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The result is as follows:(1) The frequencies of the straight thumb were over 60%,and there were no significant sexual differences in all of 6 groups.(2) The frequencies of the ring-finger-longer were much higher in 6 groups,and there were significant sexual differences in 4 groups.(3) The frequencies of the long-shaped fingernail were the highest in all groups,the squat-shaped were the lowest.(4) The big toes were longer than the second toes in most people of 6 groups,but without significant sexual differences in each groups.(5) There were no significant correlations between 4 characters.
The results were as follows the airdried density ( moisture content of wood is 12%), the basic density and the ovendry density were 0.583 g·cm-3, 0.462 g·cm-3 and 0.507 g·cm-3 respectively, the airdried density was at the medium level in domestic wood species;the shrinkage coefficient of radial, tangential and volumetric were 0.099%, 0.183% and 0.296% respectively, the maximum swelling were 4.106%, 7.958% and 12.627% respectively;the ratio of tangential shrinkages to radial shrinkages was 1.5-1.9;the toughness was 52.12 kJ·m-2;the hardness of cross, radial and tangential section were 41.53 MPa, 31.41 MPa and 35.51 MPa respectively;the compressive strength parallel to grain was 44.50 MPa ;the modulus of elasticity in static bending and the bending strength were 12.63GPa and 127.31 MPa respectively;the shearing strength parallel to grain of radial and tangential were 8.76 MPa and 10.54 MPa respectively;the cleavage strength to grain of radial and tangential were 124.3 N·mm-1 and 138.6 N·mm-1 respectively.
结果表明大叶栎木材的气干密度(含水率为12%)、基本密度和全干密度分别为0.583 g·cm-3、0.462 g·cm-3和0.507 g·cm-3,气干密度属于国产木材的中等级水平;径向、弦向和体积干缩系数分别为0.099%、0.183%、0.296%,湿胀率依次为4.106%、7.958%和12.627%,差异干缩为1.5-1.9,其尺寸稳定性较好;冲击韧性为52.12 kJ·m-2,端面、径面和弦面硬度分别为41.53 MPa、31.41 MPa和35.51 MPa,顺纹抗压强度为44.50 MPa,抗弯弹性模量和抗弯强度分别为12.63 GPa和127.31 MPa,径面和弦面顺纹抗剪强度分别为8.76 MPa和10.54 MPa,抗劈强度依次为124.3 N·mm-1和138.6 N·mm-1。
Pneumophila serogroup 5 antibody to develop two immuo-colloidal gold tests respectively. Main works listed below as:1、Preparation and identification of polysaccharide antigen of L. pneumophila Bacteria of LP1 ~ 7,9 and 10 were cultured on yeast agar buffer activated carbon for three to five days at 37℃, 5%CO2. Protein-free polysaccharide antigens were obtained after harvest in cells, extraction, deproteinization, dialysis and other steps. Their immunogenicities were verified by ultraviolet spectrophotometer full-wavelength scanning and Western blotting.2、Preparation and identification of rabbit anti-LP1 antibodies and rabbit anti-LP5 antibody Rabbit anti-LP1 and anti-LP5 antibodies were purified after rabbits were immuned with antigens isolated as described above. The purities of both antibodies were above 80% and the titer of blood serum 1:32 tested by double antibody sandwich assay.3、Development of colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay kit The size of colloidal gold particles in the kit was 25nm. The optimal concentrations for antibodies were 30μg/ml and the sensitized concentrations of NC membrane were 5 mg/ml.
