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Conventional MR showed supraspinatus abnormalities were two cases,MR arthrography showed supraspinatus abnormalities were four cases.Conventional MR showed Labral abnormalities were three cases,MR arthrography showed Labral abnormalities were six cases.Conventional MR showed capsule abnormalities were 0 cases,MR arthrography showed capsule abnormalities were four cases.Conventional MR showed bone abnormalities were eight cases,MRarthrographyshowedboneabnormalities were eight cases.
Furthermore, out of 497 fAFLP markers, 80 special bands were found to be able to distinguish the four groups from each other and may be applied for germplasm characterization and molecular assistant classification of Meretrix clam.4 Molecular classification of two species of Meretrix clam based on fAFLP and ITS sequences4.1 The results of fAFLP maker analysis of S, G and W showed that each group had their own specific loci among which there were 53 special loci in W group, much more than those of S group (14) and G group (21). Among the 53 loci, nine were all dominant loci. These unique loci could be taken as molecular markers to distinguish W from other groups. The genetic similarity indexes and distance matrix between S and G groups were 0.9585 and 0.0424 respectively, but the genetic similarity indexes and distance matrix between W group and S or G group was 0.7939 or 0.7941, and 0.2308 or 0.2305 respectively. The results revealed that significant difference existed between W and S or G groups in molecular genetic structure. The phylogenetic trees by the methods of UPGMA and NJ also indicated that S and G populations were very closely related, while W population was a relatively independent cluster, lying beyond the species which S and G belong to.4.2 The internal transcribed spacer region of the rDNA from S group, G group and W group were PCR amplified and sequenced. The results showed that the size of ITS ranged between 1266-1269bp in W group, while those in G and S groups were 1614bp and 1520bp respectively. The GC content ranged 62.32-62.62% in W group while it was 61.77% in G group. The genetic distances between three populations of W group were 0.001~0.003, but it was 0.110 or 0.147 respectively between W group and G group or S group. Phylogenetic trees by NJ method also showed that G group was very closely related to S group, while W group was a relatively independent cluster.
在457个总扩增位点中找出了53个W的特有位点,远多于S群体(14)和G(21)群体,而且在53个特有位点中有9个出现频率为100%的位点,这些位点可以作为区分其它2个群体的特征性标记;S– G群体特有的位点有112个,其中有4个位点出现频率为100%,可作为S– G群体区别于W群体的特征性标记。S群体和G群体间的遗传相似性系数为0.9585,遗传距离只有0.0424,在NJ和UPGMA法构建的亲缘关系的树状图上均首先聚在一起,说明二者的亲缘关系很近,应属于种内群体间的关系;而W与S和G的遗传相似性系数均较小(0.7939和0.7941),相对遗传距离很大而且十分相近(0.2308和0.2305),在亲缘关系树状图上单独分出一支,也表明W与S和G群体间的亲缘关系较远。4.2 ITS序列比较分析通过对白壳文蛤、山东文蛤和广西文蛤的ITS序列扩增电泳、PCR-RFLP分析和ITS序列分析发现,W的ITS序列长度在1266-1269 bp,而S和与G的ITS序列总长度分别为1520 bp和1614 bp;从ITS1和ITS2长度来看,W分别为739-741 bp和316-317 bp,S为895 bp和414 bp,G为987 bp和416 bp;而从ITS碱基组成来看,W的GC含量在62.32-62.62%之间,而G群体为61.77%。W的3个壳色不同群体间的遗传距离仅0.001、0.002和0.003,S与G群体间的遗传距离是0.010,说明W群体内变异很小,而S与G群体间已出现明显的遗传分化,但还均属于种内群体间的遗传变异;而W与G和S的遗传距离分别达到0.110、0.147,两个类群差异显著,已远超出种内群体间的遗传变异。
Results totally 287 strains were isolated from the 256 positive samples , and the gram-negative bacilli were 225(78.4%,), the gram-positive coccus were 41(14.3%), snd the monilia were 21(7.3%).the distributions of clinical bacteria were respiratory tract(63.4%),urinaryract(7.0%),secretion(includingwound .3%),blood(5.9%),stool(5.2%), pucture fluid(4.9%), and other sites(7.3%). of all isolating bacterium,from the first to the fifth were ps.aeruginosa(19.5%),k.pneumoniae(16.7%), e.coli(14.3%), a.baumannii(11.8%) and psemal (10.1%).resistant rates of methecillin-resistant s.aureus,methecillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci and vancomycin-resistantwere 88.2%、70.0% and 11.1% respectively;the incidence of e.coli and k.penumoniae produce extended speutrum beta-lactamase were 68.6%和65.2%, 44.6% of ps.aeruginosa isolates were resistant to imipenem; the highest examining rate of 21 kinds of monilia was candida albicans (66.7%),resistant rate of candida albicans to fluconazole and amphotricin b was 51.3% and 1.3%.
