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Methods Monoclonal antibody against the glycophorin A was used to identify nucleated erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of pregnant women.Candidates fetal cells from 3 pregnancies at 16 to 24 weeks of gestation were isolated successfully.Sorted cells were also confirmed using Y-special probe (PY3.4) repeated sequences in maternal blood from women carrying male fetuses were detected by polymerase chain reaction.Results The PY3.4 position hybridization rates were 31.5%,0 and 38% respectively in sorted GPA positive cells of 3 samples by FISH,and the results of GPA+ cells of the 3 cases by PCR were positive,negative and positive respectively,which were manifested by the gender after aborticide.

选用红细胞特异单克隆抗体Glycophorin A结合流式细胞术成功地从3例妊娠16~24周的孕妇血中分离出NRBCs,并用Y-染色体特异重复序列DNA探针(PY3.4)荧光原位杂交及聚合酶链反应技术检测Y-染色体特异序列结果 FISH结果,3例分选出的GPA阳性细胞中PY3.4杂交阳性率分别是31.4%、0、38%;其PCR结果,分别为阳性、阴性、阳性,并在引产后得到性别证实。

Methods Monoclonal antibody against the glycophorin A was used to identify nucleated erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of pregnant women.Candidates fetal cells from 3 pregnancies at 16 to 24 weeks of gestation were isolated successfully.Sorted cells were also confirmed using Y-special probe (PY3.4) repeated sequences in maternal blood from women carrying male fetuses were detected by polymerase chain reaction.Results The PY3.4 position hybridization rates were 31.5%0 and 38% respectively in sorted GPA positive cells of 3 samples by FISHand the results of GPA+ cells of the 3 cases by PCR were positivenegative and positive respectivelywhich were manifested by the gender after aborticide.

选用红细胞特异单克隆抗体Glycophorin A结合流式细胞术成功地从3例妊娠16~24周的孕妇血中分离出NRBCs,并用Y-染色体特异重复序列DNA探针(PY3.4)荧光原位杂交及聚合酶链反应技术检测Y-染色体特异序列结果 FISH结果,3例分选出的GPA阳性细胞中PY3.4杂交阳性率分别是31.4%、0、38%;其PCR结果,分别为阳性、阴性、阳性,并在引产后得到性别证明。

This was the first banquet, it is said, at which couches were placed for twelve, although there is a very well-known saying about the proper number of those present at a banquet that "seven make a dinner, nine make a din".37 Furthermore, the comely lads who did the serving were given as presents, one to each guest; carvers and platters, too, were presented to each, and also live animals either tame or wild, winged or quadruped, of whatever kind were the meats that were served, and even goblets of murra38 or of Alexandrine crystal were presented to each man for each drink, as often as they drank.


Major conclutions from this study can be summarized as following:1. On mineralogy, rutiles, apatites, epidotes and vein minerals from UHPM rocks were firstly and systematically studied, by detailed petrography and mineral-chemistry investigation, some mineral or mineral assemblage with special composions or texture were firstly found in UHPM rocks from Sulu-Dabie, for example, corrudum, magnesite, high-Ti biotite and garnet were found as inclusions in rutiles from eclogites, Nb-Fe rutile and zoned Si-Y apatite were found in gneiss, epidote / allanite with euhedral zones like magmatic genesis were found in elogites and gneiss, a lot of minerals with high REE, HFSE, LILE and volatiles were found in veins of gneiss.


The levels of schistosome circulating cathodic antigen in serum and urine were detected parallelly by McAb-Dot-ELISA. In 81 acute cases, the positive rates in serum and urine were 96.30% and 66.67%(P<0.01) but the combined positive (positive in serum and/or in urine) rate reached 100%, while in 109 chronic cases, they were 77.06% and 10.09%(P<0.01) but the combined positive rate was not increased. In 100 healthy individuals from non-endemic areas, no positives were detected in serum and urine with false positive rate of 0%. The cross reaction rates in serum and urine of 51 cases with clonorchiasis were 9.43% and 0% but all were 0% in 48 cases with ancylostomiasis.

提要 应用McAb-Dot-ELISA平行检测血吸虫病人的血清和尿样(浓缩20倍)中日本血吸虫肠相关趋阴极循环抗原。81例急性血吸虫病患者的血清和尿样的阳性率分别为96.30%和66.67%,而血清和尿样组合检测的阳性检出率提高至100%。109例慢性血吸虫病患者的血清和尿样的阳性检出率分别为77.06%和10.09%,组合检测的阳性检出率没有提高。100份健康人的血清和尿样的假阳性率均为0%。54例华支睾吸虫病患者的血清和尿样的交叉反应率分别为9.43%和0%。48例钩虫病患者的血清和尿样的交叉反应率均为0%。

Results 3 cases of lesions were in the gap of"V"shape between iliac muscle and musculus psoas major on the coronal sections in the lower right abdomen closely adjacent to the cecum,which were narrowed. The lesions showed long even T1 and T2 signals similar to mucous wall particularly in T2WI image. The walls of cyst were thin and even. The cysts were round or oval in shape on transections.The cyst were cucurbits in shape in 2 cases and long cannular in a case on coronal sections and arrowy sections and borderlines of the cysts were clear. The terminal of the cysts showed taper in 2 cases. In addition, cecum polypus was found at the placket of the appendix in a case which was not shown on MRI image.

