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与 as yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A good, generous prayer it was, and went into details: it pleaded for the church, and the little children of the church; for the other churches of the village; for the village itself; for the county; for the State; for the State officers; for the United States; for the churches of the United States; for Congress; for the President; for the officers of the Government; for poor sailors, tossed by stormy seas; for the oppressed millions groaning under the heel of European monarchies and Oriental despotisms; for such as have the light and the good tidings, and yet have not eyes to see nor ears to hear withal; for the heathen in the far islands of the sea; and closed with a supplication that the words he was about to speak might find grace and favor, and be as seed sown in fertile ground, yielding in time a grateful harvest of good.


Brought to Jerusalem, no doubt, detailed and accurate, and which led to the dispatch of the deputation, would entirely predispose them against the Baptist, yet it behooved them, as leaders of public opinion, to take such cognisance of it, as would not only finally determine their own relation to the movement, but enable them effectually to direct that of others also.

带到耶路撒冷,毫无疑问,详细和准确,并导致派遣派遣,将它们完全易患对浸信会,但他们behooved ,作为公众舆论领导人,采取这种cognisance它,作为不仅将最终决定他们自己的有关行动,但使它们有效地指导他人也。

Yet its standing as a collectable object has always lagged behind its value as an idea.


Dr. Shelby Brewer, former CEO of ABB Combustion Engineering and Assistant Secretary of Energy during the Reagan Administration said of this announcement: In my nearly 50 years in and around the energy business, I've yet to see a breakthrough as promising as this one.

ABB消耗燃料工程学的首席执行官和在宣布Reagan 管理期间的秘书Shelby Brewer说我做能源生意将近50年,我从来没有看见过这么有前景的突破。

The next Day after I came home to my Hutch with him, I began to consider where I should lodge him, and that I might do well for him, and yet be perfectly easy my self; I made a little Tent for him in the vacant Place between my two Fortifications, in the inside of the last, and in the outside of the first; and as there was a Door, or Entrance there into my Cave, I made a formal fram'd Door Case, and a Door to it of Boards, and set it up in the Passage, a little within the Entrance; and causing the Door to open on the inside, I barr'd it up in the Night, taking in my Ladders too; so that Friday could no way come at me in the inside of my innermost Wall, without making so much Noise in getting over, that it must needs waken me; for my first Wall had now a compleat Roof over it of long Poles, covering all my Tent, and leaning up to the side of the Hill, which was again laid cross with smaller Sticks instead of Laths, and then thatch'd over a great Thickness, with the Rice Straw, which was strong like Reeds; and at the Hole or Place which was left to go in or out by the Ladder, I had plac'd a kind of Trap-door, which if it had been attempted on the outside, would not have open'd at all, but would have fallen down, and made a great Noise; and as to Weapons, I took them all to my Side every Night.


Concernment, my master. Yet, I have the reason to complete thewhole training as soon as I can...


They claimed to be the expositors of Scripture, the religious guides of the nation; and yet here was One performing miracles, and they were confessedly ignorant as to the source of His power, and as to His character and claims.


In the "History of the Roman Breviary" by Batiffol, 15, we read: In proportion as the Church in extending itself had grown colder, there had taken place within its bosom a drawing together of those souls which were possessed of the greatest zeal and fervour. These consisted of men and women, alike, living in the world without severing themselves from the ties and obligations of ordinary life, yet binding themselves by private vow or public profession to live in chastity all their life, to fast all the week, to spend their days in prayer. They were called in Syria Monazonites and Parthenae, ascetics and virgins. They formed, as it were, a third order, a confraternity. In the first half of the fourth century, we find these associations of ascetics and virgins established in all the great Churches of the East, at Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch, Edessa.

, 15 ,我们读到:"在比例作为教会在扩大本身增加了寒冷,有发生在其bosom图纸一起,这些灵魂,其中拥有最大的热情和热潮,这些构成的男人和女人,无论是生活在世界上没有切断自己从关系和义务的普通生活,但自己有约束力的由私人或公共的誓言界人士住在贞节所有他们的生活,快速所有的一周内,用他们的天在祈祷中,他们被称为在叙利亚monazonites和parthenae ,修道和处女,他们形成的,因为它被,第三个命令, confraternity ,在上半年的第四个世纪,我们找到这些协会的修道者和处女成立于所有伟大的教堂东,在亚历山大,耶路撒冷,安提阿,伊得撒"。

Though such a kind of work couldn't be counted as an academic research, yet it still had something to be recommended so far as the artistic connoisseurship was concerned.


From his point of view, the meaning of a word is subject to its own context. To free the word from its context is regarded as a countermovement of the process of the classic 'construction', and he names it 'deconstruction'. The 'deconstruction' provides a broad yet inane space for the individual word to acquire its intended meaning. Just as Hegel said when the void of a word inclines to infinity, its intended meaning approaches nothingness.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
