values and calculation values and gave maximum errors and average square root errors between them, got temperature distribution in the simulation unit at different time and main elements affecting heat conduction, figured out propellant mass weighted average temperature and one at the half position of propellant maximum thickness as well as maximum errors and average square root errors between them.

分析了现有测试方法的优缺点,提出了研究推进剂瞬态导热的必要性和重要性。 2。根据130和航90两种火箭弹的结构,分析得到了推进剂传热的物理模型和数学模型,设计了推进剂温度场模拟实验装置。 3。得到了离散形式的瞬态热平衡方程和温度场计算程序,给出了实验温度与程序计算温度值的对比曲线及其最大偏差与均方差。 4。利用程序求出了第一类边界条件下、不同时刻推进剂温度场模拟装置中的温度分布,分析了温度场的分布规律和影响传热的主要因素,求出了推进剂质量加权平均温度和最大肉厚1/2处的温度时间曲线并给出了两者之间的最大偏差与均方差。 5。建立了第三类边界条件下的瞬态导热数学模型和温度计算程序,求出了温度实测值与计算值的对比曲线并给出了两者之间的最大偏差与均方差,得到了不同时刻温度场模拟装置的温度分布与影响导热的主要因素,求出了推进剂质量加权平均温度和最大肉厚1/2处温度及两者之间的最大偏差与均方差,讨论并确定了能代表130和航90推进剂温度的特征点的位置。

If there are blisters skin furuncle or damaged, as well as tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, acute pharyngitis in patients with other diseases, as well as children under 2 years of age (compared delicate skin, easily lead to infection) are not suitable for external application, treatment paste medicine at the same time stimulating cold food should be fast, do not贪凉, do not eat肥甘thick and greasy, help生痰wet food, fast seafood, shrimp, beef, ducks, geese, peanuts and other food such as fried-prone structures so as not to affect treatment.


"Eloge de l'amour"("In Praise of Love")(2001, Jean-Luc Godard): Lives up to the promise of its title: one of the most unusual, tremulous, and understated of love stories, as well as the story of love itself; a depiction of history in the present tense, as well as a virtual thesis on the filming of history; a work of art, as well as the story of the work at the origin of art; Godard's third first film, thus something of a rebirth of cinema.


Lyrics / Song Text for THE SEER AND THE SEEN By In Gowan Ring , from For The Homeless Heart The sands collect the signs of the ocean The winds hold sway to swell the motion The breeze that breathes upon the skin The leaves that leave yet only a skein Along, within, and through the years As stray as they never knew the way Allay the doubt, subdue the fear Afraid they never knew your name These seven years are not so long But long enough for what has come Or may have gathered at your seat Or might have blossomed at our feet Along, within, and through the years As stray as they never knew the way Allay the doubt, subdue the fear Afraid they never knew your name I gather at the heels in one more stand Briars at the feet, flower in hand The delicate world that wrapped around The disparate soul that it surrounds Along, within, and through the years As stray as they never knew the way Allay the doubt, subdue the fear Afraid they never knew your name

抒情诗 /歌本文为预言者及那见到被在延命菊戒指,从为无家的心沙子收集大海的告示风把握使摇动增大运动微风哪一呼吸在皮肤之上树叶哪一休假只有仍然一个一束向前,在里面,和整年像他们一样迷途从不知道方法使怀疑镇静,使服从恐惧害怕他们从不知道你的名字这些七年不这么长但是为已经来渴望充足或可能已经在你的位子聚集或可能在我们的脚开花向前,在里面,和整年像他们一样迷途从不知道方法使怀疑镇静,使服从恐惧害怕他们从不知道你的名字我在另外一个台子中的脚后跟聚集在脚的荆棘,在手中的花在附近包装的细致优雅的世界它包围的不同的灵魂向前,在里面,和整年像他们一样迷途从不知道方法使怀疑镇静,使服从恐惧害怕他们从不知道你的名字

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As Good As New
As Long As We're Here
Forever's As Far As I'll Go
As Lovely As You
As Lovely As You
As Long As You're Looking Back
As Long As I Got You
As Long As The Raven Flies
As Long As It Takes
As Long As You Love Me

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
