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as yet相关的网络例句

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与 as yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I jump'd up, and regardless of Danger, I went out, as soon as I could get my Cloaths on, thro' my little Grove, which by the Way was by this time grown to be a very thick Wood; I say, regardless of Danger, I went without my Arms, which was not my Custom to do: But I was surpriz'd, when turning my Eyes to the Sea, I presently saw a Boat at about a League and half's Distance, standing in for the Shore, with a Shoulder of Mutton Sail, as they call it; and the Wind blowing pretty fair to bring them in; also I observ'd presently, that they did not come from that Side which the Shore lay on, but from the Southermost End of the Island: Upon this I call'd Friday in, and bid him lie close, for these were not the People we look'd for, and that we might not know yet whether they were Friends or Enemies.


As the internationalization of modern business development , especially in the field of retailing, it's necessary for enterprises to establish branches in a national even a world wide scale which calls for a rush improvement in management. At the same time, the large amount of the goods storage and the huge building areas make the goods merchandise inventory become remarkably complicated which result in high cost and inefficiency. What's more, data recording is a tremendous and time-consuming work as well as data analyzing if made manually; moreover, the monitor of the cameras yet cannot perform in an all-round way leaving some of the places unmonitored.


AS RECENTLY as six years ago, while investors were still in thrall to a dotcom bubble that had yet to burst, steel was derided as one of the last bastions of the "old" economy.


AS RECENTLY as six years ago, while investors were still in thrall to a dotcom bubble that had yet to burst, steel was derided as one of the last bastions of the "old" economy.


After establishing himself as a popular comedic actor on Chinese sitcoms, Leung abandoned the security and financial stability of TV and began working with experimental, but yet excitingly daring directors such as Wai, who are part of a cinematic movement in Asia known as The Second Wave, which dabbles in controversial political and social movements.


As for tapping the connotation of "Nuo" Play and exploring its culture functions and expurgating its substantial researching characters through the applications of such academic methods as anthropology of dancing cultural, dancing ecology and other academic methods, are yet not detected as far, thus, it will increase the naissance value and academic fresh ideas of the dissertation.


Yet that affinity is changing as the US girds itself against what journalists and politicians portray as an adversarial China that takes our jobs, poses a security threat and can never be trusted as a friend.


Yet the person of Simone Weil is here as surely as in any of her other books—the person who is excruciatingly identical with her ideas, the person who is rightly regarded as one of the most uncompromising and troubling witnesses to the modern travail of the spirit.


SUPER COMMANDER was the top selling boar at the 1984 Southeast Duroc Congress; but more important has been the outstanding siring ability of this truly superior proven sire. He sired the $12,500 1985 Hog College Boar and current SGI sire, Reform, as well as the $9300 1986 Hog College Boar. His offspring have consistently performed well in the test station as noted by the average on his 23 sons listed below. They excel in growth rate, yet are long bodied, extra lean, muscular, heavy boned, super sound and aggressive.


Yet as long as totalitarian rule has not conquered the earth and with the iron band of terror make each single man a part of one mankind, terror in its double function as essence of government and princple not of action, but of motion, cannot be fully realized.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
