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The main results are shown as follows:1.Screening freezing tolerant cultivars and lines of chrysanthemumTwenty seven lines of chrysanthemum grown outdoors were screened using \'injury rate\' and \'injury index\'.There were 7 cultivars and lines,which were relatively high tolerant to freezing treatment,i.e.,\'Jinbuhuan\',\'Xuetao\',\'Fuli\',\'Donglin 4\',\'Donglin 6\',\'Donglin 9\', and \'Donglin 13\'.There were 3 cultivars and lines,which were less tolerant,i.e.,\'Fenmeigui\', \'Donglin 1\',and \'Donglin 2\';The determination of electrolyte leakage,and contents of free proline,MDA,CAT,fructose,glucose and soluble sugars on 7 lines of chrysanthemums at different stages freezing showed that \'Xuetao\' and \'Donglin 4\' were more tolerant than others, and that especially \'Donglin 4\' was able to regulate its osmotic pathway to alleviate the \'injury degree\' caused by freezing conditions.2.Protein expression profile of chrysanthemum under low temperature stressTwo-dimensional liquid chromatography was applied to fractionate and analyze total protein taken from \'Donglin 4\' leaves grown at low temperature and at normal condition. Chromatography peaks of fraction were transformed to gel graph by ProteoVue software.
During the 19th and 20th centuries there were huge achievements on philosophy literature art and music; a variety of activities were also booming at that time Richard Strauss(1864-1949) born at that era when the social phenomena influenced his music learning process combined the classical and romantic music styles and further developed his unique composing style There were 5 chapters in the dissertation The research motivation purposes methodology and the literature review were included in Chapter One Chapter 2 focused on understanding how the history background and personal attitude influenced Richard Strauss' composing style Through the study of the romantic musicians like Franz Schubert1797-1828 Robert Schumann(1810-1856 Johannes Brahms(1833-1897) Hugo Wolf(1860-1903) Gustav Mahler(1860-1911) and etc I attempted to get a complete picture of musical evolution in Chapter 3 In addition Richard's classic compositions were categorized and organized in order to gain a deep understanding of his music From the study and the analysis of Strauss'"Vier letzte Lieder" the features styles the format and the life of the two poets Hermann Hesse1877-1962)and Joseph von Eichendorff(1788-1857 were explored and the relationship between the music of this composition and the poetry were also discussed Chapter 5 summarized the main arguments to give a short account of Strauss' lifetime rich experiences and thinking in his eighties
横跨十九、二十世纪的理察·史特劳斯(Richard Strauss,1864-1949)正是欧洲人文发展空前灿烂的年代,无论在哲学思想、文学、美术以及音乐方面,都有辉煌的成就。在他音乐学习历程中,结合了古典时期及浪漫时期两种音乐风格,发展出独特的作曲风格。本论文分成五章:第一章绪论包括研究动机、研究目的、研究方法及步骤以及文献探讨;第二章则从对理查史特劳斯生平的详实记载中,了解他创作作品的时代背景和心情;第三章则就浪漫时期艺术歌曲作家舒伯特(Franz Schubert1797-1828)、舒曼(Robert Schumann1810-1856)、布拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms1833-1897)、沃尔夫(Hugo Wolf1860-1903)及马勒(Gustav Mahler1860-1911)等,以诗人、旋律、伴奏型态及曲式和声,稍加整理并说明,以便了解艺术歌曲在此时期之演变过程。并将理查史特劳斯艺术歌曲作品分类统整,藉此对他的艺术歌曲能有更深一步的了解。第四章《四首最后的歌》之音乐探究与分析,则探讨此部作品诗人赫塞(Hermann Hesse 1877 - 1962)及艾辛朵夫(Joseph von Eichendorff﹐1788-1857)的生平和作品特色,以及诗的结构与格式,和此部作品音乐与诗的关系。第五章结语说明史特劳斯一生丰富经历与晚年想法,创作出一组宁静感人又深刻的终曲。
The trials were carried out in field experiment and artificial climate incubator. The sugar beet growth buds were treated at 1~3pairs of true leaves with gibberellin , autix , naphthaleneacetic acid and kinetin , and the plant growth regulating substances enhancing bolting of sugar beet in the first year and its doses were selected out. The sugar beet seedling induced by temperature and light were treated by abscisic acid , maleic hydrazide , uniconazole (S-3307) and paclobutrazol (PP333), and the plant growth regulating substances which make bolting reverse and their doses were screen out. The mechanisms of bolting and bolting reversing were discussed by examining the changes of endogenous hormones, activities of correlative enzyme to bolting, soluble protein, components of amino acid in the protein, components of fatty acid. The results were as follow
Six cadavers were prepared for necroscopy, operative procedure of ILIF were simulated on L3-S1, and all related important anatomic structure and their relationship were observed and record. ILIF with transpedicle screw fixation were also performed with cage insertion.3. Twelve fresh frozen bovine lumbar functional spinal units were prepared for biomechanical testing. According to the different treatment order, the specimens were devided into 7 groups, which included: 1intact specimens, 2specimens were treated by left unilateral facetectomy and had homolateral anatomical threaded cages inserted, 3 TLIF with homolateral pedicle screw fixation, 4 TLIF with bilateral pedicle screw fixation, 5 specimens had anatomical threaded cages inserted on the left by intertransverse process approach, 6 ILIF with homolateral pedicle screw fixation, 7 ILIF with bilateral pedicle screw fixation.