结果 3例病变均位于右下腹,冠状面位于髂肌和腰大肌形成的"V"形间隙内,与盲肠关系密切,盲肠呈外压改变;呈均匀长T1、长 T2信号;壁薄且均匀,信号与肠管壁相似,于T2WI显示较明显;于横断面分别呈圆形、类圆形及椭圆形,冠状面及矢状面2例显示呈"葫芦"状、1例呈长管状,3例末端均呈"桃尖"样变;边界均清楚。1例于阑尾开口部发生盲肠息肉,MRI未能显示。

Results Women were more often affected than men(1.83:1) and 53 patients were older than 40 years. The involved parts were as follows: eyelid 58 cases (89.2%), mouth and mandibula 46 cases(70.8%),neck 17 cases(26.2%). The symptom at onset were blepharospasm 42 cases(64.6%) or oromandibular dystonia 17 cases(26.2%).In part of the patients, cranial MRI examination could find focus in brainstem or basal ganglia. Among 37 patients treated with oral drugs, 4 cases were almost cured, 16 cases improved and 17 cases showed no effect. While in 15 patients treated through chiostridium botulinum toxin injection, 5 were almost cured, 9 improved and 1 had no effect.

结果 男女患病比率 1:1.83,40岁以上发病53例,受累部位依次为眼睑58例(89.2%)、口-下颌46例(70.8%)、颈部17例(26.2%);首发症状以眼部不适、眼睑痉挛最(42例,占64.6%),口-下颌肌张力障碍次之(17例,占26.2%);14例行头MRI检查者8例发现脑干或基底节区病灶;口服药物治疗37例,显效4例,有效16例,无效17例;15例行肉毒毒素局部注射者显效5例,有效9例,无效1例。

Blood were obtained for blood RT and plasma endotoxin concentration check. 6 All data underwent ANOVA analysis. Results: After 3hrs of LPS injection, 1 in hypermetabolic sepsis group, the average HR went to 334/min, the average body temperature went to 41.0℃, while in control group they were 274.9/min and 38.2℃ respectively. p=0.000, presented significant statistical differences. The average BP and breath rate in HS group were 97.1mmHg and 94.3/min , while they were 95.9mmHg and 76.4/min in control group, respectively presenting no statistical differences. 2 In HS group plasma endotoxin concentration was 0.088EU/ml while it was 0.013 EU/ml in control group presenting statistical significance, p=0.002. 3 Blood white cell ratio and total white cell counting were 82.73% and 1.90×109 in HS group, while they were 64.39% and 7.58×109 in control group presenting very significant statistical differences(p=0.001). There was no statistical significances in RBC counting and hemocrit between two groups.

结果:LPS持续灌注3h后,结果如下:1)高代谢脓毒症组的心率升高至334.0次/min、体温升高至41.0℃,而对照组则分别为274.9次/min和38.2℃,两组间有显著的统计学差异,p=0.000;血压在高代谢脓毒症组是97.1mmHg,而对照组为95.9mmHg,两组间无统计学差异;脓毒症组的呼吸加快至94.3次/min,对照组则提高至76.4次/min,两组间无统计学差异(p=0.212);2)其血浆内毒素含量为0.088EU/ml,而对照组为0.013 EU/ml,两组间有显著的统计学差异,p=0.002;3)血中性粒白细胞比值升高至82.73%,对照组则为64.39%,两组间有显著的统计学差异(P=0.001);白细胞总数则明显下降至1.90×109/ml,而对照组则为7.58×109/ml,p=0.001,两组间有显著的统计学差异;两组间的红细胞数及血细胞比容均无统计学差异。

Results Among 70 strains of Staphylococcus spp., 56 strains were positive Staphylococcus coagulase gene with PCR; the same 56 strains were also positive with latex agglutination test; 54 of which were positive with tube test method, 2 strains were false negative; strong positive were detected with slide method, all these 56 strains were identified as Staphylococcus aureus by VITEK-Ⅱ automatic analyzer.

结果 70株葡萄球菌属细菌中,PCR法检测葡萄球菌凝固酶基因56株为阳性;Slidex Staph Plus与PCR法相对应的56株为阳性;试管法检测与前2种方法相对应的54株为阳性,2株为假阴性;玻片法为强阳性;VITEK-Ⅱ全自动分析仪鉴定56株为金黄色葡萄球菌

Linear solvation energy relation was firstly introduced in the paper, and the method and step of gaining the special parameters of solvent and solute were introduced in detail, and these special parameters were used to selection and optimization of extractive agent in extractive distillation. The model of predicting activity coefficient at infinite dilution was established by linear solvation energy relation. By the above theory, several candidate solvents were selected to separate C5 fraction, and by experiment of vapor-liquid phase equilibrium at atmosphere pressure, the mixture of N-methyl-pyrrolidone including 4% water was used extractive agent of separating C5 fraction. Then binary vapor-liquid phase equilibrium of the some compound in C5 fraction and N-methyl-pyrolidone were determined at atmosphere pressure and correlated by NRTL equation. Isoprene being objective compound, experiments were operated in the laboratory-scale column; the processes were simulated by RadFrac model in ASPEN PLUS. And by the combination of experiment and simulation, the new process of separation of C5 was established.


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What they did maintain was his revivalistic fervor, his concern for awakening, and his high moral seriousness.


Recently he joined Alcoholics Anonymous and took various promises, including always to be truthful.


Jakes's frankly Christian Woman Thou Art Loosed: Healing the Wounds of the Past.
