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与 as yet 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AS The Economist went to press this week, physicists were aflutter about an expected announcement from one of the world's most important experiments searching for dark matter—the as-yet-undetected material that, if models of the universe are correct, is about six times as abundant as the familiar, visible stuff.


There is another genus of the hard-shell kind, which is called oyster; another of the soft-shell kind, not as yet designated by a single term, such as the spiny crawfish and the various kinds of crabs and lobsters; and another of molluscs, as the two kinds of calamary and the cuttle-fish; that of insects is different.


There were equally excellent opportunities for vacationists in the home island, delightful sylvan spots for rejuvenation, offering a plethora of attractions as well as a bracing tonic for the system in and around Dublin and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which there was a steamtram, but also farther away from the madding crowd in Wicklow, rightly termed the garden of Ireland, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen so long as it didn't come down, and in the wilds of Donegal where if report spoke true the coup d'oeil was exceedingly grand though the lastnamed locality was not easily getatable so that the influx of visitors was not as yet all that it might be considering the signal benefits to be derived from it while Howth with its historic associations and otherwise, Silken Thomas, Grace O'Malley, George IV, rhododendrons several hundred feet above sealevel was a favourite haunt with all sorts and conditions of men especially in the spring when young men's fancy, though it had its own toll of deaths by falling off the cliffs by design or accidentally, usually, by the way, on their left leg, it being only about three quarters of an hour's run from the pillar.


All this Labour I was at the Expence of, purely from my Apprehensions on the Account of the Print of a Man's Foot which I had seen; for as yet I never saw any human Creature come near the Island, and I had now liv'd two Years under these Uneasinesses, which indeed made my Life much less comfortable than it was before; as may well be imagin'd by any who know what it is to live in the constant Snare of the Fear of Man; and this I must observe with Grief too, that the Discomposure of my Mind had too great Impressions also upon the religious Part of my Thoughts, for the Dread and Terror of falling into the Hands of Savages and Canibals, lay so upon my Spirits, that I seldom found my self in a due Temper for Application to my Maker, at least not with the sedate Calmness and Resignation of Soul which I was wont to do; I rather pray'd to God as under great Affliction and Pressure of Mind, surrounded with Danger, and in Expectation every Night of being murther'd and devour'd before Morning; and I must testify from my Experience, that a Temper of Peace, Thankfulness, Love and Affection, is much more the proper Frame for Prayer than that of Terror and Discomposure; and that under the Dread of Mischief impending, a Man is no more fit for a comforting Performance of the Duty of praying to God, than he is for Repentance on a sick Bed: For these Discomposures affect the Mind as the others do the Body; and the Discomposure of the Mind must necessarily be as great a Disability as that of the Body, and much greater, Praying to God being properly an Act Of the Mind, not of the Body.


I wish, if I can, to lay down some first principles for the study of this body of dogma or systematized prediction which we call the law, for men who want to use it as the instrument of their business to enable them to prophesy in their turn, and, as bearing upon the study, I wish to point out an ideal which as yet our law has not attained.


As far as can be ascertained, the Salamanders' gene-seed appears to be stable and as yet uncorrupted.


The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is among the most aggressive nonprofits in funding research and endowing primarily biotech companies that are engaged in cutting-research in as-yet uncured indications. The CFF states it has given more than $300 million for research to for-profit drug companies over the past 10 years. In April 2008, the CFF announced that it would give as much as $37.7 million to Epix Pharmaceuticals Inc., in addition to about $12 million it has already received.


In this theory system, the Higgs field may not be lack, as well as bringing drawback so called mediocre and unnaturalness; and as yet prophesied Higgs particle haven't be discovered.


And see no end to the landscape,new objects presenting themselves as we advan ce;so,in the commencement of life,we set no bounds to our inclinations.nor to the unrestricted opportunities of grastifying them.we have as yet found no obs tacle,no disposition to flag;and it seems that we can go on so forever.we look round in a new world,full of life,and motion,and ceaseless progress;and feel in ourselves all the vigour and spirit to keep pace with it,and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course o f things,decline into old age,and drop into the grave.it is the simplicity,and as it were abstractedness of our feelings in youth,thatidentifie s us with nature ,and(our experience being slight and our passions strong)delu des us into a belief of being immortal like it.our short-lives connexion with existence we fondly flatter ourselves,is an indissoluble and lasting union-a h oneymoon that knows neither coldness,jar,nor separation.as infants smile and s leep,we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies,and lulled into securi ty by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager h aste without draining it,instead of which it only overflows the more-objects p ress around us,filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of de sires that wait upon them,so that we have no room for the thoughts of death.


There were equally excellent opportunities for vacationists in the home island, delightful sylvan spots for rejuvenation, offering a plethora of attractions as well as a bracing tonic for the system in and around Dublin and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which there was a steamtram, but also farther away from the madding crowd in Wicklow, rightly termed the garden of Ireland, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen so long as it didn't come down, and in the wilds of Donegal where if report spoke true the coup d'oeil was exceedingly grand though the lastnamed locality was not easily getatable so that the influx of visitors was not as yet all that it might be considering the signal benefits to be derived from it while Howth with its historic associations and otherwise, Silken Thomas, Grace O'Malley, George IV, rhododendrons several hundred feet above sealevel was a favourite haunt with all sorts and conditions of men especially in the spring when young men's fancy, though it had its own toll of deaths by falling off the cliffs by design or accidentally, usually, by the way, on their left leg, it being only about three quarters of an hour's run from the pillar.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