Species-pairs were positive correlation,including 10 species-pairs were higher significant positive correlation and 24 speciespairs were significant positive correlation, and 263 species-pairs were negative correlation, including 8 species-pairs were higher significant negative correlation and 28 species-pairs were significant negative correlation, which were tested by Spearman' s rank correlation coefficient.
A prediction model has been proposed to deal with threshold voltage shift as a function of 1MeV neutron flux and gate oxide thickness, and to deal with room-temperature annealing of threshold voltage shift induced-by 〓Coγ as a function of electric field and gate oxide thickness. The commonness and individuality of MOS device degradation between hot-carrier effect and ionizing radiation were investigated. The dependence of substrate current, gate current and threshold voltage shift due to hot-carrier on gate oxide thickness were simulated with MEDICI-2D simulator. The photocurrents of PN junction and bipolar transistor were studied. Their transient responses on varied bias voltages, pulse durations and absorbed doses were simulated. The influences of NPN base width on base and collector photocurrents were investigated. We also studied 1MeV neutron displacement damage in PN junction, and calculated reverse current leakage under the neutron flux of 2. 67×10〓 per square centimeter. 3 The study of nondestructive screening method for MOS radiation tolerance A theoretical and experimental study of nondestructive screening methods for radiation tolerance of nMOS and pMOS were firstly fulfilled. We determined the informative parameters pertinent to the method and proposed how to deal with experimental data and verify obtained results statistically, as well as make the required steps for nondestructive screening. Based on the experimental data of 180 samples of discrete pMOS devices, the relation between sample quantity and correlation coefficient, screening equation, and other significant results were obtained from the threshold voltage shifts of pre-and post-irradiation samples.
The concentrations of CO2, CF4, thionyl sulfide (SOF2), sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2), disulfuryl decafluoride (S2OF10), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfureted hydrogen (H2S) were in partial normal distribution. The concentrations of CO2, CF4, SOF2, SO2F2, S2OF10 were all below 0.1%; the concentrations of SO2 were below 3μL/L; the concentrations of H2S were below 1μL/L. The SF6 byproducts concentrations in 500kV GIS were lower than those in 220kV GIS. The SF6 byproducts concentrations were lower in GIS that have been operating longer. The SF6 byproducts concentrations were significantly different in equipment from different manufacturers.
