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与 as yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, as well as I could, I barricado'd my self round with the Chests and Boards that I had brought on Shore, and made a Kind of a Hut for that Night's Lodging; as for Food, I yet saw not which Way to supply my self, except that I had seen two or three Creatures like Hares run out of the Wood where I shot the Fowl.


And allied " of " of as literary as TV program, try to alternate education form, arouse the student's passion, can yet be regarded as tries one kind benignantly.


BINYAMIN NETANYAHU is one of the great survivors of Israeli politics. Whether he is the man to secure his country's long-term survival is more questionable. In 1997 The Economist acknowledged his "easy eloquence and optimistic approach", yet called for him to resign as Israel's prime minister after dubbing him a serial bungler with an "extraordinary talent for coming up with ill-conceived, provocative decisions at the wrong moment", such as his insistence on building "a new Jewish suburb" on the east side of Jerusalem which Palestinians saw—and still see—as their part of their future state's shared capital.

BINYAMIN NETANYAHU是以色列政坛的常青树,可是他能不能使他的国家长期存在还有待观察。1997年,本刊以"口才出众和积极进取"来介绍他;现在,在一系列糗事之后,我们建议他辞去总理职务,因为他作为一个杰出人才却在错误的时间提出拙劣的构思,做出激进的决定,例如:他致力于在耶路撒冷河东岸建造"一个新犹太郊区",而这个地方被巴勒斯坦人视作他们未来国土的一部分。

In 1997 The Economist acknowledged his "easy eloquence and optimistic approach", yet called for him to resign as Israel's prime minister after dubbing him a serial bungler with an "extraordinary talent for coming up with ill-conceived, provocative decisions at the wrong moment", such as his insistence on building "a new Jewish suburb" on the east side of Jerusalem which Palestinians saw—and still see—as their part of their future state's shared capital.


I now began to consider, that I might yet get a great many Things out of the Ship, which would be useful to me, and particularly some of the Rigging, and Sails, and such other Things as might come to Land, and I resolv'd to make another Voyage on Board the Vessel, if possible; and as I knew that the first Storm that blew must necessarily break her all in Pieces, I resolv'd to set all other Things apart, 'till I got every Thing out of the Ship that I could get; then I call'd a Council, that is to say, in my Thoughts, whether I should take back the Raft, but this appear'd impracticable; so I resolv'd to go as before, when the Tide was down, and I did so, only that I stripp'd before I went from my Hut, having nothing on but a Chequer'd Shirt, and a Pair of Linnen Drawers, and a Pair of Pumps* on my Feet.


He entered his novitiate to the true wilderness with Sam beside him as he had begun his apprenticeship in miniature to manhood after the rabbits and such with Sam beside him, the two of them wrapped in the damp, warm, negro-rank quilt while the wilderness closed behind his entrance as it had opened momentarily to accept him, opening before his advancement as it closed behind his progress, no fixed path the wagon followed but a channel nonexistent ten years ahead of it and ceasing to exist ten yards after it had passed, the wagon progressing not by its own volition but by attrition of their intact yet fluid circumambience, drowsing, earless, almost lightless.44


Rigging and fitting my Mast and Sails; for I finish'd them very compleat, making a small Stay, and a Sail, or Foresail to it, to assist, if we should turn to Windward; and which was more than all, I fix'd a Rudder to the Stern of her, to steer with; and though I was but a bungling Shipwright, yet as I knew the Usefulness, and even Necessity of such a Thing, I apply'd my self with so much Pains to do it, that at last I brought it to pass; though considering the many dull Contrivances I had for it that sail'd, I think it cost me almost as much Labour as making the Boat.


Snow in 1959, in theory, the general education should be to make up for the limitation of the academic mind caused by the excessive subdivisions of disciplines. Currently, the curriculum of general education in Taiwan University is often used as the professional standard as to the concept in contents, or with science and natural sciences related fields, it may even be set as a leading role in balance seeking. It is; therefore, doubtable that while college education devotes in breaking the barriers of knowledge or academic disciplines, and attempts to establish enriched yet systematic general education, at the same time, helplessly returns to the breakthrough of academic condition described by C.P. Snow where "the Humanities" and "the Science" still confront anxiously. This would not only fail to achieve the consilience in knowledge but also lead to a possible fracture.

P Snow在1959所提出「种文化」的概上进发展的话,那麼通教育在上应该是弥补学科分工过细、导致学术心受到限制的现象;然而目前台湾的大学通教育,由於经常被当成与「专业」相标举的内容概,甚至是被定成与工或自然科学等相关域寻求平衡或对话的角色,因此免让人怀疑:当大学教育致於打破知或学科的藩篱,并且试图建丰富而有系统的通教育时,是否无且吊诡地重新走回史当时所描述并尝试突破改变的学术况-「人文」与「科学」依然充满紧张与对,知仅难以达到融通、甚至陷入另一种断的可能?

At Borodino the armies meet. Neither army is destroyed, but the Russian army, immediately after the conflict, retreats as inevitably as a ball rebounds after contact with another ball flying with greater impetus to meet it. And just as inevitably (though parting with its force in the contact) the ball of the invading army is carried for a space further by the energy, not yet fully spent, within it.


And although while they simulate piety they are not of the Church, yet they are considered to be in the Church, just as traitors in a state are numbered among its citizens before they are discovered; and as the tares or darnel and chaff are found among the wheat, and as swellings and tumors are found in a sound body, when they are rather diseases and deformities than true members of the body.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