结果 在254份检出细菌阳性标本中共培养出287株细菌,其中革兰阴性杆菌225株(78.4%),革兰阳性球菌41株(14.3%),念珠菌21株(7.3%),检出菌来自呼吸道标本占63.4%,其他标本各占5%左右;细菌检出占构成比前三位的依次为铜绿假单胞菌19.5%、肺炎克雷伯菌16.7%、大肠埃希菌14.3%;耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌、耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌和耐万古霉素的肠球菌的发生率分别为88.2%、70.0%和11.1%;大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌的超广谱β-内酰胺酶的检出率分别为68.6%和65.2%,铜绿假单胞菌对亚胺培南的耐药率为40.2%;白色念珠菌对氟康唑的耐药率为81.3%,对两性霉素的耐药率为3.2%。
Results: Cultures for Mycobacterium were positive in a total of 2657 people, among them 1848 strains (69.55%) were Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and 809 strains (30.45%) were Nontuberculous Mycobacterium. Among the 1848 strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 337 strains (18.24%) were drug resistant, and 75 strains (4.06%) of them were resistant to both Isoniazid and Rifampin which made them multi-drug resistant. Among the 548 strains of Nontuberculous Mycobacterium, 453 strains (82.66%) were drug resistant. There were a total of 261 rapidly growing mycobacteria, and 242 (92.72%) of them were drug resistant.
The general situations of the eye were observed and the corneal thickness were measured with ultrasonic corneal pachymeter after the animal models was established. After a week, the corneas were removed after the experimental animals are put to death. The corneal endothelial cell density of 12 half-chip were counted through Alizarin Red-Trypan blue staining; 12 half-clip corneas were fixed with 4% neutral formalin solution , HE staining was performed, the expression of AQP-1 in corneal stroma and corneal endothelial cell were detected through immunohistochemical staining; Na~+-K~+-ATPase activities in 12 half-clip corneas were examined with Na~+-K~+-ATPase kit; the expression of AQP-1 mRNA were detected through real-time fluorescent quantitation PCR.
After the cell growth curves was recorded, RPE cells of the 3-5th passages were utilized. 2、Three different siRNA (siRNAl,siRNA2,siRNA3) targeting against human cx43 gene and one negative control siRNA were designed and transfected into cultured human RPE cells via liposome reagent. The most effective siRNA can be determined by semi-quantitative reverse transcription PCRRT-PCR. 3、To the most effective siRNA, after transfected into human RPEs with different concentration, the cellular proliferate activities were messured by MTT colorimetry ; the percentages of RPE in different cell circle phase was assayed by FCM; the changes of phenotypical properities were observed with SCM; the protein expression of cx43 was studied through immunocytochemistry stain and Weston blot; the communication intercellular was calculated with FRAP; and the ability of recovery was assessed by using an in vitro wound healing model.4、The total proteins of siRNA1 and RPE were seperated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and visualized by silver staining. Proteins with significant expression alterations were selected and their peptide mass fingerprints (PMFs were obtained by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flying mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS).The PMFs were used to search NCBInr database by Auto MS-Fit software.
实验方法:1、培养原代的人RPE细胞,经过细胞角蛋白、S-100和神经胶质原纤维酸性蛋白免疫细胞化学鉴定后,通过AO/PI染色技术确定培养细胞的存活率,描记其生长曲线,第3-5代用于以下细胞实验2、生物合成针对人cx43基因的三条小干扰RNA和一条阴性RNA通过脂质体转染RPE细胞后,通过RT-PCR的方法确定抑制效率最高的干扰片断3、将该片段以不同浓度通过阳离子脂质体转染培养的人RPE细胞后,采用MTT法观察其对细胞的增殖力的作用;通过流式细胞仪观察其对细胞周期的影响;通过扫描电镜观察其对细胞形态的影响;通过免疫细胞化学和Weston blot观察其对cx43蛋白表达的作用;采用激光共聚焦和荧光淬灭恢复技术观察荧光恢复速率平均百分率,评价其对细胞间通讯功能的影响;通过制作RPE细胞损伤模型,观察其对损伤修复能力的作用4、分离纯化转染siRNA的RPE组和正常对照组RPE细胞的全部蛋白质,应用等电聚焦电泳和SDS-PAGE双向电泳技术,银染显示分离出的蛋白质斑点,经凝胶图像分析软件对两个样本进行胶图分析,寻找差异蛋白点。
Special staining methods, such as Masson and the Van Gieson staining were used to study the distribution of collogen fibers and elastic fibers. ResultsBy HE staining, the subepithelial connective tissues and vessels in the pterygium were more prominent than normal conjunctival tissues. An amorphous subepithelial superficial hyalinized zone and coarse eosinophilic granular materials were observed in the pterygia, but they were not found in normal conjunctival specimens. Coarse fibers were visible only in the deeper subepithelial connective tissues of pterygial samples. With Masson′s staining, the dense staining of collagen fibers was also more prominent in the pterygium than in the subepithelial connective tissues of normal conjunctiva. Abnormal collagen fibers were visible in the deeper sub-epithelial connective tissues of pterygial samples. With Van Gieson staining, abnormal collagen fibers were visible in the deeper subepithelial connective tissues. Dark coarse elastic fibers were found in the abnormal fibers only in the subepithelial deep connective tissues of pinguecula in the pterygia but not in the conjunctiva. With immunohistochemistry staining, MMP-3 was strong in the pterygial epithelium, moderate in fibroblast and absent from pterygial vascular walls. LN was strongly expressed in the blood vessel wall, moderately in the epithelial basement membrane and absent from the entire stroma.
