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Queer as Folk executive producer Ron Cowen concurs: Being out and honest is important to Bobby.

Queer as Folk 的执行制片人 Ron Cowen 赞同道:公开和坦诚对 Bobby 来说是很重要的。

Objective To investigate the effect of Fufang danshen diwan on atherosclerosis by the mechanism of thrombinactivatable fibrinolysis inhibitor using AS rat.

目的 通过建立大鼠动脉粥样硬化模型,探讨复方丹参滴丸通过调节凝血酶活化的纤溶抑制剂(thrombinactivatable fibrinolysis inhibitor,TAFI)干预AS的作用机制。

Zoologists now believe the phrase " as the crow flies" no longer means the shortest most direct route between two points.

动物学家现在认为& as the crow flies&这个短语不再表示两点之间最短、最直接的路线。

Aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee} from 1 and a presumed form of 4685; TDNT - 1:496,84; v AV - salute 42, greet 15, embrace 2, take leave 1; 60 1 to draw to one's self 1a to salute one, greet, bid welcome, wish well to 1b to receive joyfully, welcome Used of those accosting anyone; of those who visit one to see him a little while, departing almost immediately afterwards; to pay respects to a distinguished person by visiting him; of those who greet one whom they meet in the way (even not in the East, Christians and Mohammedans do not greet one another); a salutation was made not merely by a slight gesture and a few words, but generally by embracing and kissing, a journey was retarded frequently by saluting.

相关经文回前一页 782 aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee}源於 1 (表联合的质词/语助词)和被认为是 4685 的另一型的字; TDNT - 1:496,84;动词 AV - salute 42, greet 15, embrace 2, take leave 1; 60 1 使彼此接近 1a 向人致敬致意,问候,致意邀请,祝福 1b 欢喜接待,欢迎用以指那些任意向人搭讪;短暂拜访某人,几乎是立即就离开的情形;拜访有名的人以对他表达敬意;在路一相遇时的问候(即使不在东方,基督徒和伊斯兰教徒彼此也不相问候);一种致意,不仅只是一个手势或几句话,通常都是彼此拥抱和亲吻,旅程甚致常因此而受到延缓。

The used behaviors /PATTERNING as a design strategy:By translating or imitating the accreting appearance of the nature,this project's main idea is to represent and struct a system of the biotope.On the first site, I use the strategy to observe the using behavior and walking routes in the environment,then the working system is bring naturally.The second site,I exploit all relations between water system and activities of daily livings to construct the scales of systemic types and new-used behaviors.It is an open system for a particular area.

惯性行为 PATTERNING as a design strategy:旨在藉由转译或模仿自然生成物的生成现象,再现且建构其在群构系统模式,在第一个基地所采取的策略是观察周边环境之使用行为及动线生成,衍生的系统顺应而生,第二个基地则是利用水系统与人们生活的各种关系,去建构系统的型态比例关系及新使用行为,是一种区域性的开放系统。

AS can be more easily adsorbed at the surface of TATB in non-solvent than in good solvents.


The result of numerical simulation indicates that production of 86 as pulses can be achieved using the designed chirped multilayer mirror.

数值计算表明,采用所设计的啁啾多层膜反射镜可以获得86 as的脉冲。

I think that we cannot underscore the seriousness of the existential threat posed to the state of Pakistan by the continuing advances, now within hours of Islamabad, that are being made by the loosely confederated group of terrorists and others who are seeking the overthrow of the Pakistani state, which is, as we all know, a nuclear-armed state, she said.

最前面一句就是整个句子的主体。posed后引导的一句是过去分词做后置定语修饰threat,that后引导的一句是定语从句,也用来修饰threat.who引导的定语从句修饰others.which is引导的定语从句修饰Pakistani state,中间插入的as we all know是状语。

The electrodepositing process of copper is changed to single-step reaction after As, Sb and Bi are added.

摘 要:采用循环伏安及交流阻抗研究As,Sb和Bi对铜电沉积及阳极氧化机理的影响。

AS: The new book is really concerned with the importance of the recognition that we have many different identities, and that violence is often cultivated and fomented in the world - political violence in particular - by denying all identities other than one, one belligerent identity.

AS :这本新书,确实讨论的是认识到我们具有多种不同身份的重要性,确实讨论的是人们通过否认全部的身份,而只承认一种身份,一种好战身份,来培育和煽动冲突这样一个问题。

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As Good As New
As Long As We're Here
Forever's As Far As I'll Go
As Lovely As You
As Lovely As You
As Long As You're Looking Back
As Long As I Got You
As Long As The Raven Flies
As Long As It Takes
As Long As You Love Me

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