结果显 示:SF6 GIS 中CO2、CF4、氟化亚硫酰(SOF2)、氟化硫酰(SO2F2)、十氟化二硫酰(S2OF10)、二氧化硫(SO2)和硫化氢(H2S)都成偏正态分布,其中,CO2、CF4、SOF2、 SO2F2、S2OF10 的含量均小于0.1%,SO2 的含量均低于3μL/L,H2S 的含量均低于1μL/L.500kV GIS 设备中SF6 分解产物含量低于220kV GIS 设备;运行时间越长,设备中SF6 分解产物的含量越高;不同设备厂商的GIS 中 SF6 分解产物含量有显著性区别。
The geology research of carbonate reservoirs in Ordovician of Tahe oilfield showed that many large dissolved vugs and fractures were developed. The spread of the reservoir take on a very heterogeneous state. And the typical fractured-vuggy reservoirs was formed. According to the combination of the various spaces, the formation was divided into vuggy formation, fractured-vuggy formation and fractured formation. The research showed that development of the vug is relevant to the its position on the structure, the fractures, the water surface and the weathering surface. Multi-phase charge and recharge of the oil in the reservoirs resulted in the complexity of the fluid distribution. So the"Bottle Model"was brought forward to explain the movement of the water-oil contact. The special storage space and the complex fluid distribution lead to the unstability of the production and the complexity of the water cut. In order to explain the characteristic of the fracture-vug unit was brought forward and the basic principle and method of the partition of the fracture-vug unit was formed. The classification and evaluation of the units were performed according the reserve and energy. Based on the research of geology characteristic and the fluid flow in the reservoir the comprehensive numerical simulation plan of the fractured-vuggy reservoirs were established. Through the selection of the simulation unit, fluid flow type and parameter equivalent the triple media reservoir simulation model was established. Considering the practical application the model was resolved by the DKR decomposition conjugate grads method. Based on the fine reservoir description of Dsitrict IV of the Tahe oilfield the various space type were classified and combined together. The geology model of Unit S48 was constructed. Two typical single well model was established according to the geology and the dynamic phenomena. Finally the single well model and the Unit S48 were simulated by the triple media reservoir simulator. Via the local grid refinement and coarsening in the simulation good matchs were gained. Based on the results of the simulation the reserve distribution, percent of reserve produced in various space and the natural energy were analyzed. The fluid was storaged in the fractures and vugs mostly and more than 90% the produced oil came from the systems. The energy belonged to the active one. The results of simulation accorded with the fact and showed the validity and practicability the research and the simulator.
The BMSCs were divided into six groups after repeatedly passaged: A,the BMSCs were cultured with conventional culture fluid(DMEM culture fluid+20%fetal bovine serum+2 mmol/L aminoglutaric acid amine) all the time;B,the BMSCs were cultured with conventional culture fluid+HGF(25ng/ml)+dexamethasone10~(-7M;C(HGF and Zuoguiwan induced group), the BMSCs were cultured with conventional culture fluid+ HGF(25ng/ml)+ dexamethasone10~(-7M+ 10%Zuoguiwan drug serum;D(conditioned medium and contrast serum induced group), the BMSCs were cultured with conventional culture fluid+50 % conditioned medium+10 % normal rat serum;E(conditioned medium and Bazhentang drug serum induced group), the BMSCs were cultured with conventional culture fluid+50 % conditioned medium+10 % Bazhentang drug serum;F(conditioned medium and Zuoguiwan drug serum induced group), the BMSCs were cultured with conventional culture fluid+50 % conditioned medium+10% Zuoguiwan drug serum.
The ELISA titre was 1:2000.By cell fusion, 46 hybridoma cell lines were screened,and 10 lines were cloned with limited dilution method.16 lines secreting anti-bFGF monoclonal antibody were been developed, and 2 lines targeted fusion protein. Sensitive ELISA and dot-ELISA for bFGF was developed with this mAb. The detection limit of them were 0.1 ng/well and 0.5 ng/well. The expression level of anti-bFGF mAb by different rebuilt engineering cells were identified by western blot and to direct rebuild recombiment engineering cell. The dose and character of anti-bFGF mAb inhibiting bFGF biology activity were searched by 3T3 cell line. Searching 20 tissue of liver cancer, liver cancer cell lines and general tissue of liver, finding bFGF were highly expressed in tissues of liver cancer and liver cancer cell lines. Affinity chromatography purifying bFGF was set up by mAb binging CNBr-pepharose 4B, and the purification was 95%. We found that the titer of anti-bFGF antibody was very high in serum of neuropathic amyotrophia.
应用细胞融合制备46株杂交瘤,对其中10株进行克隆化,获得bFGF特异单抗16株,2株针对融合蛋白;应用该单抗建立了0.1ng/孔灵敏度的ELISA,0.5ng/孔敏度的斑点ELISA;用Western-blotting鉴别了经改造不同工程菌蛋白表达,指导重组工程菌改造;用3T3细胞培养研究了单抗抑制bFGF生物学活性的剂量和特点;合作研究了20例肝癌、肝癌细胞株和正常肝组织,发现前者bFGF高表达;应用单抗偶联CNBr-sepharose 4B建立了小量免疫亲和层析纯化bFGF,纯度达到95%;发现神经性肌萎缩患者血清中含有高滴度的bFGF抗体,已有10多家单位引用单抗或进行合作。
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The process of pollen tube growth involves many aspects, especially the synthesis of cell wall and the cytoplasmic movements.
His grandmother knelt down next to him.
It holds for the integers with addition and multiplication, but it does not hold for matrix multiplication or quaternion multiplication .