结果HE染色:翼状胬肉组织上皮下基质中存在结缔组织的增生和血管形成;基质浅层存在一无定形物质透明区及粗糙的颗粒样嗜酸性物质,在翼状胬肉体部深层基质中存在粗糙的纤维组织;正常球结膜组织细胞排列整齐;基质为疏松结缔组织,胶原纤维平行排列,其间可见成纤维细胞,散在少量中性粒细胞、毛细血管;Masson染色:翼状胬肉浅层基质中存在致密的胶原纤维染色,深层基质中的胶原纤维存在变性样改变;VG染色:翼状胬肉组织深层基质中存在大量变性的胶原纤维,其间夹杂黑色的弹性纤维;免疫组化染色法:MMP-3在翼状胬肉上皮细胞中呈强表达,成纤维细胞中呈中等强度表达,血管内皮细胞中未见表达;LN在血管壁中呈强表达,在上皮细胞基底膜中呈中等强度表达,在整个基质中未见明显表达;col Ⅲ在整个翼状胬肉基质中呈强表达。
Result:Of four patients with CSF leakage treated by endonasal endoscopic repair,three were cured and one were improvement;Ten of twele cases treated by Supratentorial caniotomy repair were cured,the left were improvement;The left fifteen patients were conservatively treated,two were cured,eleven were improvement,two were unrecovered.
There were no significant facilitating effects to the retention of signaled information in the overuse of text signals condition, but there were in the selective use of text signals condition. Experiment 3, in which 2 small experiments contained, studied the effects of reader-based factors. Experiment 3a examined the effects of the familarity to the text topics and the readers' reading levels. Experiment 3b explored the effects of cognitive style and the intention to use the text signals. The results were as the follows: There were no significant difference between the signaled and unsignaled conditions in the circumstance of high familarity to the text topics, but there were significant differences between them in the circumstances of lower familarity to the text topics. There were no significant differences between the signaled and unsignaled conditions for the field-independent participants, but there were for the field-dependent participants. All the participants with different reading levels were helped by the text signals.
实验3 对不同主体因素条件下文章标记效应进行了研究,分2个分实验,实验3a以高中二年级学生为被试,研究了文章主题熟悉程度与阅读水平对文章标记效应的影响,实验3b以初中二年级学生为被试,探索了读者不同的认知方式与标记利用的意向对文章标记效应的影响,实验3结果发现,读者的阅读水平、对文章主题的熟悉程度、认知方式和利用标记意向等因素影响着文章标记效应,在文章主题熟悉的条件下,有无文章标记无显著差异,但在主题不熟悉条件下,有文章标记的效果显著优于无标记的效果;对场独立被试而言,有无标记无显著差异,但对场依存被试来说,有标记条件显著优于无标记条件;文章标记对不同阅读水平被试都有显著促进效应;文章标记利用意向对场独立与场依存被试都有显著促进效应。
The thymuses, spleens, sera and anticoagulant blood were collected after the rats were killed, to carry out these works:(1) Zinc concentrations were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry;(2) Body weight and the weight of thymuses and spleens were measured, the organ index were calculated;(3) Changes in pathology of thymus and spleen were observed;(4) Using TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling) method, the apoptosis of thmocytes and spleen lymphocytes was checked;(5) The expression of bcl-2、bax mRNA in thymus and spleen were detected by RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction);(6) The expression of p56〓, a signal transduction protein in thymus and spleen were detected by immunohistochemistry;(7) Two-color cytofluorometric analysis was used to assess the expression of CD4, CD8, CD45RA and CD45RC in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
动物处死后留组织、抗凝血及血清,进行以下检测:(1)原子吸收法测血清锌浓度;(2)测胸腺、脾脏脏器重量并与大鼠体重比较,计算脏器指数;(3)HE染色对胸腺、脾脏进行病理观察;(4)原位末端标记法测胸腺、脾脏中淋巴细胞的自发凋亡,并通过图像分析进行比较;(5)逆转录聚合酶链式反应检测凋亡调控基因bcl-2、bax mRNA在免疫器官中的表达;(6)免疫组化方法检测信号转导蛋白p56〓在免疫器官中的表达;(7)流式细胞术分析外周血淋巴细胞中CD4+、CD8+、CD45RA+及CD45RC+CD4+、CD45RC-CD4+细胞的数量和比例。
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