主要研究工作从以下几个方面进行:1、LP1~7、9和10型多糖抗原的制备与鉴定将LP1~7、9和10型菌株分别接种在缓冲活性炭酵母琼脂培养基上,37℃、5%CO2的条件下培养,3~5天后洗下菌苔,经抽提、除蛋白、透析等步骤后得到基本无蛋白的LP多糖抗原,经紫外分光光度仪全波长扫描及Western blotting验证其抗原良好。2、兔抗LP1抗体和兔抗LP5抗体的制备与鉴定分别用LP1、LP5型多糖抗原免疫家兔,采用琼脂糖双向扩散试验检测,两种抗体血清效价均为1:32;饱和硫酸铵法提取抗体,SDS-PAGE检定其抗体纯度均达到80%以上。3、胶体金免疫层析检测试剂的初步研制采用柠檬酸三钠还原法制备约25nm大小的胶体金颗粒;分别制备兔抗LP1抗体、兔抗LP5抗体的金标探针,两种抗体的最适标记量均为30μg/ml;选择适当孔径的微孔滤膜为载体包被两种抗体,NC膜包被浓度均为5mg/ml。
Abstract] objective to study the pathological features and histopathological type and differential diagnosis of hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia.methods the clinicopathological characteristics of 40 cases of fnh were studied.all were evaluted by use of paraffin embedded sections and he staining before light microcope observation.results there were 28 females and 12 males fnh patients whose age were from 16 to 62 years(median 41.3),all alpha-fetoprotein was negative and had no hepatitis history.25 cases were classic type showed characteristic central stellate fibrotic scar,composed of fibrous connestive tissue and tortuous blood vessels.8 cases were telangiectic type,the left were mixed type and adenomatoid type.conclusion fnh is a reactive proliferation of hepatic cells to local blood vessel anomalies,it is not realy a tumor.its differential diagnosis includes hepatic adenomatous hyperplasia nodule,hepatic anaplasia nodular hyperplasia,fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatocellular adenoma.
目的 探讨肝局灶性结节性增生的病理形态特点、组织分型及鉴别诊断。方法分析40例肝局灶性结节性增生的临床资料,并采用石蜡包埋he染色光镜下观察其组织学特点。结果 40例肝局灶性结节性增生患者中,女28例,男12例,年龄18~62岁,平均年龄41.3岁,所有病例术前均无肝炎病史,甲胎蛋白阴性,组织学上25例为经典型,有特征性的中央纤维瘢痕,由纤维结缔组织及扭曲血管组成。8例为毛细血管扩张型,其余为混合型及腺瘤样增生型。结论肝结节性增生是一种肝细胞对局部血管的异常反应性增生,并非真性肿瘤,主要与肝腺瘤样增生性结节、肝间变性结节状增生、肝纤维板层癌及肝细胞腺瘤鉴别。
Results In the 121 patients, 47 patients(39%) were accommodative failure, 66 patients(55%) were lag of accommodation checking with FCC, 53 patients (43.8%) were uncorrected presbyopia, 65 patients (53.7%) were break up time of tear film<10s, 87 patients (71.8%) couldn't been corrected the refraction errors or the correction of refractive errors was unsatisfied, 24 patients(19.8%) were esophoria, 17 patients (14%) were exophoria, 8 patients (7%) were anisometropia.
结果 121例患者中,调节灵活性明显降低者47例,占39%;FCC检查调节滞后者66例,占55%;未矫正老视者53例,占43.8%;泪膜破裂时间<10s者65例,占53.7%;屈光矫正不足或未予矫正者87例,占71.8%;内隐斜者24例,占19.8%;外隐斜者17例,占14%;屈光参差者8例,占7%。
The results of three cladistic methods showed: the consanguinities of different genera in a same tribe were closer, such as Chalcis and Conura, Trigonurella, Megalocolus and Trigonura; the consanguinities of genera between different tribes were farther, such as Chalcis and Brachymeria, Dirhinus and Hallichella; Chalcis, Conura, Brachymeria and Epitranus were the most primitive relatively, Tainaniella and Oxycoryphe were the most evolutional, the consanguinities were the farthest between the former and the latter; the genera with the closest consanguinities were: Tainaniella and Oxycoryphe, Proconura and Nipponochalcidia, Chalcis and Conura, Megalocolus and Trigonura, they were regarded as 4 pairs of sister groups.
The phytoplasmas diseases were investigated in 30 counties and cities of 10 areas in Yunnan Province. There are 12 phytoplasma diseases, including paulownia witches-broom,chinaberry witches-broom, cactus witches-broom, christmas cactus witches-broom, orange little leaf, petunia flat stem and so on were indentified using PCR with universal primers, which amplified phytoplasma 16SrRNA gene and/or ribosomal protein genes. So the kind of phytoplasma diseases in Yunnnan Province were understood. Identified the characteristic of 16SrRNA and rp gene of phytoplasma and the kind, classification and genitic relativity of these strains using RFLP, clonging and sequence analysis (nearly 20 full-length sequences of phytoplasma 16SrRNA and/or rp gene were submitted in GenBank ); The phytoplasma strains isolated from herbage plants were conserved in storeroom. 9 articles were published in the key journals of China and 1 technique invention patent was applied. The net-page about phytoplasma disease was established. 4 graduate student were bringed up.
对云南省10个地区的30余个县市地区进行了植原体病害的调查采集工作;采用植原体16SrRNA基因通用引物(R16mF2/R16mR1及R16F2/R16R2)和/或植原体核糖体蛋白基因引物(rpF1/R1)对所采集到的病害标样总DNA进行PCR扩增,根据植原体特异扩增条带的出现,共鉴定出泡桐丛枝、苦楝丛枝、仙人掌丛枝、蟹爪兰丛枝、柑桔小叶、矮牵牛扁茎等12种植原体病害,初步明确了云南省植原体病害的种类;通过RFLP技术、克隆及测序技术获得其16SrRNA及部分核糖体蛋白基因的近全长序列(已在GenBank中共登录近20余个相关序列),通过序列比较分析,明确了上述植原体株系中这两个基因的特征并确定了云南省植原体株系的种类、分类地位及遗传相关性;对一些发生在草本植物上的植原体进行了株系保存;在国内核心期刊及一般期刊发表研究论文 9 篇,申请技术发明专利1项;初步建立了有关植原体病害的网页;培养研究生4名。
Methods: 1. Experimental laparoscopic liver resection: We selected pigs as experimental models aiming to approach human beings physiological and anatomical condition. After CO2 pneumoperitoneum was established, the ligaments around liver were dissociated. Livers were cut off by the methods such as clamp dissection, microwave tissue coagulator, ultrasound dissector, Ligsure dissection, hand-assisted, short abdominal incision laparoscopy-assisted, and Endo-GIA switcher. The operation time and bleeding volume were compared between different methods of laparoscopic liver resection. The advantages and limitations of different methods were summarized. 2. Clinical laparoscopic liver resection: 15 cases with tumors in segment V of anterior right lobe or segments II, III of left lateral lobe or segment IV of left internal lobe were selected in this study. The liver diseases included hepatocellular cancer, hepatic cavernous hemangioma and hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia. The ligaments around liver were dissociated after CO2 pneumoperitoneum established. Laparoscopic liver resection were carried out by some of the methods combined such as clamp dissection, microwave tissue coagulator, hand-assisted, short abdominal incision laparoscopy-assisted, ultrasound dissector, rotation and suction dissector.
In this research, swainsonine contents of three Oxytropis species were determined by the high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The population genetic diversity was also studied and the swainsonine related molecular markers were screened by ISSR. In vitro fungi cultures from the individual plant of O. glabra were performed and microbiological morphology of the colony and the conidiophore were investigated. The 5.8S rDNA/ITS sequences of fungi amplified from total DNA in both plants and fungal endophytes were studied. These sequences were analysed and compared, and they were also compared to the 5.8S rDNA/ITS sequence of fungal enduphyte Embellisia sp. L12 from the O.lambertii, O.sericea and A.mollisimus distributed in USA.
本研究采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法测定了三种棘豆植物的苦马豆素含量;通过ISSR分子标记技术对三种棘豆种群遗传多样性及其苦马豆素相关标记进行了研究;将小花棘豆植物单株进行体外真菌培养,研究了菌落和分生孢子的微生物形态学特性,从植物总DNA和相同植株培养的真菌总DNA扩增真菌的5.8SrDNA/ITS区,进行了DNA序列分析与排序;联系单株小花棘豆的苦马豆素含量测定和内生真菌ITS序列分析结果,与从美国分布的二种棘豆(O.lambertii、O.sericea)和一种黄芪(A.mollisimus)中分离的内生真菌埃里砖格孢属Embellisia sp.L12株得到的结果进行了比较。
The experiment results were as following:All cytoplast recipients derived from oocytes of rabbit, bovine and goat can support early development of cloned embryo, the fusion rate of reconstructed embryos of goat-bovine and goat-rabbit were 59.91% and 74.10%, their cleaved rate were 57.48% and 72.57%, blastocyst rate were 9.59% and18.06% respectively, and the fusion of reconstructed embryos of goat-rabbit and goat-goat were 60.01% and 74.10%, their cleaved rate were 56.68% and 72.57%, blastocyst rate were 11.76% and18.06% respectively.
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